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Everything posted by AchromicWhite
Yeah, it's all installed. And yes, I have the 3.03 patch.
That's very cool. I'm assuming the found the code for the airstrike (parabomb) and attached it to the Adv.Comm. I'd love to see the Ion in RA xD. But the mod I was making was based on the cold war. Hopefully I'll finish it one day. I'm having trouble running your mod though. When I try to run it through your RA-1 to CnC95 I get a no CD error. I'm running through TFD DVD, it's had problems running CnC95 through the .exe before. I seem to have to run the game through the DVD auto start menu. Obviously this means I cannot access your .exe file though...
Oh, that's fantastic. I was making a mod (or trying to) for RA, that was my idea, but I couldn't find a program to happily let me copy and paste. If I continue that mod I might ask if I could use that MRLS. It looks great btw, downloading now.
Hey, I didn't know that the MRLS and the SSM launcher worked properly in RA1, I thought that the turret got placed in the middle of the unit (like a tank), I didn't know there was a way to make the turret sit on the back. How did you do that?
Tiberian Dawn - Desert Run (Singleplayer)
AchromicWhite replied to Lin Kuei Ominae's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Hmm, I've been playing this map, I was having trouble finding the tiberium, but I supose that's solved by using the South East Refinery outpost. But more importanly, it's been crashing my game, a certain amount of time in, CnC just crashs, seems to only be this map. You might want to have a play of the map yourself and see if you can find what's doing it. You're right, it's a very hard map! I've been building defences on my side of the bridge, but perhaps I just should leave the walls that are on the bridge. (but there are just so many GDI vehicles that you need to kill!) -Liam -
Part 7: Which units? Which deffences? The Brotherhood of Nod. --Infantry-- All infantry are resilliant to anti armour rounds, but very vulnerable to high explosive (HE) weapons. So when facing masses of anti armour weapons, it can be a good idea to mix some of these troops in. Try not to keep your men in tight formation as it really only makes them easier to be killed by splash dammage or being crushed by tanks. If confonted by flames or HE weapons, it's almost certainly best to run away, if you choose not to, then accept the casualties that are to follow. It should also be noted that all infantry (except Chemical Warriors) will take damage as they pass through tiberium, or if they strand under a blossom tree while it's sporing. However, standing still in tiberium seems to be just fine, so if you can get in alright and want to keep your troops in there to attack the enemy harvester, this is ok. -Name: Minigunner -Price: 100 -Weapon: Assault Rifle -Requires: Hand of Nod This small arms troop makes a great early scout, but he has some other uses later in the game also. Building a group of these will allow you to block areas off from light vehicles. It's important to spread them out a bit, don't place them all 5 to a square as it just makes them easier pickings for high explosive, flame shots or being run over. Their guns work just fine against other infantry, light vehicles and lightly armoured structures, but aginst armoured vehicles (tanks) and heavily armoured structures, you might find them taking alot of time to destroy their target. However, this cheep unit should not be underestimated. And even just spreading some around your base can be very anoying for your opponent. -Name: Flamethrower -Price: 200 -Weapon: Flamer -Requires: Hand of Nod This hearty troop is a great early build to help deffend your base from those pesky infantry scouts. This troop tears through squads of simple infantry types. Their advantage is also their disadvantage, as in large numbers themselves, will actually hit each other if one stands in front of the other, further more, when a Flamethrower dies, he's burst into flames damaging those around him. It's not uncommon to see large squads go up in flames becase only a few were killed. Not to worry, as it takes only a mximum of 2 shots to kill most other infantry, the best way to take on large squads of enemy troops with them is to send them in 2 at a time, stopping them from hitting each, and from taking mass damage due to their own casulties, while still causing mass damage to enemy troops. They can also take on lighter enemy buildings, if you do decide to do this, just note that in larger packs, you will almost certianly lose some. These troops are also trigger happy, and will attack trees placed next to them. -Name: Rocket Soldeir -Price: 300 -Weapon: Rocket launcher -Requires: Hand of Nod This is an anti armour troop, his rocket will punch through armour, but having very low armour himself leaves him vulnerable to almost every attack, even anti armour rounds that are not overly effective against them will still often kill them. They are quite a pricey unit, so spread them out or even mix them in with other infantry to help keep them alive, just note that they are slower than otehr infantry and so will start to get left behind over longer walking distances. Their rockets also can shoot into the air, so you can use them as quick to build, mobile sam sites. -Name: Engineer -Price: 500 -Weapon: N/A -Requires: Hand of Nod This speacialist unit has the unique ablility to capture enemy buildings by walking into them. The engineer is then lost but the structure is now yours to command. They have reasonalby low health, and no weapon, so they will need to be protected as they approach an enemy base. The best ways to do this are by placing them in an APC or a Chinook Transport Helicopter. If you do manage to capture an enemy building, you can consider selling it for instant destruction of the building (stopping it from being recaptured) and an instant pay out, or if you captured a factory, you could produce new units/buildings from it. Alternately you can use it as a seed start building deffence sturctures or your own factories within the base, a quick Hand of Nod and some turrets can cause devistation in the middle of an enemy base and could even win you the game. Unlike the rocket soldeir, I wouldn't recomend trying to hide them amoungst other soldiers as they stand out like a lose thumb. -Name: Chemical Warrior -Price: 300 -Weapon: Tiberium gas spaygun -Requires: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod This very hearty warrior acts as an anti armour version of the Flamethrower infantry, dealing extra damage, but still suffing from the inconviniences of hitting each other with their gas attacks and exploding when killed. "Chem spray is an anti-armor weapon, meaning their explosion does a lot less to the surrounding soldiers, they don't kill eachother quite as easily as flamethrowers, and an APC full of them can take out any building it gets close to in 2 or 3 attacks." -Nyerguds. They are also the only infantry to be able to pass over tiberium unharmed, be careful though, as blossom trees will still deal damage to them. The biggest downside to this troop is that it requires the Temple of Nod to build, and, usually by that time in the game, your opposition will have plenty of anti infantry weapons available to them to take care of your Chemical Warriors. -Name: Commando -Price: 1000 -Weapon: Sniper Rifle/C4 explosives -Requires: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod The most hearty and the most powerful infanty in the game, with a pricetag to match. The Commando is equipped with the Sniper Rifle, allowing him to take out any infantry in one shot at a long range! He can take on entire armies of infantry single handed, but it doesn't stop there. If he enters a building, in the same way as an engineer, it will instatly be destroyed, and the commando will walk back out! The downside is that, when buildings are destroyed, enemy troops come out and will almost always get a hit or two on your commando before you can react and kill them. Sneaking them or rushing them into he enemy base using an APC or CHinook Transport, is the best way to go. In groups are always best seperated and sent at differnt targets as all the things they are good at killing they kill instatly, doing this they can qucikly level large amounts of structures and even entire bases. They do almost no damage to any vehicles, so stick with using them to kill infantry or structures. It should be noted that when you build a commando, or when he exits a vehicle, you'll hear him say "Time to rock 'n' roll!", also when you click on a structure to destroy it, you'll hear him say "I've got a present for ya!" as well as this sounding really cool to you, it'll sound really cool to your opponent too as the sounds play for BOTH players. So they'll know a commando's on the way when you build them, shuttle them around and attack stuctures (no real sneak attacks possible then). --Fast Vehicles-- These play a very important role in the Nod army and you'll oftern find yourself using large packs of them even to just float around the battlefield waiting for any oppertunity to pick up easy kills. They are fast enough to outrun many attacks from units and even base deffences. Just rushing past units and deffences you take out important buildings is a fair tactic using these. And importantly, because Nod can get 2 differnent weapons, you can take out a number of different things with them without too much trouble. Name: Nod Buggy Price: 300 Weapon: Machine Gun Requires: Airstrip High speed and a machine gun for a very cheep price tag make a fantastic combo, as soon as you place your first airstrip down, you can start pumping out these buggies, for early recon and rush attacks on the enemy base and harvester. However, they are also good later inthe game for picking off harvesters as well, and make a great mix with recon bikes to make a fast gun/missile combo. Some people say these are good for fending off recon bikes, I think which unit is better against one anotehr is arguable, but if someone would like to clarafy on this, I'll add your comments in here. Name: Recon Bike Price: 500 Weapon: Missile Launcher Requires: Airstrip The fastest ground unit in the game, firing anti-armour missiles that can hit both air and ground targets. The name sugests it to be used only for recon purposes, but this lightly armoured bike is nothing to be laughed at. The recon bike may well be the most important unit in the Nod army. When taking on large amounts of armour or protecting harvesters, your base or other ground units, the recon bike is the way to go. It's biggest flaw is when facing infantry. Troops will quickly mop up a squad of recon bikes, so if faced with troops, I suggest leaving, fast (which shouldn't be hard). It's a good idea to mix in nod buggies with these, even just one or two, so you can quickly get rid of small amounts of enemy infantry, but against large squads of troops, there can be no victroy. Use packs to take out enemy harvesters and escape before they can even retaliate. It is also a fantastic Mobile SAM launcher. Just put them beneath, enemy aircraft, or in a space with you think they'll fly, select them, and hit "G". The short range missiles make them very accurate, the anti armour missiles will quickly kill any air unit passing over. A Nod player without recon bike, is a Nod player who's probably losing. Name: Light Tank Price: 600 Weapon: Light Cannon Requires: Airstrip The light tank is a medium speed vehicle with a cannon which isn't perticulilly powerful, but with the heaviest armour in the Nod millitary. And that is perhaps the entire point of this unit, to take the hit's INSTEAD of something else, more expensive and/or with a more devastating attack, taking the hits. Against base deffences, move some light tanks in first to soak up the fire while your other units slide on past untouched. Tanks also take almost NO damage from small arms fire, so taking on BUggies or Hummers is an acceptable task, though will say, most people will just retreat in the face of this, rendering the attacks of the light tank useless, once again. Name: Artillery Price: 450 Weapon: High Explosive Artillery Requires: Airstrip One of the most underestimated units in the game. Slow moving, light armour, long range, inacurate, mega damage dealer. The artillery can be quickly built near the start of any game and act as a good anti infantry unit, stopping early infantry rushes and picking off those pesky scouts. It can certinly be used offensively too though. They will need to be protected as they approch the enemy base, usually with recon bikes, and almost certianly once they reach it as well. The long range means you can attack the Advanced Guard Tower from the South without any problems (see the Field Tactics section for exact details on this strategy). They deal large splash damage also, and can take out large buildings very fast, especially in groups. Name: APC Price: 700 Weapon: Machine Gun Requires: Airstrip The purpose behind the APC is a reasonably obvious one, it's all in the name, "Armoured Personal Carrier". It's used to ferry troops across the battlefield, protecting them from enemy fire and getting them to their destination with speed. Building one of these early on and rushing engineers into your opponent's Construction Yard early int he game might be a "cheap" tactic, but it certainly can win you a game. Very rarely will anyone carry anything other than engineers in an APC, and when they do, it's almost certainly going to be a commando. It's no that other infantry are compleley useless, it's that APC's are almost always used as a rush tactic for qucikly taking out buildings. It should be noted that this is a vehicle that is also pretty good at taking out infantry. It has an anti infantry gun, for a start, it's reasonably armoured (giving it good protection against small arms fire) and it's also tracked and quite quick, meaning it can squash infantry really well. But for 700, it's not really worth building JUST for this purpose. Name: Flame Tank Price: 800 Weapon: Twin Flamethrower Requires: Airstrip More soon, stay tuned...
I wanted to do a write up on using the two sides of TD, some of it I understand very well, others, not so much. I'm a Nod player at heart, but also find them superior in gameplay. Again, this is MULTI-player tactic, not Singleplayer. Firstly, I want to go through general gameplay by both teams. Part 1: Unpacking the base Before you unpack your MCV, it's usually good to try and find some tib to start near, so drive for a bit first, if you unpack to far away from tib, then you're going to have trouble getting money early on, and it may start to hurt you once your starting cash starts running low. Unless using a speacial tactic, I find the best buildings to buy first are: -- Power Plant -- Barracks/Hand of Nod ---> men for scouthing (build man, start building another, move the forst man to a random corner, hit "H", (by now the next man should be built), build another man, move next man to another corner, rinse and repeat for all corners, you may also want to send out more to certain areas if you know the map well). Also good to build a few grenadiers/flamer troops to deffend your base at this point, place them around the Con Yard, on bridges and other choke points close to your base to stop early enemy scouts. -- Refinery ---> Build it as close as you can to the tiberium! -- War factory/Airstrip And remember, build them in a chain, not in a box. So that your base is actually moving somewhere (hopefully closer to tiberium). Part 2: Revealing the map Ok, You're now up and running, you're getting money, and you have the 3 most important factories in the game. You can make buildings, vehicles and infantry. So what do I do now? Right away, start building a few fast units, hummers, buggies or bikes (probably no more than three for their purpose here). And use them to scout. At the same time, I'd say start building another power plant, not so much for the power, but to start expanding your base. Don't worry too much about building too many light vehicles though, just don't use them all to scout, as it's a deadly job, and you may need them very soon to actually kill things for you. (in other words, don't waste what you have). Hopefully, those men you sent out earlier found lots and lots of tiberium nearby AND your opponents base and scouted out those two areas thoroughly! But more likely they died in the process or being thorough as tiberium and esspecially enemy bases are both deadly to infantry. Not to worry, they have served their purposes as long as they're actually found these things. If not, bad luck, and get those fast new shiney hummers, buggies and bikes out and finding those things, these units are a bit more hardy and alot faster and can hopefully be more thorough about their job too. Part 3: Who said there's no way to get rich quick? Getting rich in CnC is your abillity to GET the tiberium FAST. Some people say, "don't get it too fast, it'll run out" I think this is a bad philosophy as this isn't who's able to feed all of africa the longest, it's how many units and buildings you can get into action for you to kill your opponent. And that is what money does. Build your base in a chain towards the next nearest tiberium field. As I said before, putting down key structures is helpful for this. Remember to use the right structure for building in certain derections (for example, obviously the airstrip will build your base faster when moving East or West than it will North or South, while Power Plants and Barracks/Hand of Nod, will build faster North and South than they will East and West). You'll quickly get the hang of building your base in a chain, just as long as you remember to do it. It's also good to remember that just because a building might not be the BEST shape to get you to the next tiberium field, doesn't mean you shouldn't use it to try and get there, the faster you do, the quicker you can get your mits on the green stuff. When you reach a new tiberium field (or feel close enough to one), build a refinery! This is most important, by the end of most games I'll have about 4 refineries if I've played well. This will give you a cash supply you'll find hard to spend, which is good, because it means you can keep making units and buildings all day long. Always continue to expland your base, both by getting it nearer to tiberium and working along your tech tree. You'll probably find yourself mostly building Power Plants to move North and South and Silos move East and West, expanding out, but it's also good to throw in the additional Barracks/Hand of Nod. It's the same price as a Power Plant anyway, let's you build troops out in new territory (to help deffenend that shiney new refinery that you're about to build when you get to that tiberium) and you'll be able to build out of all existing Barracks/Hand of Nod faster. "Keep 'em coming!" On the note of deffence, some sturctures you might want better deffence for, but remember, placing it next to the construction yard doesn't help you deffend it, but the right terrain, and deffencive sturctures and units, do. So you may want to build deffence structures and Barracks/hand of Nod next to buildings that are expensive and/or very helpful, such as helipads, War Factories/Airstrips or Adv.Comm/Temple. You can also build structures in choke points in the terrain to restrict movement or completely cut off movement of units through it. They can probably blow it up, but sometimes, time is all you need to get ready of the attack and save your Con Yard etc. Just remember it will also restrict YOUR units through this choke point too. These are obivosuly also good places to build deffence structures. "Why don't I just sandbag? It's cheaper!" Sandbags are slow to build. Sandbag ONLY allow you to build out. (no extra power and units) Sandbags get blown up easy. "But Silos are crap too!" Yes, but they're still alot faster... sell them once you no longer need them. Sandbaging is really for only when you NEED to build through an area (1 square wide) such as bridges. Part 5: Let's get phisical As well as expanding your base, you should be pumping out sweet new vehicles (and maybe troops too) to crush your pathetic opposition! While I've written this as a seperate "part" all this need to be happening at the same time as base expantion and the collection of tiberium. We'll talk tactics on which units in perticular are good for what situations in a later post, but right now, I just want to get people to understand one important thing. DON'T STOP BUILDING. Get the units on the field, it's no use having lots of money and no units. Thinking you can build them later is just a bad philosophy. So once again. "Keep 'em coming!" Part 6: Field Stratergy Light vehicles RULE! Offensive: It's a damn good idea to always have a small (or large ) group of light vehicles, to perform quick attacks when an oppertunity arises. Deffensive: They are also good for deffending your base quickly, and when your base is a big long chain, anything slow isn't really going to help. You should also have deffences in key areas to start deffending right away and back up the light vehicles when they arrive (which will be soon...) Money makes the world go round: Offensive: Destroy your opponents harvesters or even refineries if given the chance or create the "chance" yourself. Light vehcles are best for this as they can move in without the opposition being able to stop them, even if they watch the whole thing happen. Deffensive: Make sure your opponent doesn't do the same to you, it's usally no use killing their harvester if they kill yours too. Again, light vehicles are the way to go on deffence, but if you've built your refineries near the tiberium (like you should), you might be able to use base deffences to help out not only to deffend the refinery, but also the harvester. Money is nothing if it's not made into units or buildings: Offensive: Take any oppertunity to attack something important, be decisive, don't be affraid to sacrifice unit's as a diversion to allow you an oppertunity to destroy something important, esspecially anything that cannot be replaced or replaced fast, which serves an important service to your opponent (usually a factory, but not always). If you move somewhere you shouldn't have and get your units killed, you'll know not to make the same mistake next time. Deffensive: Think about which of your own buildings are the easiest to be destroyed given the way you've built your base, and which buildings are seen as the most important right now. Take out the Con Yard, and shut them down! Offensive: This isn't something you have to do fast, but if you can, it's usually the way to go. If you do mannage to kill it, your opponent may instantly change in train of thought. They may become more agressive or deffensive, this IS something important to note. If you do manage to kill it and survive whatever verbal or virtual retaliation that may or may note have come your way, shut them down... the power that is. The factories will most likey be well deffended now, as your opponent is trying to hold onto them in hope of winning. The power plants are easier to kill, and if you kill enough it will slow down, and eventually stop, the abillity to build units. However, if you do get the chance to destroy a factory, take it, if the Con Yard is dead, all buildings are for the picking, everything is no longer replaceable! On an important note, it's now good to play a long and safe game, deffending your base well and slowly out building your opponent, taking oppertunities as they arise. Deffensive: Place extra deffense around the Con Yard and have light vehicles on hand to deffend it if needed. If you're going to lose your Construction Yard, sell it, you may as well get 2500 credits, right? If you have lost it, DON'T LOSE HOPE! It's often hard yacker from here forward, but still very possible to win. Work fast to win or even the score by taking out your opponent's Con Yard. If you wait around, you'll probably be out built and the more time you wait, the more opperunities your opponent will have to make every second of life more difficult. Variety is the spice of life: Different units and deffence structures are good at differnt things, so build the things that will have an advantage against what your opponent's building. Use flames and high explosive against men, use anit-armour against tanks etc. The same goes when building deffensive sturctures, no use building Turrets/Oblisks if your opponent is infantry rushing you, as much as building Gaurd towers or Adv. Gaurd is against heavy armoured vehicles. Build mixed units to help stop your opponent finding and exploiting your weakness. You nor your opponent are invinsible no matter how much of a good thing you have. Everything has a weakness, so find it and exploit it. "Da North syde's the best!" "Nah da South sydes the best!" This is just in the case of the Adv. Gaurd and the Oblisk, because they fire from the square above where they are built (and therefore actually lie). This means that buiding these deffences to deffend from northern attacks is better, but to attack from the South against your opponent is better. In fact, in the case of the nod artillery, it can hit the Advanced Gaurd Tower without being hit, if you place it one square to the left of right of a line drawn directly south of the AGT and slowly moved North, one sqaure at a time, but cannot attack it from the North without getting hammered. Choke points: Offensive: Build deffences around tight areas, and filter your opponent through them one unit at a time... if they're dumb enough to keep feeding them that is. Deffenseive: Don't move through a tight area of it's reasonably deffended, you'll lose alot more than your opponent, and maybe lose everything. Part 6: Speacial tactics There are speacial rush tactics available in the game if your witty and lucky enough to pull them off. And I say luck, because all of these seem to have a degree of luck involved. As all of these are rush tactics, it's best to open your MCV where it starts to conserve building time. Infantry rush: Build out as usual, but build towards your opponents base instead of tiberium. Build ALOT more Barracks/Hand of Nod as you do so and start pumping out troops as you go, throw everything you have at him, if you get close, build base deffences and occational engineers to capture nearby buildings. This tactic doesn't work so well against Nod as it does GDI because Nod has flamer men and can get artillery early on as well. Light vehicle rush: This is more of a Nod tactic, but GDI could use it also. Build towards tib as usual, but maybe skip on the barrack/Hand of Nod to preserve resources. Build a War Factory/Airstrip and start pumping out light vehicles. If your Nod, I'd say build a mixture of bikes and buggies, obivously GDI must use hummers. Once you get low on cash, sell your Con Yard and keep on pumping until you have a huge army fast... then realease them for a 1 time only chance of beating your opponent fast. You can also try building a second War Factory/Airstrip to increase the speed of production, but remember that you'll have less units for the rush. Tank rush: This is the same but with medium tanks, I wouldn't do this with light tanks, they suck too bad on the offence, and you'll almost certainly need a second War factory to make it worth while... Still, could be worth it to see the look on your opponents face when you get an army of tanks that fast (except you won't see it, because this is CnC). Apache rush: Build a Hand of Nod fast and start building helipads while you seek out your opponesnts base with infantry. 4 Apaches will kill a Construction Yard if none are destroyed. While most people say don't build a refinery at all, it should be noted that if you build only 5 then you can still build a refinery at the end as backup, and you still have more than enough apaches to kill all you need to. This tactic is better used against GDI as they have less that can destroy the apaches early on and Nods flame men can put an end to your scouting, which is crucial to this tactic. However, it's far from unusable against Nod. That will do for now, I'm going to do a write up on the different units and structures for Nod and eventually GDI once I better understand them. Stay tuned, and "Keep 'em Coming!" -Liam All feedback is welcomed, if you'd like to add your own part to this, please come up with a witty title and be thorough.
Player areas! Who's near me? who's near who?
AchromicWhite replied to AchromicWhite's question in Support
Well, hopefully you're right cheese. I'll try and play a game tongiht and see just how bad it is. If we could have something even just in the gamers chat window would be good so you could quickly see. -
Obviously, now that we use CnCnet so much, it's become important to know where people live, as the game runs damn slow when they're too far away. (not like, I need to know your adress/I'm a crazy stalker), but that it's important to know other people that live near or IN your country. For alot of people, this isn't an issue as you'll find someone nearby eventually in the chat, but I personaly live in New Zealand. So you can see my problem Would there be a way to make a big registery with everyones countries (and only countries) an in it that we can send messages to those people so that we can find players (or so I can ifnd players). -Liam
I know this is an old post. I restored my Heli Carrier and it's invisible, it doesn't even put a box around it if you select it, other than that, it WORKS jsut fine, put helis in it and move it around ETC. You don't know why that would be would you? -Liam Ok, I just found half the problem, the SHP had the wrong name, it was called ca.SHP, it needs to be carr.SHP. Here's where it got weirder though, I built it ingame, and it acted (picture wise) liket he transport, just faced strait up and floated around, the water around it was still animated though.
1st C&C MP Mapping Competition ends
AchromicWhite replied to N3tRunn3r's topic in Mapping Discussion
omg, I was SOOOOO close... oh well, if you guys don't mind, I'd like to modify my map a little before it's put out to download, get rid of a bit of that snow. I don't know about the tib though, I like that you have just a little to get you started, but winning requires you to capture the centre, that's why I called it "Pyramid of Power", perhaps if I put MORE in the middle it'll actually help the issue, because there isn't actually taht much in there. Well, taht was fun, thanks for the experience and feed back, I'm sure I'll end up entering another one too. -Liam -
1st C&C MP Mapping Competition ends
AchromicWhite replied to N3tRunn3r's topic in Mapping Discussion
Um, 66 is me, if that's pyramid of power, and I think it is... so that makes me second... so which is pichorras??? I'm sooooo lost. please put screen shots to the numbers, or the NAMES of the maps, something gone rife a little here, I honeslty don't know which is mine. (hopefully I won, lol ) -Liam -
Tiberian Dawn - Renegde maps - (2)
AchromicWhite replied to AchromicWhite's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
you can still theoreticly build them, lol... but good luck on not getting killed while pumping 5000 into an MCV XD -Liam -
hey, these are awesome, I was wondering why stuff like this wasnt in the cnc theme pack! I just want my computer to be a Nod base... is that so much to ask? -Liam
Tiberian Dawn - Renegde maps - (2)
AchromicWhite replied to AchromicWhite's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
no no, bases off, its just a minigunner that gets blown away lol -
This map first of all was inspired by it's name, urban warfare itself, but there are so many other themes happening in this map, things I wanted to portray. This, obviously, is a thriving area somewhere in the continet of Africa, more likely in the northern end, as the community apears Muslim. The city has grown large because of it's nearby rich oil supplys but alightly with the dawn of the tibeium age, oil prices are low compared to the cheaply aquired tiberium, the market is harsh and times are poor in the city. The area is quickly becoming effected by the incredibly fast growth of tiberium, there is no one to help this community and so it must fend for itself against a killer that will destroy the plantlife and make it it's own and sicken the people until death. Irony, as it has already had so many issues with the lifeform before it even made contact with the village. Even the outlying african people are effected, these people have never cared much for one another, would this catastrophy maybe bring them together, would it even matter if they are about it lose everything anyway? Now a new terror has come, war. These people know too well about the violence that has surrounded them over the years, relligious fanatics, and the fear of it settles in fast. But why have these factions come to battle here? The tiberium of course, the very thing that caused all the problems in the first place. Command and Conquer portrays much more than just a war, a dissagreement between two factions. It is a planet in destress. Famine, because the food is either contaminated or the market is destoryed by the easy mining of tiberium. Pestulence, the dissease caused by this life that wants only more space, like a virus it spreads across the planet. War, behind all great wealth are men who want it all, and they will stop at nothing to get it. Death, I suppose by now this might seem like a way out for these people, perhaps they are no longer scared of such a thing. The end of the world? No, the biggening of a new one. The Tiberian Dawn. I hope you think about such things when you play this map, but if you don't... have fun playing an Urban Warfare map anyway! number 67 -Liam Urban_Warfare.rar
Here's my new multiplayer map. Set at the Tiber River, Itali. Go back to where it all began, and take control. Scientists gather to observe the phenomenon, while soldiers gather to insure economic stabillity for their people. Who will be vicotrious?! number 68 -Liam Tiber_River.rar
After a night of testing I've finally fixed the bugs involved with these maps, and am posting them now These maps are differnt to the regular multiplayer maps as they are created to be played in a speacial way and futhur more, requite you to do a little alteration to your conquer.ini file in order to use them. They are also only playable via LAN and obviously CCNet. The change is simple, just open the conquer.ini file (double click it) and under the "LANplayers=6" change the 6 to a 2, remember when you're done playing these maps to change it back again, there's a screen shot at the bottom of the place to change in the file. Set up: Bases - Off Tiberium - On Crates - On or Off (you might find the game will last longer with them off) AI - OFF (important one) 0 - credits 1 - unit (remember to check after you turn bases off) 7 - tech One player is to play as GDI and the other Nod. It'd be wierd, perticulilly in [R]Walls, if you didn't. How to play: These maps are made to be played like renagade, so let me explaion how they work. When the game starts the unit's you start with will be gunned down by towers on the hills, forget them and the towers, they are only there to get rid of them becasue they are not part of the map. Unfortunately the bases will always be randomised between the two of you, so if your Nod and get the GDI base etc, then just restart until you have the apropriate bases. First sell your super weapon and your communications center, then build 1 harvister. I'd say maybe have a rule not to build more than one harvister at a time, or at least not have more than on harvisting at a time. There are areas on both maps that are infantry only, those are usually tunnel in renagade. On Field, all the entraces to the tunnels are marked with concrete walls, all the centre top area in the cliffs that has walls all through it. On Walls, it's the circley bit in the middle, so everything has to drive around the edges of the central "mountain". On Under, it's the 2 areas in the top middle. Here are some screen shots of the levels ([R]Under is atually in snow, not winter as this shot shows), and an example of where to change your "conquer.ini" file, so you and your friend can play. Any other questions, feel free to ask, thanks. -Liam RField.rar RWalls.rar RUnder.rar
Tiberian Dawn - Renegde "CnC_Field" - 2
AchromicWhite replied to AchromicWhite's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
ok, this is pretty much all outdated now, and in future ill make note not to post maps until they are completely done. Please delete this whole "topic" as I'm going to repost this map, explain how to use it propperly and post another map with it. Thanks guys. -Liam -
Tiberian Dawn - Renegde "CnC_Field" - 2
AchromicWhite replied to AchromicWhite's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
no, I had trouble testing it, I assigned "multi 1" to the GDI buildings and "multi 2" to the nod ones, and I think that farm house is "speacial". Ok, ive done some testing now, are you saying that even if there isnt a player (not even AI) that the bases are completely randomised as to who will have them. I remember seeing a screen shot of a map that had some turrets out side of each of the starting locations, here it is http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=381.0 . Also, in one of YOUR tutorials, you say that the differnt multi teams "multi 1", "multi 2" etc actually line up with the colours http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/cctxt/ccmanual.txt , (number 2.4) which, if true actually sovles more problems than it makes... I have tested it but only with AI, but the bases seem to be completely randomised. Which is an obivous issue, but like ive just said, there are two examples that seem to contridict this... one written by you. Also, the download has been updated and the files are now just archived, but other then that are ready to drop strait into your CnC folder and play. it is number 17. -Liam -
[TD] Nazca Plains *updated June 07*
AchromicWhite replied to Nyerguds's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
this is really cool... and must have taken ages, the roads above all else are what piss me off when building cnc maps, lol (just hard to get them to match up, esspecially in grasslands...) was thinking though, I noticed you put in 6 start points, but, the 2 out in the open get a dissadvantage because of it, just a more open base (or an advantage becuase they can get the tib faster). Maybe it doesnt matter, but If Id made it myself I think id have stuck with just the 4 in the corners. Anyone elses thoughts? The obivous dissadvantage to 4 start points is that then you can only have 4 players on this big map... and we can now have 6 -Liam -
ok, so here's my new map (and my first map at that!) This is a bit of a new idea in which ive made a little model of a renegade map called CnC_Field. The catch, you also PLAY it like renegade! I know this might not be everyones cup of tea, but if people enjoy it i might make some more of the ren maps like this. Rules: 2 players ONLY! the person hosting should be GDI and Nod the other. Bases off, 1 unit (you could have more really, but not lots, itd be silly), about 0 cash (again, could have more, but not lots.. under 1000 I'd say) tib on and crates on. You'll start near the middle in what im going to refure to as the INF tunnels, these tunnels are for INF only! (dont put anything that comes out of a weps or airstrip in them! all INF only areas are marked my concrete walls) renagade they are actual tunnels and you cant fit stuff in them, and the little things out in the field are bunkers, feel free to blow them up if they anoy you, lol. Even though you cant put tanks and stuff in them, you can still shoot into them from the entrace. Remember (in perticular the flame tank) that if you put it near these entrances to guard it and it gets shot, it might go on a little rampage inside the tunnels, this is also not alowed, to try and stoip this from hapening I sugest force fire into the tunnels if your that paranoid about men coming into your base through them. If your GDI, go right, if your nod, go left, you should find your base. It will have low power, so sell your super weapon and you're comm. center (they are only there to give you the construction options). Now you have enough credits to build a harvister, so build one... and away you go! (remember what I said about the starting creds, its things like this that will pump too many units into the game too fast, so that's why you really dont need to start with any). I think maybe you shouldnt have more then one harvy at a time as you'l run out of tib very fast (though yuo could change taht and say only one harvister actually collecting at once). The point of this game to to maximise micro managment and give you more of the feel that you're a soldier than a commander. You could even make a pact to limit how many vehcles you can use at once as if you could only have so many players like in ren too, but it's up to you. Have fun anyway, I may tinker with it a little more just to get some of the trees and stuff in the right place jsut to make it look and feel just like field. Also this is my first map, so if there's anyhting stupid abou it's creation (like stuff that doesnt fit, or the map doesnt work, please say, lol). this is actually a slightly older screen shot (but it takes too long for me to copy and paste it to paint to be bothered doing it again, feel free to take an actual screen shot through an editor for me, couldnt find how to do it). How it is now, the roads and certain trees that are now placed how they are in renaged, there are far more concrete walls around the central "tunnels" areas, that also help to show where the entrances to them are... and the double trees near the entrances of the tunnel areas have been removed, there are also Comm Centers in the bases. -Liam RField.rar