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Can you reproduce the crash and give me a new crash dump file? The info I get from the crash dump file you gave me seems odd. Something about crashing while trying to print something for an audio or voice sample status..
Is there a difference between the FNT format used by C&C1, RA1 and Dune 2000?
No we're using a version of the ra303p patch with support for an additional Crusher= flag for vehicles, for anything which acts like a RULES.INI file ingame (e.g. map INI files)
Yup I know about the issue, it's because the turret drawing code checks the internal ID of the vessel it's trying to draw the turret for. I.e. checks that look "If vessel is TYPE_DESTROYER". I need to extend vessel types to support extra flags read from an INI to get proper turret drawing. Please keep adding suggestions, I've been busy with my job this week but hopefully starting tomorrow I have some more time again. I think I will keep focusing on extending UnitTypes (vehicles), as I still need to get my framework for extending UnitTypes working properly, to save time when extending VesselTypes and the other types. Please take a look into adding new BuildingTypes, there isn't much interesting things you can do with newly added buildings but I'd like to know if it has any fundamental issues. I'd like to thank you guys for helping with the testing so far, even if bugs aren't found it makes me more confident about the code. It saves me time to and it shows there's interest in these features.
I added a hotkey to generate a map file from the map/mission you're currently playing, with everything in/on the map like units and triggers. It's for RA95. It was simple to do and someone who has the ability to patch DOS C&C1 should contact me, so we can extract the mission from the savegame. Otherwise it should be possible to extract the map file by running a decoder for the algorithmn used to encode the map files and other stuff, but I don't know the aglorthm used. I do know the name of the class/functions responsible for encoding/decoding.
Those are called LandTypes internally and it should be possible to add new ones. Could you test if modifying an existing landtype allows for hover behavior?
For buildings it sequentially builds hard-coded buildings pretty much. The game builds every vehicle (haven't updated the code to use new vehicles), for infantry it does some checks, not sure about aircrafts but easy to check.
>is it possible to patch/code new unit producers >(e.g. if I wanted to be able to build infantry with a tech centre instead of barracks, or to spam tanks out of the Ore Refinery) Probably not, there's lots of hardcoded checks. @Echo: Sounds possible but I don't know where this checks are, it's a good one for the todo list.
>Does it work when changing resolutions between recording and playback? Haven't tried. I fixed the crashing in Skirmish but there's something wrong with the netcode events reading or saving code. Instead of playing back orders I give to my units some the orders are applied to the units of the AI different players was playing against. I still don't understand why it crashes in skirmish in the first place other than it crashes trying to execute code for which unit you selected (which i patched out to fix the crash).
I've added two new arguments to the game -RECORD and -PLAYBACK (CASE SENSITIVE!). When loaded with -RECORD the game will record all matches played and dumps them into a RECORD.BIN file. When -PLAYBACK is enabled the game will launch the RECORD.BIN demo immediately after starting up. The demo desyncs for some reason and demos of skirmish (all multiplayer?) matches crash the game. I'm looking into it. TODO: 1. Fix crash with skirmish (all multiplayer?) demos. 2. Fix the desync.
It's because I extended UnitTypeClass, I made a small error with allocating new memory. Thanks for reporting this! Try this EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe
> It looks like saved games dose not save if the unit had Crusher=no. Easy to change, is the current savegame behavior correct? For the 'DERP' crash, add a definition for the unit [Derp] to the INI.
I fixed the invisible projectiles issue, thanks for reporting! (The graphics weren't being loaded) New EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe The fireball effect works with this projectile: ; wizard's fireball [Fireball] Animates=yes Image=FB1 Frames=8 Did you try something with that? I honestly have no idea about how it works. But it looks like you can crate animated projectiles like that.
Yes, I did. My apologies. I've linked a new EXE in my opening post, this one should work correctly.
Whether it works correctly after loading different misisons and savegames, also with the Crusher= flag on/off.
I'm working on vehicles first. Thanks for the feedback; it'll help me trying to figure out what people want and what to un-hardcode. See: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2606.0
This is an EXE with extended UnitTypeClass and a system to clear memory properly for the extensions. It comes with a new Crusher=(Yes/No) flag, which should be usable with everything that functions as a RULES.INI kind of file (maps etc). ; heavy tank [3TNK] Crusher=No ; Can this unit crush infantry? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe TODO is adding a function/system to extend TechnoTypeClass. Please test if the Crusher=(Yes/No) flag works correctly and whether the memory is cleared correctly.
If the SSM Launcher is called "MLRS.SHP" then it has 32 frames for the body and 96 frames for the turret. 32 frames for the empty, half-loaded and fully loaded state. When I find the code responsible for drawing the turret it shouldn't be hard to add logic for it, if the ammo count is 0, 1, 2 in the respective states. I've added a new Crusher= flag for UnitTypes, see this topic: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2606.0
Yeah game stats are broken when you add new units, it writes past the memory allocated to keep unit stats so it also corrupts memory. But that should only happen when playing online or while if spawner is enabled, skirmish. Oh, it will take a while before I'm able to add that kind of SSM logic.
What logic is that?
I added support for adding new animations to the game. I haven't tested adding a new one. If someone could give me a setup with a few added animations to the game I could start making animations configurable. Internally added animations are setup like FBALL1. I think there's the same refresh area or something like that and possibly the same sound attached to the animation. [AnimTypes] 1=HUE 2=DEEE ... New EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe
I've added support for trigger actions to add infantry/vessels/buildings/aircrafts to the sidebar (I already added support for vehicles). These trigger actions are untested. Add_Infantry_To_Sidebar_Action: ID = 42, parameter = Infantry internal ID number to add to sidebar (Trigger owner is used for which house to add to sidebar for) Add_Building_To_Sidebar_Action: ID = 43, parameter = Building internal ID number to add to sidebar (Trigger owner is used for which house to add to sidebar for) Add_Aircraft_To_Sidebar_Action: ID = 44, parameter = Aircraft internal ID number to add to sidebar (Trigger owner is used for which house to add to sidebar for) Add_Vessel_To_Sidebar_Action: ID = 45, parameter = Vessel internal ID number to add to sidebar (Trigger owner is used for which house to add to sidebar for) New EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe
Those are straightforward to add but it requires a lot of time, I first need to setup a system for every type to extend them and to clear the extended memory when loading savegames (with extra check for 3.03 savegames), clear memory when loading a scenario and I need to get a system working to extend TechnoTypeClass memory for every derived type. Anyway, I've added support for adding new infantry (set up like E1 internally), buildings (set up like ATEK internally), aircrafts (set up like HELI internally) and vessels (set up like DD internally). Adding new vessels at the moment isn't practical as drawing the turrets on them is hard-coded based on their ID, e.g. it checks if the vessel has the ID for the Cruiser to draw the Cruiser turrets, etc. [VesselTypes] 0=DD2 1=DD3 [AircraftTypes] 0=HII2 1=HII3 [buildingTypes] 0=HERP 1=DERP [infantryTypes] 0=FLAM 1=OFFI New EXE here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe
Why doesn't the game know how to use them?
Looking at the game code it looks like the max size for CONQUER.ENG is infinite, is this correct?