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Everything posted by Iran

  1. It's an issue with Windows 8. One of the CnCnet developers is working on a fix for it but it's under heavy development so I'm not sure if he's okay with me linking his fix for it yet. I'm also using Windows 8 and his fix works, but it's still missing features and has a few minor graphical issues.
  2. There's also a limit of 75 cameo items per strip in the sidebar in TS.
  3. Okay I've written some no-CD code now, it needs to be tested and added to the next CnCNet 5 update.
  4. Sorry, I didn't know the No-CD was hard-coded into the EXE I'm using.
  5. I've removed the code causing the issue for now, need to wait till CnCnet 5 updates though.
  6. You can use this command line tool to create full map previews for RA1 maps: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2530.0
  7. I'm kinda busy with CnCNet related work now.
  8. Arda contains more advanced modding features.
  9. I won't be adding Arda support. Ares support is planned but that depends on the Ares developers.
  10. They're assigned to house BadGuy, players are assigned Multi1...Multi8. So yes they're never assigned to players.
  11. Can't configure AI players in the in-game skirmish menu. Alliances and selectable spawning locations also aren't possible to configure.
  12. Hi Japie, I've added it to the suggestions list.
  13. CCHyper has a fix for the shroud hack. Chris, can you make a video of the version 2.03 infinite Firstorm exploit?
  14. It has a resign key but there was no code for it. I added it.
  15. It's pretty easy actually and mostly involves copy pasting game code: https://github.com/cnc-patch/ra303p/blob/master/src/ext/extended_triggeraction.asm
  16. Yes, that's what I've been doing. It's really, really simple mainly because it doesn't require me to handle (and test) savegames and multiplayer games. Problem is that you can't add these new editors in the map editor, so you need to add them manually to the map text file.
  17. Thanks a lot! One of the trainers you linked me has a '131 players' option, do you have any idea what this is supposed to do? There's a trainer with the name "Player" in it which doesn't start unless Tiberian Sun is also started, and then it doesn't show a window. Any idea what that trainer does? I've seen some radar hack RA2 screenshots, anything like that for TS? Edit: The trainer with the '131' players option doesn't seem to work for me, I'm running Windows 8.
  18. Should be pretty do-able in 2-3 months, don't forget it's spread out over at least 3 people.
  19. Here's a list of my CnCNet 5 suggestions, I'll be working on it later and I also intend to use color codes for what I feel is the priority that items need to be given. So it can also kinda function as road map. Network services: - Add spam detection (this needs to be done by bot or services, can't do it in the CnCNet 5 client) - Add something like operserv for moderators: -- PUBLIC command to list all moderators in the moderator DB -- PUBLIC command to list all moderators currently online -- Moderator commands: --- (Temp) mute user in lobby channel --- (Temp) mute user in PMs --- (Temp) mute user globally or in game channels --- (Temp) ban user --- Kill user (to force CnCnet 5 client updates maybe?) --- Drop name registration for user (for people hoarding/stealing names, not sure if this can be done via a web panel on ladder?) - Add memoserv or a clone with at least support for 100 memos per player (the CnCNet client will add GUI support for it) CnCNet client: - Add GUI support for nick registration stuff. - Show all games hosted by default, even if you don't have the game installed it. If the game isn't installed/configured and the player tries to join show an appropriate error message. Add option to the client to not show games in game list when you don't have that game installed BUT DISABLE IT BY DEFAULT. - The stream button should have text on it to show who's streaming, if multiple people are streaming make the button show how many, clicking the button should then popup a window with a list. - At start up show a screen with C&C games already installed/set up and C&C games which aren't. When clicked on one that isn't set up or configured start a wizard to help the player with setting up. AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS START UP SCREEN ADD A 'Don't show this window again' tick box. Tore on IRC suggested adding registry checks to check what games are already installed. - Add a button for memos, if a new unread memo was received change the color of the button. When the button is clicked open a menu which allows you to send memos and read memos. - Something graphical to show news, a 'news' button doesn't suffice as it doesn't show what the new news is. There needs to be something to show that there is new news and what it is. - Add news for CnCnet client updates. - Voice chat is hardly used, maybe change it up or remove it? Main issue is that the 'Voice chat' button takes space. - The 'I'm Away' button is hardly used, maybe go away with it and automatically set status to away if idle (make this setting configurable in the options menu, with period and the away reason text?) - Maybe change the 'About' button into 'Info' and add a button for the forums and another button for the CnCNet site in the window for it - Add support for joining custom channels and game specific lobbies, the bottom right of the user list could be used to show the channel list. Add /join command too. - Add support for /page <playername> <message> command. - Try reducing start up time (using a profiler to check what causes the long start up time), and if startup time can't be reduced add some more feedback than just a sound at start so people know the client is starting up. I suggest adding a splash screen. - Better scrolling support. Quickmatch support: - Add a new 'Enter QuickMatch' button, when pressed it joins the quickmatch IRC channel (does NOT leave lobby, just switch channel), quick match shows people in the QuickMatch channel and a list of QuickMatch games being played on the left. When in the QuickMatch channel add a 'Exit QuickMatch' button. - In the QuickMatch channel change the 'New Game' button to 'Start Quickmatch', when clicking this button a new window appears with feedback about the current status of matching/finding a player to play quickmatch with, when done the game is launched. Ladder support: - Add button to open the ladder page for the ladder account the user is logged into. If he isn't logged in open a page with info on registering on ladder. - Show rankings of players somehow? CnCnet Bot: - Add !ladder/!rank <name> or #<number> command, to display ladder/rank info. - Add random chat announcements to the bot with a 30-70 minute interval. -- News announcement -- Link related YouTube accounts -- Other random stuff like help with things people commonly ask - Add commands for guides to fixing common issues (like on CnCNet v4): -- How to join a game (Maybe?) -- How to change resolution/video settings Ladder: - Start with RA1 - Moderators should be able to ban account from ladder, deduct rank points and reset rank points - Start out with a casual list of matches played for a ladder account, rankings page and match info page, over time add more competitive and complete stuff - Add hall of fame for a list of monthly winners - Add something for showing a list of ALL TIME (not monthly) rankings - Add map info/statistics and/or listing games by map (might be hard with all the custom maps crap on ra1) - Sponsored prizes - Sub-forum to report abuse of ladder - Moderation of ladder to punish abusers - Add support for more than just 1vs1 support (the game EXE already dumps statistics with this support) - Add support for clans - Something to help with tourneys - Needs to have a nice theme. - Try recruiting additional webdev talent. CnCNet 5 general: - Add CnCnet 5 rules; -- No harassment of users -- No cheating -- No spamming - Add sub-forum for CnCnet v5 stuff like support, reporting of abusers etc - List of moderators - Add a guide or forum topic or something for people who want to have their streaming channel and/or YouTube channel to be supported by CnCnet v5. CnCNet.org site: - Change the frontpage or at least http://cncnet.org/download to not be so heavy on links and text, the info for manually installing CnCnet5 should be easier. Hifi suggested a big button. The chat links on the right of the page are redundant as the menu at the top already includes a chat link. The CnCNet v4/legacy text is kinda redundant too. Community: - Get people active on the forum (maybe adding a Forums button to the lobby or something?) - Banners and link/images for forum signatures TS Support: - Anti-cheat (need CCHyper's help with this) - Spectators/Observers - Recruit people with TS modding experience (we have the DTA guys helping us, might be useful to have a few more) - Recruit people with competitive TS online experience, needs to know about cheats and detecting cheats and using XCC GameSpy. Should probably be in charge of sub-forum for reporting TS abusers/glitchers/cheaters. YR Support: - Completely todo - Need to use patcher for game EXE instead of shipping a modified EXE, for legal reasons - For mods Ares needs to add support for spawner code (or can Ares work with our patched EXE?) RA1 Support: - Add option to prevent players from changing game speed ingame. - Fix selectable spawn issue with mixed random and selected spawns (fix written, needs to be tested and shipped) - In the host/join game window group the fixes together, remove unusued/disabled options and add an option to add new map categories. Maybe some small tweaks to the layout too, especially when scaling the window size. C&C1 Support: - Add selectable spawns - Add pre-determined alliances - Add spectator/observer - Map thumbnail generator needs to generate higher quality thumbnails (currently it's treating a whole template as one terrain type, instead of the treating the individual tiles in the template) - Fix 6 player
  20. Iran

    Crash at launch

    They're the remap tables for the Chrono Vortex, the game checks if the file exists if it doesn't generates them. I suggest placing the files in REDALERT.MIX to lower startup times.
  21. Iran

    Crash at launch

    The game crashes cause it can't find/load TEMPERAT.PAL from the looks of it.
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