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Everything posted by Iran

  1. BuildingsGetInstantlyCaptured= (yes/no) is a house specific option like Color= and Country=
  2. It makes LAN games work on post Windows 2000 operating systems. On Windows XP/7/8 etc it didn't work because the game used a networking protocol for LAN which is no longer supported. The LAN patch makes the game use another protocol and makes it work again. It's not needed when playing on CnCNet v5 but it's needed when playing LAN games over the game's actual ingame interface (which CnCNet v5 DOESN'T use).
  3. Arda doesn't work with CnCNet v5. The Red Alert version that comes with CnCnet v5 supports high resolutions and tons of other new features. If you have trouble getting them to work we'll help you.
  4. You'll have to ask CCHyper about it. He fixed a bunch of modding issues in private builds of HyperPatch, including the BuildConst issue.
  5. Like FunkyFr3sh said the Internet connection is needed for sharing maps/map transfers (which are done automatically in the background so you don't notice) for maps players don't have but the host has. This might be an issue, but the suggestion itself is what the desirable behavior would be (hiding online players and games, and just showing LAN nes).
  6. Don't expect much soon, got some other stuff to deal with it and I want to fix the last few bugs in PortableRA/ra303p. Once that's done I can focus on adding modding features.
  7. Changing house doesn't work correctly, I've tried. Iron Curtain has already been done and I added two Chronoshift triggers (not sure what you want the Chronoshift trigger to do).
  8. We're talking about Ready and alert not Defcon 3.
  9. 8 - White (not fully done) 9 - Black (not folly done) 10 - Flaming blue
  10. Does it work with 3.03? In 3.03p I removed the theater byte check in the terrain files so you didn't have to change the byte in every file to be able to use a terrain file in one of the new theaters. I'm curious.
  11. Oh cool I'll watch a bit.
  12. Still get the issue with the mouse patch installed, sigh..
  13. He says he does, I PM'd him on CNCNZ.com yesterday asking if he wants to share it.
  14. It's hard-coded behavior. You can't change it unless you run the ra303p patch and enable the RULES.INI setting to not do civilian evac in MP.
  15. It has something to do with the weapon you added, crashed because of that. I had the same crash when giving 'incorrect' weapons to units, as soon as the unit is spawned. Might be a typo somewhere. Might also be an issue with my code. Could you double check? If you can't find it upload the mod for me please so I can take a look at it.
  16. When it reads everything from the map it loads it in memory. Every function to read part of the map file (say the [Trigs] section) has an equivalent function to write the triggers in memory back into a map file. It's for the built-in map editor they used. Here's the code I'm using, there's loading an INI file, writing [basic] section keywords manually, calling functions to write back every other part of the map back into the loaded INI and saving the INI: https://github.com/cnc-patch/ra303p/blob/master/src/map_snapshot.asm Every cell of the map is part of the CellClass array inside MapClass.
  17. It crashed while doing something related to statistics. Was there anything special about the Silo? Keep up the good work guys, I have fixing most of the unit stats crashes on my todo list.
  18. If someone could try doing tank clones and giving countries their own tanks using Owner= with a country name that could be interesting.
  19. Can't you just edit the default RULES.INI values to set float to 100% on land types?
  20. A hotkey should work or immediately after loading the savegame.
  21. The crashdump Stiggy gave me seems to crash in the same spot as the first one you gave me Echo. But the call stack is different and it crashes after trying to do some network related code now. Looks like the stack dump is corrupted. The issue with prerequisites not working is probably the same thing as owning some civilian buildings in C&C95 giving you Ion Cannon, a 32-bit field is PROBABLY used (which can hold 32 buildings), and any newly added building probably overflows this bitfield (as new building IDs start at a number higher than 50 at least).
  22. I copied the internal settings for the Allied Tech center to use as base when adding new buildings, I'm honestly not sure. I expected prerequisites to not work, even though I don't know how prerequisites are supposed to work in-game, I assume it uses a bitfield..
  23. I mean Dune 2000, wondering about Dune 2 now too..
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