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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Thanks for sharing this, it slipped through my filters. I normally use imgur.com but I'll switch to another host as imgur.com converts my uploaded PNGs to JPEGs most of the time.
  2. http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=14915 427 skirmish maps, some are scripted made or compiled by Frenchies. I haven't tested them yet.
  3. Check out the ddraw.ini file inside your RA folder, you can set a few options like whether fullscreen is enabled or not. [ninja edit by Nyerguds. I'm pretty sure you meant ddraw.ini, and he was talking about RA, not C&C95]
  4. Because the movies are at least 500~ MB, nyerguds site contains a link to the movies
  5. The scripts.dll 3.4.4 zip file and the installer don't come with a keys.cfg file that is required to use taunts and some new stuff that's also in APB, like the "Chat History Dialog" (the U key). Here's the content of my keys.cfg, it's the one included with the Core Patches plus it has extra keys that are also included in APB: http://pastebin.com/dxxYXMyU Put the keys.cfg file in the Data folder and be sure that the last line of the file is blank or it won't read the last key.
  6. Did you ever look into fixing the lame "walling off" bug, Nyerguds?
  7. Like I said on IRC a week or so ago, I'd prefer if you made the missions bigger and longer without it simply being a game of "walling off the AI."
  8. Any good player will just camp outside of your base and take all the ore on the map
  9. Why is UNIX time used?
  10. Here's a link to Team Black's The Massive Map Pack which contains quite a few maps, "all the best TS maps from both PPM and tiberiumweb": http://ppmsite.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=405794#405794 I've never really played TS so I don't know if these maps are good. Will the map packs be supplied with CnCNet or will they be stand-alone?
  11. Iran


    What chat site?
  12. http://www.assemblergames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24381 That guy is selling a beta version of Red Alert 3.
  13. Try DOSShell: http://www.loonies.narod.ru/dosshell.htm
  14. What nick do you use and on what server(s) do you play?
  15. I agree with MrFibble, I don't really like having to replay a mission after it has been included in the demo, especially later missions which are (normally) more challenging and take longer to complete.
  16. You didn't edit out the repetitive use of "It also". Doesn't CnC-DDraw also support directdraw?
  17. Yeah, they're used as demo maps. They play correctly in C&C Gold and they have win and lose triggers. The GDI mission can be won by destroying the Bio Lab and the Nod one by destroying the GDI base. They do lack a name though (they show up as 'x' in the mission listing) and a briefing.
  18. The Sega Saturn version also appears to load the maps with one cell less, at least on the southern border. The first GDI mission has the forest terrain on the most southern cell if you load it in C&C Gold.
  19. The last Nod missions on the PC version (at least one of them) contain 2 GDI chinooks that need to be captured to get to the 2nd island to finish the map, in the Saturn mission they were removed and the land islands were connected instead. Did you actually record the sounds? I was looking for some clues on opening the data files container the Sega version uses, but I didnt find much.
  20. You even have a moonspeak edition. :o Did you ever take a look at the map files, C&C Gold seems to load them perfectly fine, I quickly looked at some of them and those appeared to be slightly different (e.g. the last Nod mission has been modified out of lack of Chinooks(?)). Didn't take a look at the actual "coding" in the file (I'm not that familiar with how the C&C map files work).
  21. Iran

    C&C Resign Bug

    C&C95 Resign Bug
  22. Has anyone (looking at Nyerguds here) studied this? It contains some very slight differences from the PC version, it has 2 maps (one of each CD) that are included for a "demo mode" in the main screen. Some of the maps were edited, apparently out of lack of Chinooks(?) and there are some tiny differences in most of the music, although one of them sounds pretty different (both pitch and instrumentation). The CDs are recognized as Audio CD and played like that. The game contains all of its map files and videos on the root of the CD, using the same file format as the PC version. Music (320 KBPS MP3 ripped with WMP): http://www.mediafire.com/?rs373tkbw4d1rux Mission Files (compatible with stock C&C95): http://hotfile.com/links/80662085/bb27fc5/CC_Sega_Saturn_-_Mission_Files.7z (842 KB) Video Files: *broken links, not worth reuploading as they're same as the PC ones according to Nyerguds, except for EXIT.VQA* YouTube: C&C Sega Saturn - GDI Startup and Menu
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