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Everything posted by Iran

  1. I added code to support the map toggle key, like RA95 has. It defaults to the 'U' key: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/cnc95_hotkeys.exe
  2. Well considering XCC Editor has support for Apaches it should work I assume? Can you test with XCC Editor? I added code to adjust the position of the turret on the SSM Launcher and Rocket Launcher but I can't get the offsets right. Might be my 2D rotation code.
  3. I added them, but I don't know whether they work or not lol, that's why I wanted a map with smudges. The map you linked me had smudges defined in the map file but I saw no in the preview that was generated by my tool.
  4. Did you check out AircraftClass::Read_INI()? That also isn't used in RA95. XCC Editor places the aircraft under the [units] section of the map. I'll leave adding the passibility stuff up to you.
  5. Open the INI file and change the assigned key. You can find a list of key values here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx convert the hexadecimal number (the number starting with '0x') to decimal then put it in the INI under the right key name.
  6. Those are RA95's hotkeys, i modified the bookmark ones to be the same as C&C95's. Does setting a bookmark key to 'V' not work?
  7. Try this new EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/cnc95_hotkeys.exe With the following in CONQUER.INI: [WinHotkeys] KeySidebarToggle=9 KeyScatter=88 KeyStop=83 KeyGuard=71 KeyNext=78 KeyBase=72 KeyResign=82 KeyAlliance=65 KeyBookmark1=118 KeyBookmark2=119 KeyBookmark3=120 KeyBookmark4=121 KeyRepairToggle=84 KeySellToggle=89 KeyMapToggle=85 KeySidebarUp=38 KeySidebarDown=40 KeyTeam1=49 KeyTeam2=50 KeyTeam3=51 KeyTeam4=52 KeyTeam5=53 KeyTeam6=54 KeyTeam7=55 KeyTeam8=56 KeyTeam9=57 KeyTeam10=48 KeyForceMove1=18 KeyForceMove2=18 KeyForceAttack1=17 KeyForceAttack2=17 KeySelect1=16 KeySelect2=16 KeyScrollLeft=0 KeyScrollRight=0 KeyScrollUp=0 KeyScrollDown=0 KeySelectView=0 ;EOF
  8. Looks like the turrets on MLRS and MSAM are indeed not drawn correctly. The apache is also missing its rotor. I added support for drawing the Turret defense building with an angle.
  9. I'm almost always on IRC when I'm not working.. Here's the new EXE with custom hotkeys loading capability: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/cnc95_hotkeys.exe Source: https://github.com/Iran/cnc106c-iran/blob/master/src/custom_hotkeys.asm I also added hotkeys to toggle repair and sell mode, to scroll the map one cell in either 4 directions and to select all units on the screen. Add the following to CONQUER.INI: [WinHotkeys] KeySidebarToggle=9 KeyScatter=88 KeyStop=83 KeyGuard=71 KeyNext=78 KeyBase=72 KeyResign=82 KeyAlliance=65 KeyBookmark1=120 KeyBookmark2=121 KeyBookmark3=122 KeyBookmark4=123 KeyRepairToggle=84 KeySellToggle=89 KeyMapToggle=85 KeySidebarUp=38 KeySidebarDown=40 KeyTeam1=49 KeyTeam2=50 KeyTeam3=51 KeyTeam4=52 KeyTeam5=53 KeyTeam6=54 KeyTeam7=55 KeyTeam8=56 KeyTeam9=57 KeyTeam10=48 KeyForceMove1=18 KeyForceMove2=18 KeyForceAttack1=17 KeyForceAttack2=17 KeySelect1=16 KeySelect2=16 KeyScrollLeft=0 KeyScrollRight=0 KeyScrollUp=0 KeyScrollDown=0 KeySelectView=0 ;EOF Please test, thanks!
  10. MLRS and MSAM look like: http://i.imgur.com/jayxRjr.png Not sure if that's correct. What will you be using the "passable terrain" filter for?
  11. Are you patching the code via my GitHub C&C project?
  12. Okay the second argument isn't needed anymore and I added code to draw the turret on more vehicles, hopefully it now draws on all of them.
  13. "Okay. I have to say, this tool is very, VERY nice! I'll probably update the map previews on my site with this " Thanks! Please do keep testing this tool and see if you can find bugs. "Did you test the turret offsets ingame or something? XCC Editor gets those all wrong." The turrets are part of the unit SHP, I calculate the frame for tank from the angle and if the unit is considered one that has a turret (yeah jeep etc aren't considered yet, gonna fix that) it also draws the calculated frame + 32 (which is the start offset for turrets, 0-based). 64 frames in total, half for the unit and half for the turret. XCC Editor doesn't consider the angle of the turret at all. Both unit and turret are drawn centered, because units like Harvester are larger than the cell they occupy. "I think you forgot the turrets on the Buggy and Jeep, though. Oh, and the Rocket Launcher, too, though with its rotating turret connection point I guess that one's pretty annoying to do." Not at all, it would be annoying to do for RA1 vessels as their turrets aren't part of the unit SHP, in C&C95 the turret ARE part of the unit SHP (not sure if that's for every unit). "-Why is the second argument required, btw? You could just make it default to "[basic filename without extension].png"; you cut off that basic filename anyway to find the .bin" I'll add that "-Could you build in an option for adding a red tinted "passable terrain" filter like XCC Editor has, based on the tilesets.ini data? The one in XCC Editor itself is occasionally completely wrong, and the ini has all passability data in the Primary/Secondary Type data." Would you use this? I don't see a point in adding this. My code should also consider the PrimaryColorScheme= and SecondaryColorScheme= keys although I haven't fully tested it. It also supports the additional color remaps you added and it shows the blossom tree in its transformed state.
  14. The other options like structures and templates still work..
  15. Fine....if Nyerguds gives me code to read an integer from conquer.ini and a place to hook conquer.ini reading I'll add it..
  16. It's not intended to as it takes a few seconds to generate a preview, as opposed to the RA95 generator I wrote which just creates a thumbnail.
  17. https://github.com/Iran/CnCFullMapPreviewGenerator This tool generates a preview image of a map using the game's graphics. It's written in c# 2.0 and requires the .Net framework v2.0. This uses code from OpenRA and code that hifi gave me. Thanks go to Mailaender and pchote for helping me with using the OpenRA code and answering questions. Nyerguds also helped with answering my questions, documenting the tile sets ID mappings used by the game and documenting the remap colors stuff for every color remap. Additional thanks go to the FreeCNC documentation of the game's map format and XCC Editor for showing me how things should somewhat look like. Usage: ExeFile InputMap [OutputImage] [--DrawVisibleOnly] Example: CncFullMapPreviewGenerator.exe x.ini derp.png --DrawVisibleOnly The '--DrawVisibleOnly' option only draws the part of the map that's visible in-game. If 'OutPutImage' is left out the filename (minus .ini) + '.png' is used. THIS IS STILL A BETA SO THE TOOL MIGHT CRASH OR GIVE INCORRECT RESULTS https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/CnC%20Full%20Map%20Preview%20Generator.zip
  18. Well it's there now. Just needs loading from INI code.
  19. They're not locked by default in my copy of XCC Editor. I can't add smudges in either XCC Editor or CCMAP. The "Smudges" option is grayed out yet all other options aren't. I checked that the layer isn't locked and it isn't.. I'll take a look at the map.
  20. According to the FreeCNC documentation it's the later cell index that's used (like with infantry, structures, units etc). Could you upload me an actual map .bin and .ini? Also do you know why I can't add smudges with XCC editor and CCMAP?
  21. Is the index 0-based (opposed to starting at number 1)?
  22. Yes. @Nyerguds: If you made that mapping a while ago then were you surprised when I made that patched EXE with custom key mappings for Lovehandles? Team association doesn't need to be changed, although my code allows allows for changing the 0-9 team keys Here's the code: https://github.com/Iran/cnc106c-iran/blob/master/src/custom_hotkeys.asm All that is needed is code to read custom hotkeys from conquer.ini, the actual hotkey remapping is already done.
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