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Fixed, thanks a bunch!
Here's the EXE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21865790/ra95.exe BTW I also fixed the crashes when playing as Neutral, Special and Multi1-8 countries.
I meant whether I can PM you the latest version of my patch with these changes, so you can see if modifying the country and colour the enemy in Brothers of Arms plays at fixes it. @Jacko: You need to set the colour and country manually inside the map INI, the syntax looks like this: [ukraine] Colour=6 ; colour brown Country=10 ; country Neutral Here's list of numbers for countries and their meaning: http://pastebin.com/Wmedm5uG don't have a list for colours
Okay I'm done. I had to patch the game, it gets the casualties/buildings destroyed data by going over all houses and adding the data after doing a check what side the house is. The check was done by checking the house type of the current house, instead of what country the current house plays as. E.g. if you have the USSR house and set its country to Spain it would still count USSR as soviet. That's fixed. Want me to PM you the exe?
I'll patch the game so you can change side and colour of every house by adding some INI settings to your mission/map.
Some thing I've noticed, when you toggle off the sidebar the credits tab shows some gray colour instead of black in the top right corner:
Because it helps identifying the unit..
What about Con. Yard?
Try pressing Ctrl+S, it should create a PNG image with a file name starting with "red alert" in the game folder.
Looks really nice you definitely have talent for making maps.
The text at the bottom of the Construction Yard states "Construction", could someone change this to "construct. yard"? Same thing needs to be done for the Fake CY icon.
Could you add the text "GRNL" at the bottom like with normal cameos, Allen262? I'm not sure how well it'll look in-game, so after that's added we can see. Nice start though.
What about the AM mission where you begin with subs? I think you also play against Turkey there.
I just added some code that when the max build limit of a unit type is reached the game no longer grays out the sidebar, instead it will play the "Unable to build more" sound. Expect it whenever I update my patch.
Neh they're traitors ;p
Doesn't fit the RA1 cameo style sadly :/
Okay once I have some time I'll check the Time Flies. What changes does the Let's Make a Steal mission.
Because Ukraine is a Soviet house and when you finish the mission it shows lots of Soviet casualties, instead of Allies. I don't think it's that much of an issue though.
I'd like to include a cameo for every unit that is unbuildable. I was thinking of: -A generic background -And some text at the bottom of the cameo, like every normal cameo has Anyone up for making them? They're needed for mods that make these units buildable, the sidebar glitches graphically because these units dont have a cameo.
Was Time Flies fixed properly? I think I have the following to include with my patch still: Fixed Time Flies Fixed Let's Make A Steal Fixed Brothers in Arms You probably need to re-do the whole Brothers in Arms mission from scratch, building, triggers and team types wise, with Turkey as enemy country. I assume I can make it possible to change a team's colour, at the very least add a map keyword to make Turkey's unit orange..
Looks cool now! I'm ready to include it with my patch (credits for the conversion given of course!), Nyerguds would it be somehow possible for you or someone else to convert the DOS font? That would be awesome.
It has the audio file yeah, I still need to hook it up to the build limit code.
Could you remove this part of the credits tab?: http://i.imgur.com/A9DprE4.png I noticed that when you have the 'info screen' with the kills count of every player active instead of the zoomed in/out radar map, when the game redraws the kill count (because a kill has been added), there's some weird graphical glitching that's probably happening because only the first few frames of that part of the sidebar SHP file are edited.
That would be nice to have.