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Everything posted by Plokite_Wolf

  1. Iran is ready for RA1 (likely Aftermath without the building limits). Anyone else feel like playing it?
  2. Stream 01 will air on Saturday at 19:30 GMT (20:30 CET), so please apply for matches so that I don't need to search CnCNet and Gameranger for available rooms.
  3. LIST UPDATED !!! Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn (1.06c rev3 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath (3.03 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun OR Firestorm (2.03 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 OR Yuri's Revenge (1.006/1.001 + Gameranger OR XWIS) Command & Conquer: Generals OR Zero Hour (1.08/1.04 + Gameranger)
  4. RA2 should get more decent support before that But yeah, Dune 2000 deserves a nice multiplayer scene.
  5. Glad you liked it, Matt. 1024x768 is a 4:3 resolution, so I forced a 720x405 as a 16:9 resolution, but my streaming software (Xsplit) is tough to work with regarding resolutions and audio. I'd like to thank all of you who were there either by playing or watching. This couldn't have gone without you. Hope you'll be more numerous next time EDIT: Youtube channel up now, thanks to Twitch (these guys really deserve one XXXL brofist) - http://www.youtube.com/user/C3NOfficial
  6. To anyone who missed stream 00, it's here - http://www.twitch.tv/c3nofficial/b/350269540 The news part doesn't have audio, I know. Screwup on my part.
  7. Since there are now 3 volunteers for TD, and because Tore explained how to stream it, Tiberian Dawn will be the game of choice tonight. Will it be 1v1 or 2v1 or 2v2, I don't know. Depends on who joins the lobby
  8. Kind of. At first, I'll have a few minutes of other programming, then I'll tell one of the players to host, I'll join the game, surrender as a player to remain neutral and commentate on the game. Of course, the players are not allowed to have their browsers with the C3N page opened online while the game is running.
  9. So we have Maikel and Jacko for RA1 and recoil56 and MattAttack for Tiberian Dawn. What'll we have? Vote until 15:00 GMT. On a side note, this stream will be referred to as "Stream Zero", as time and organization weren't on my side lately, so it won't have as many sections as I originally planned.
  10. Estimated air time: Saturday, 22 December 2012, 19:30 GMT
  11. Don't worry, Tore is in my "inner circle" of helpers, we've already discussed some things. Anyone who can help regarding content or streaming itself is welcome
  12. I'm afraid Dec 14th won't be the date of the first stream. I'm now thinking Dec 21st (school issues, you know how it goes ) So if everyone agrees, the regular and unmodified RA Aftermath will be the official choice.
  13. What did they appear like? BTW, I'm having issues with Klepacki's (ex-)Jukebox as of late. At first it was normal, but after a while, the list for, say, Tiberian Sun, just returns to track #1, while my current view is like an image that's sticked above it. I can scroll again as much as I want to and click on any track, but it just won't play.
  14. He states he even has a printed copy and that John Scott Lewinski put it on Elance
  15. I wasn't, but it wouldn't be much of an attraction to see a 3-minute match with Mammoths in the first 30 seconds, would it?
  16. From the looks of it he did. Do you by any chance have more info? I don't really understand why someone would hoax this but as Nyerguds mentioned it has Adam's name misspelled. I don't, I wasn't at EVA Database when he uploaded it, but when I next get in touch with him, I'll ask him to trace the file back.
  17. I think Tagaziel found that script. And what he finds is never a fanfic.
  18. For those of you who haven't seen the thread about C3N on the CNCNZ.com forums, C3N will be a livestream channel that brings you news, mod reviews, interviews and live matches with the stress on older C&C titles. With this in mind, I've decided to ask everyone here, at the home of CnCNet, if anyone is willing to play the following games on December 14th and let it be broadcasted live: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn (1.06c rev3 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Red Alert - The Aftermath (3.03 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun OR Firestorm (2.03 + CnCNet) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 OR Yuri's Revenge (1.006/1.001 + Gameranger OR XWIS) Command & Conquer: Generals OR Zero Hour (1.08/1.04 + Gameranger) Newer games are currently not supported due to technical reasons, but that doesn't mean they won't be featured in the future! See you on the battlefield, commanders and comrades!
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