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Everything posted by UltATK
tibsun and ra2 are not competitive games kid.
oh look trz getting raped by mike. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J95ANLHfIYQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Rn4eRCElo oh look me raping mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPlOOsyVK7I deal with it.
everyone thinks they better than me. still kick their ass especially when im not rushing to get the match over with. you a dime a dozen with your shit talking. got 10 other people who say the same shit to me. kick their ass easy unless they name hiding and i think they newb and do a silly rush. this something you dont understand about C&C. you are below my intelligence level as well. which is why i have to answer your stupid questions.
This build anywhere cheat has to exist because its how the wiggle glitch works. wiggle glitch makes the game a tad more fair otherwise people have problems expanding their bases and get trapped behind cliff barriers. Get over it. Build anywhere is not that big of a deal.
Another one of these threads again... Paragraphs of delusional rambling and only one sentence of clarity.
I actually made a GDI clock just like this in shop class back around 2001-2002 in middle school. Probably same clock making kits too. Used a scroll saw or some shit. Ended up painting it white and black to try to make it look like marble. Everyone else made generic rectangle clocks. I was actually pretty surprised how much the shop teacher let me deviate from what I was supposed to be making. He then covered it in a protective glaze. Its long gone now I used to post pictures of it on cncgamer.com. I miss those years... school i mean not these lame C&C communities im in now.
hush little newb dont say a word momma gonna teach you to build anywhere. http://youtu.be/4WCuVTw5F8s
nobody talks about my fav game and gets away with it. you suXZORZ :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
That is not the official CnCNet YouTube channel. Gonna make me ask for it i see.
get emperor battle for dune up in this bitch. i bet westwood forgot that game even exists same with earth & beyond.
I bet I could build lasers in your base and make you internal real good. make you squeeeeeeeel
I can do video editing and cgi graphics: I dont use CGI graphics currently on my own channel or much video editing. I try my best to use the best tools for stable/smooth framerates and image quality. I use lightwave 3d. The same program Westwood used to make most of their CGI for TibSun. Hehehe... I'm assumnig this is the main youtube for cncnet? https://www.youtube.com/user/RedAlert1Online I'm not a part of the RA1 community. I used to play it a lot before TS came out but im still not a part of that community. :/ nevermind lolololol *runs away*
Set graphics settings ingame to medium or low instead of high. They patched the game to default to high level "3" graphics. You are probably getting internal errors from laser turrets shooting while you scroll out of view of them. This only occurs at high level graphics because the lasers have more special effects to them. disruptors have this same problem but less frequently since they arent used as much as laser turrets.
i will sell cncgamer.com domain if you want it heheheeeeee. 50 bucks little man in my hand. til then ill link it to this thread
champsite was a exclusive elite private douchebag website for self absorbed players. the elite hacker group of ts made short work of their egos. yuck yuck yuck. i was a part of the hacker group and got early access to relay scripts and made a few programs myself when not being graphics staff at cncgamer and apaxteam. with that said i own the cncgamer.com domain name now.
That never worked online.
default ts renderer with graphics patch always seems to boost the performance to perfection for me.
Check to make sure you didnt download it. just because its a official map doesnt mean he couldnt have modified it. and ya depending on the weapon if its a sniper its a modified unit. that unit is not a sniper normally. i will check to make sure though but im sure its not because i use tech cheats and i build umagons when i want a sniper lol thats a mutant soldier and normally shoots a gun that sounds like a vulcan cannon turret or buggy. not a sniper rifle at all.
That's a mod map. And if that unit uses a sniper rifle its a mod unit. Only umagon uses a sniper rifle by default. No it is not a cheat. It's a mod map you nerd. GetGood. You know this already.
quit drawing attention to yourself.
Nope. It was shooting over the passable part of the refinery. Shooting over a hill wasn't the issue. From the Mammoth's point of view, the infantry, which is much smaller, was hiding behind a hill. It shouldn't have been able to hit them there, no. I'm pretty sure the passable part of the refinery takes damage. I saw this same thing happen earlier with it shooting through the barracks and the barracks not taking damage. and lol at "hiding" behind thee hill. again, other units have no problem hitting units behind a hill and since the mk2 is taller than all other units it should be the best at it. I think its just a railgun bug. but maybe thats just my opinion. Devil's tongue and railgun both have problems with hills. Although I've also seen the commando's weapon hit hills. Quite frankly I think us TS players see it as a game engine problem more than a feature. if the railgun damaged the ref but failed to damage the targets i was attacking I would have just agreed that the hill blocked the shot and thats something im used to as it does make some sense.
you use a old square computer monitor getwiththetimes