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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by FlyingMustache

  1. V3s are just bad in the sw meta game.They're quite amazing in non sw team games.
  2. Yes, I know this. I understood it a while back, hence why I refined their roles in my mod. What's your in game name? You should join us sometime so you can take a glimpse of the upgraded versions of these units.
  3. That's the sovs' main problem outside iraq: they have no reliable anti infantry/light armor.
  4. The part about the sovs is false. In my mod, sovs do well without the deso. Except cuba. Cuba struggles late game. The demo and tesla tank end up filling the role of the deso. The anti infantry and anti light armor.
  5. Leo, no sov other than iraq will beat Yuri. Top players have gone random, but they got screwed once they got into a situation where they needed the specialty unit. On a side note, terrorists are actually pretty good. Cuba just suffers from late game. I've thought about adding radiation to their explosion to help that issue.
  6. I have never seen that mode played. I think testing it would be needed first.
  7. You want to extract from expandmd.mix. That has the correct rules.ini.
  8. The IC window is 4:10. IC expires at 4:10.
  9. You're talking about a game from over a year ago, possibly even two years ago. Really man? That's how desperate you are to push your false narrative. Now please comment something relevant. This isn't the post for your baseless trash talk.
  10. I didn't count the 2v2s. It's not a matter of English. Why would you count a 2v2 if you're making it personal? Especially when Chandler saved you in one of those 2v2s. It was because of that we even did 1v1s. So yes, 3-1 you simpleton. Oh, and hypocritical? Don't be stupid, that's another false statement. You just think it's trash talk since you're triggered by everything. What was that you were complaining about a few days ago? Oh yes, you were angry about "trash talk" because I was pointing out your idiocy for putting your nuke plant next to your lab 3 times in a row. You lost both 3 times in a row, it was incredibly stupid. There were several spectators laughing about it too, it was bad. Laughing about it isn't trash talk, you're just a bitch boy. Stay quiet down there buddy, it makes you sound less stupid.
  11. Yes, please. This VWWWW imbecile came back into this post simply to flame. That's all he does.
  12. I don't care about your opinion, only facts. This whole paragraph of yours is full of bullshit, no facts. If you're gonna talk shit, at least be factual. It was 3-1. This why my claims always stomp yours. I'm always factual, you're always assuming or ignorant. Usually both.
  13. Yeah, I'm not bothering with the race posts. Just keep it about mods/balance. I see Matt's perception is as foolish as ever. I don't expect much different from simpletons though.
  14. Those are just my in game initials. MustacheX.
  15. Kikematamitos, when you get popular on YouTube you will get trolled. You just have to learn to ignore it and move on. Keep making videos that people enjoy. You guys need to just simply apologize and move on. Ignore the trolls, it just means you've gotten pretty popular. When we're on discord and play Extra Small we like to say, "Kikematamitos presenta: Kirov reporting!" Maybe you're not pro, but you contribute to the ra2yr community more than most pros. Don't be petty, keep doing you!
  16. I didn't see a multiplier when I opened an official map in notepad, but I tested the speed between an official map and a map where I manually put in the 1.5 multiplier. The official map built the rhino in 11 seconds, the 1.5 map built the rhino at 13 seconds like I predicted. Test it yourself if you can. for some reason, it seems westwood changed the rhino to 1.3 build speed in the end.
  17. On the XWIS server, a handful of the official maps had charged prism towers one shot any target
  18. It's just strange because the rhino builds in about 11 seconds at normal game speed. If it's 1.5, it should build at about 13 seconds. Closer to the miner. I'm going to check the maps themselves to see if they have individual values. Remember xwis toe prism towers?
  19. Yeah, I got off work and went in to see just now. 1.5 for both.
  20. You must have read the rules wrong. Rhino is 1.3 and grizz is 1.5
  21. Yeah, it was a bit dark. But it's true!
  22. I would disagree. Not because I made the mod, but because I don't see instances where the apoc is unchallenged. Tesla troopers are pretty easily dealt with with desos/seals/snipers.
  23. No no, I didn't change any bos. Only some of the units are adjusted. The meta game is the same, except for late game sovs. Apocs are worth using. What is your reasoning for that?
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