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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by FlyingMustache

  1. Yes, I'm aware. I simply created another warhead for just the tesla tank. This way the coil and trooper weren't affected.
  2. I definitely don't mean to undermine your efforts at all my friend. I'm just speaking from experiencing it. In 1.0 of my mod, Tesla tank was so good that players would only build the Tesla tank. Not even when I would use the apocalypse tank (which I also allowed to shoot move) could I beat tesla tanks with fodder. Don't even get me started on games where superweapons were on. I unfortunately never recorded those games, but if you'd like, we can play some games in 1.0 of my mod. I'm sure Kireeek or some other friends of mine would be willing to demonstrate the early versions of MX.
  3. Indeed, but that's just one aspect of the weapon. The projectile itself has other factors that give it much more power over the rhino. It has no travel time. It can't be blocked by pills or infantry. It also cannot miss, even against fast units like ifvs. These things make that 135 damage bolt much more threatening than a cannonball. Don't downplay the effectiveness against infantry either. Being able to oneshot nearly all infantry makes fodder very ineffective against them in tank battles. I've been modding for balance for a while now, I'm just sharing my experience with you
  4. That's what my post says. "...everything except light and building armor."
  5. That's simply becausE the battlefort is overloaded. 600hp, crush all tanks, +2 range to infantry, +20% damage to infantry. So many stats on one unit.
  6. They might be too strong. They deal 135 damage to all targets except light and building armor. In my mod, I increased their range to 6 in the beginning and they tore through everything. Host a game with your mod map and I'll demonstrate their power. Also, you should join the Discord. We have these kinds of conversations in real time voice all the time there. https://discord.gg/4Ve25mM
  7. I think you forgot they have splash/arching damage as well now. The rhino deals 67.5 damage to light armored units, while the tesla tank deals 114.75. Almost double. With the arching bolts I added, it will hit another 3 nearby light armored tanks for 25.5 damage each. That's 191.25 damage. Almost triple the rhinos' damage in one volley. It deals with infantry slightly better than a prism tank, without the extreme weakness to radiation. In game testing in mx has been quite well too. It's not used for every situation no, but it's not meant to either. Earlier versions of the tesla tank made all tanks obsolete, and that's what I wanted to avoid.
  8. That Tesla tank buff will give you problems. That's what I did at first in my mod.
  9. What I ended up deciding is figuring out the role the tesla tank would fill. Sovs already have great anti heavy armor and anti building. They have weak anti infantry and weak anti light armor. So I made the tesla tank excel at that instead and weakened the damage vs heavy armor. Now I think it's in a good spot.
  10. The ladders used to give badges, and the tournaments that were held by xwis actually gave a prize. The tournaments here are arranged FFGs because the rules they follow are the same ones that everyone does in the FFGs anyway. Except no prize. SW? No dog engie eat? The same maps thrown in? It's all the same. There's nothing special about them. Here's a game pack I got back in the day from XWIS.
  11. The tournaments are frowned upon because there's no reason to do them. They're just arranged FFGs that are called "tournaments." It's all a facade that only encourages egotistical behavior. The toxicity is an element you're not taking into consideration. It's a dead game, and the toxic veterans don't help nurture the newer players.
  12. Of course, but in my experience not many new players want to endure losing in the competitive scene over and over. Or even endure the toxicity of the veteran players.
  13. This is an interesting point. Did we ever consider that the huge amount of casual games isn't a bad thing? Maybe it doesn't cater to our favorite playstyle, but it keeps the player count high. PLus that always leaves potential for competitive players.
  14. Well I also think they're intimidated by the competitive scene. Can't blame them though, it's pretty trash lol.
  15. Not that there's anything wrong with sedona ffa or camping, but newbies have no choice but to camp. They don't know how to attack well.
  16. Inviting them to voice chat definitely makes things easier with helping newer players. I've helped a handful of newer players by bringing them into Discord. It seems to me that once they chat and have a good down to Earth conversation with you, you can better understand each other. It just seems to me that reading in game chat and focusing on the actual game can be hard for some. I've had more success with players by giving real time voice tips than any typing I've ever done. Also, that egotistical way veteran players look down on them and scrutinize them is not the way to go. They're people, not animals.
  17. Yeah, tesla troopers definitely need the increased range I would say. Same with the tesla tank. I wouldn't put them at the same level as ra1 though. Ra1 gameplay is the reason Westwood nerfed them so much in the next game. And in my experience with modding, tesla tanks definitely have been a hard tank to balance.
  18. Maybe, but that simply makes the game homogeneous. You undermine the fundamental theme of the factions. (Like allies being light and fast)
  19. It's just what most of the lesser skilled players like. They like the camping and easy money from crates. You have to remember that the majority of players are newbies, so of course you'll have games like sedona ffa with crates be very prevalent.
  20. I keep hearing the magnetron cliff limitation. I'll make a poll of suggestions that are consistently brought up. Also Prep, if the Magnetron beam is disabled vs miners, the second weapon will take over and deal damage to the miners instead. Both Magnetron weapons are scripted to hit miners, but the beam overrides the second weapon in the vanilla game. Everyone will have to keep that in mind if the Beam is disabled vs miners. Miners won't be 100% safe from mags.
  21. In my experience of many mods, I'll share some with you V3s are actually quite good in the vanilla game. They don't get used much in SW games since that meta is much too fast paced and because IC is more cost efficient. In no SW games, they are very good. Plus in my experience of CannisRules, another mod, V3s were brutal with a faster rocket lol. They seemed pretty op in fact. Tesla Trooper - I can agree with range, that's their biggest detriment I would say. Rate of fire, maybe. Health/defense/dog immunity, I don't think I can agree with those. In my mod the increased range, fearlessness, and price reduction to 400 made them quite powerful. They are very useful for defending, for aggresive fodder, and even for flak track rushes. That's with 2 offensive changes and 1 economic change. I don't think the Tesla trooper is bad defensively, so there I don't think it needs defensive buffs. He tanks 10 rhino shots and some decent gunfire damage. Offensive buffs is what the trooper needs imo. Tesla Tank - This is basically like the tesla trooper. I think it needs offensive buffs to do its job well. In my mod, the increased range and arching damage makes it clear infantry quite well. I added the splash damage to it later since the desolator was outclassing the tesla tank even with the increased range. Ifv/flak/gat - The IFV shouldn't shoot move. In my experience with Keima's mod, they were too powerful. Like I mentioned several posts ago, when they shoot move, they're basically a better version of a battlefort. GGI IFVs easily kite and destroy tanks with their blazing speed of 10. Sniper and seal ifvs do the same to infantry. REpair ifvs keep your army alive while moving along with it. Chrono ifvs put a halt to any chance you had at maybe catching them with your rhinos. Tier 3 units like prism tanks or choppers can handle them, but good luck getting to that point with the hellish tier 1 battleforts you'll have to deal with. Flak tracks could probably shoot on the move without being as overbearing as IFVs, but you have to consider that flak is the best AA in the game. Having flak tracks move that amazing AA freely at a speed of 8 would not be the healthiest choice in terms of game balance. Gattling tanks move at a slower speed of 6. They can't escape threats as easily as the other two. Therefore, I find their shoot move capability is more needed. However, I do think they deal a little too much damage to certain armor types and it should be changed. If your suggestions become unanimous though, I"ll still add them into the UC mod.
  22. Aside from that one pirate bay game I forgot about months ago, it's been 2 years. You didn't answer my question of the other nicks, yolo. Just que whenever, I don't que at any specific time. Put the e-penis away too. Let's have a civil conversation without such foolish arrogance.
  23. What other nicks did you play on? I've only played you on Pirate Bay. As far as I know, we're 1-0
  24. Just because you claim it doesn't make it true either. Evidence is required. How do you know my Yuri? The last time you even played vs me was over 2 years ago. Would you like to play me now? I'll play a series vs you. I find it interesting that you base experience from a long time ago. Hell, I beat sunny 3-2 YvY 2 months ago. They were ggs though, no disrespect to sunny.
  25. I'd have to see it to believe it. Saying things is easier than putting it into practice. You have no video of it, so it's simply your word. Also, why do you people always get defensive? I didn't question the guy's rank. He played like a fool in the video you linked. Also, I'd be willing to play a series vs him. I can say he'd be swept against my yuri. You have to play smarter vs yuri than simply rhinos and dogs.
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