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Everything posted by TheZodiac

  1. Carna if you are out there, I just wanna let you know that there is gonna be a meeting in my bedroom.. and that you are invited... Please don´t be late!. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlJwac3PXUw Ps. Sorry every one for starting a new topic for this very personal and intimate matter, but I got no other way of reaching him then making a post here.
  2. I will agree with SAS-olliegator. This would be allot of fun to play with and would add some new interesting dynamics to the game as long as it is optional in game lobby. SAS-olliegator learn how to make sams in game, SAS-olliegator stop swarming and infesting all 8er games like other SAS clan members always do. It is so annoying. ROFL! :laugh: SAS-Humble we all know you are the sole clan leader of SAS clan, stop denying it..
  3. Why don´t you join SAS clan then.., they apparently don´t need sams when they play and also you can be apart of swarming and infesting every 8er game.. So annoying.. O_o
  4. this is almost as dumb as the guy who thought you could login to archived websites. maybe that was humble too. LOL. his clan also thinks you dont have to build sams in tiberian sun. For 5,001,313,146,872th time, that is not my clan. Also, quite often search bots like google are given special rights, so I asked people to test the login to verify they just archived the login fail page, and not the entire directory that runs it. Didn't hurt to test and be sure. Rather negative, eh Nancy? ROFL! Don´t trust anything that come out of this Humble guys mouth.. He is indeed the clan leader of SAS. Unfortunately he have not explained to his annoying clan members that they need SAM sites so both me and mr12345 can fly around with our MK´s in their base all day long easily raping all their structures that are not main buildings.
  5. 12345 said it best. sas people think they don´t need sams, they are such newbies. Let´s fly our disrs around their base all day long.. :laugh:
  6. LMFAO! agreed all SAS clan memebers are hyper noobs they don´t even understand they need to build sams in time. Let´s punish'em bomber rush or bans rush the shit of them every game.. :laugh: SAS people are so annoying..
  7. this is almost as dumb as the guy who thought you could login to archived websites. maybe that was humble too. LOL. his clan also thinks you dont have to build sams in tiberian sun. Yeah I agree totally with Mr 12345. ROFL! well said mr 12345 they are so dumb and don´t even know the basic essence of GDI play of pumping mass tits and get enough sams up in time while focusing on harvcontrol and keeping up with macro through out the game. I mean SAS clan who the H*ll they think they are.. Let´s crush'em.
  8. TRZ may be at little bit too flamboyant at times and some would even call him eccentric but who does not wanna live on the edge.. life is more interesting that way. TRZ is a supa Nice guy though. O_o Another one for the one and only Sean, Please let me in, make me a full blown member of your inner circle.. :puppydog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry6XUsow4Vg
  9. Sean if you are out there, This one is for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H64QG4UsrGI
  10. First of all thank you for starting this topic, I was considering doing it myself but did not have the guts I guess, This is a great topic. I did also interact with this famous individual named TRZ during last year when I was playing for a while. Indeed I noticed that he was a very soft spoken and a humble guy. It was almost impossible to get mad or frustrated with him and his antics since he is such a lovable and nice guy. I once actually did send him a present of value to show him my appreciation of his existence. Others should do the same and the minimum donation is 50 USD, I am actually considering sending him another donation of 500$ to demonstrate how I feel for him. You know what they say, "MONEY TALKS" I heard some ppl once say that this TRZ guy thinks he is way better then he is and that he talks way to much and I really could not understand what these lunatics where on about.. Other qualities that many ppl mistakenly think that TRZ have but that he absolutely does not have are being arrogant, delusional and being flamboyant. I can honestly say that I look up to TRZ so incredible much, the topic creator said it best "He is such a NICE guy and have such a soft side to him. I would do almost anything to be allowed in to his inner circle. :laugh: I don´t wanna have to clarify myself to any one who might read this by posting again, No folks! there no absolutely no sarcasm in my statement! This is really how my heart feels! :roll:
  11. Also Tiberium Desert should be played allot more. Now go and start playing Area 51 map more frequently you noobs! :laugh:
  12. A few times when I placed my ref in Terrace BR to my big surprise I got no harv together with the ref XD which means immediate gg when your doing a inf bo. lol @ building and selling refs and getting no harv from it.. but that only happen on this server when I played on it during last year never happen @ WOL. @ Terrace BL you can get unlucky and get some extremely aggressive Viscs :yo: that can kill your harvs in no time if you don´t pay attention. LMAO!
  13. TheZodiac


    Since I made a post on the topic "Re: CnCNet Leaderboard now live!" where I guess few will read it I will post it again here this time.. This is some great news. Well done team CnCNet You should easily be able to make the ladder system to sense when a 2vs2 game finish as a wash game(draw) which occurs when one player from each team is defeated before one team defeats all opposing players. Then you will be able to create a separate 2vs2 ladder since the possible outcomes of a 2vs2 game are team 1 wins, team 2 wins or wash game which means a draw and then no points should be awarded or deducted on the ladder. (I am sure this should be possible some how for 3vs3 and 4vs4 games too but I have never played that kind of ladder game since it did not exist at WOL.) If you then create an interface(perhaps copy the old WOL-ladder if there are no copyright issues anymore) where players can log in with their credentials and add features to create clans, invite into and kick members/players from the clan then I am sure every one who played Tiberian Sun on a higher level will appreciate it. This will allow players to evolve their teamplaying skills again more easily and it also will also create circumstances where players will be more innovative and create new strategies and tactics regarding 2 vs 2 gameplay since you can easier practice with the players that you currently choose to create a clan with. Also there are some significant different skillsets needed to be very successful in 2vs2 compared to 1vs1 games, such as sending enough support to your team m8 when needed,timings, counterattack in right moments,handle early doubleteaming, the eco game, harv control etc are also alot different since the tib/money is much more limited in a 2vs2 and there are much more opportunities to harvhunt. Games rarely go 1vs1 style in a 2vs2 where top vs top and bottom vs bottom positions mainly battle it out. Also the combo attacks and other dynamics in that match up between gdi+nod teams vs gdi+gdi teams much less significant today since players don´t have the possibility to practice together and then test their skills vs others team playing skills. When players switch team m8s every single game the factor of 2vs2 strategies and synk between team players disappears alot. I know that there are new features in CnCnet client to preset teams and spots to simulate clan and team games but it is not the same if there is no ladder and clan system supporting it. This have always been a major part of TS and even though oldschool players come and visit CnCnet they rarely stay long and I think lack of what I described in this post is a big reason to it since all the best old memories high level players have from this game is from that kind of games that can only occur when there is a possibility to conduct competitive team games. I hope I do not sound do needy towards the developing team @ CnCnet with this post but I wanted to express my sincere opinion regarding a subject that I think many more then myself care alot of. :heady: Cheers.
  14. That was an outrages statement since there is nothing even similar between the excellent map throwback and any mod map. XD It is Terrace style and got potential for great long games, you on terrace when game goes very long and if there have not been any decisive blows dealt the game dies of allot when all tibfields are empty. On throwback there are more centralized placed tib patches to battle over. Also throwback is way more balanced in 1vs1 games. on Terrace in 1vs1 you have to play best of 5 or 7 games to give it an equal enough playing field since the top and bottom spots differ alot regarding the eco. I have unfortunately not been on since last year but I come on I look forward to play allot more of that map. Area 51 map is amazing for 3vs3 long games and fun interesting features in the landscape giving it allot of potential for creative game play. It is a beautiful map with allot of mysterious sh*t going on like Alien spaceships etc.. I even tho I don´t agree with this fools statement I still defend he´s right to have an outrages opinion. Good luck remaining players in the tournament who ever is playing next weekend
  15. When I was playing during last year I noticed three maps that did not get the exposure they deserve. Terrace will always be the main battlefield, Forest Fires is fun for 3vs3 and 4vs4 games. Three maps that should be played allot more in my opinion are "Throwback" and "Blast from the past" by Atombombu and Area51 by Seb. Throwback is a great terrace style map with allot more possibilities in very long games due to more and bigger tibfields in the middle to clash over. The map also have great balance between spots and nice small features in the landscape that makes game play interesting and varying. "Blast from the past" is such a fun and epic map for 4vs4 and 3vs3. The huge amount of money combined with big teams makes the map all about action and intense battles from beginning to the en, and if game goes long it gets crazy with potential for huge and powerful bases. In 3vs3 if one player in a team gets spawned fare away from other two ppl tend to forget to support him tho since he usualy gets doubled or tripled. Well it is all about what maps the host of game rooms are willing to putt on more frequently. To all of you complaining and whining when some one puts on one of the above mentioned maps. :ranting:
  16. I just made a longer post posted on the topic "CnCNet Leaderboard now live!" about what features I think would attract more older players to become active again. But I don´t know how to quote posts between different topics on this forum..
  17. This looks like a great initiative. A few generous individuals donating to prize pool, respect to these people. A few ideas, Maybe there could be a sign up fee for every player participating in future tournaments, you could also add a feature where a player can pay both their own and another players fee if they wish to do so. If there are more payment methods available such as Paypal, Neteller, Moneybookers, Bitcoins there will be more donations. Also there should be an easy way to donate and show appreciation directly to the ones who host the tournaments since there goes alot of time and effort in to that. Good luck with this event!
  18. This is some great news. Well done team CnCNet You should easily be able to make the ladder system to sense when a 2vs2 game finish as a wash game(draw) which occurs when one player from each team is defeated before one team defeats all opposing players. Then you will be able to create a separate 2vs2 ladder since the possible outcomes of a 2vs2 game are team 1 wins, team 2 wins or wash game which means a draw and then no points should be awarded or deducted on the ladder. (I am sure this should be possible some how for 3vs3 and 4vs4 games too but I have never played that kind of ladder game since it did not exist at WOL.) If you then create an interface(perhaps copy the old WOL-ladder if there are no copyright issues anymore) where players can log in with their credentials and add features to create clans, invite into and kick members/players from the clan then I am sure every one who played Tiberian Sun on a higher level will appreciate it. This will allow players to evolve their teamplaying skills again more easily and it also will also create circumstances where players will be more innovative and create new strategies and tactics regarding 2 vs 2 gameplay since you can easier practice with the players that you currently choose to create a clan with. Also there are some significant different skillsets needed to be very successful in 2vs2 compared to 1vs1 games, such as sending enough support to your team m8 when needed,timings, counterattack in right moments,handle early doubleteaming, the eco game, harv control etc are also alot different since the tib/money is much more limited in a 2vs2 and there are much more opportunities to harvhunt. Games rarely go 1vs1 style in a 2vs2 where top vs top and bottom vs bottom positions mainly battle it out. Also the combo attacks and other dynamics in that match up between gdi+nod teams vs gdi+gdi teams much less significant today since players don´t have the possibility to practice together and then test their skills vs others team playing skills. When players switch team m8s every single game the factor of 2vs2 strategies and synk between team players disappears alot. I know that there are new features in CnCnet client to preset teams and spots to simulate clan and team games but it is not the same if there is no ladder and clan system supporting it. This have always been a major part of TS and even though oldschool players come and visit CnCnet they rarely stay long and I think lack of what I described in this post is a big reason to it since all the best old memories high level players have from this game is from that kind of games that can only occur when there is a possibility to conduct competitive team games. I hope I do not sound do needy towards the developing team @ CnCnet with this post but I wanted to express my sincere opinion regarding a subject that I think many more then myself care alot of. :heady: Cheers.
  19. Greetings, Thank you FunkyFr3sh and team CNCnet for making TS possible here and for hosting servers for game play. I have not been playing much on this server except a few games a couple of months back togheter with my pal stefor. Real stefor not the imposter that I see posting here. Let me express that I think that it is crucial that you develop a clan system and a ladder. All the best memories that I do have from this game is from competition and epic clan games. I am sure that all the older top tier players that eventually will find CNCnet would feel the same. If you do not make this more of a priority that the activity of TS players will probably decline instead of increase and players will either leave for XWIS or stop playing the game. This would be a sad outcome and also I am of the opinion that CNCnet do have great potential. If you do manage to develop it would not surprise me if you get alot of donations as appreciation since this is a very significant thing for every player that played this game on a higher level in the past. I still keep in contact through other games with many old great players that I got to know in early ts on Westwood online. Many have shown interest to come back to this game if there would be away to compete again. Regarding if there should be possible to namehide, yes that will probably increase activity and get more games going since players then can not as easy avoid to play other players. Also I am of the opinion that claims of whom is stronger player and other potential disputes should be settled through gameplay and not through words and namecalling. Someone send me a message if the ladder or clan will be developed and I be happy to come on and start playing again. Cheers! Zod
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