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About aWarNoob1

  • Birthday 02/05/2005

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  1. Incredible! And those are just the older maps made upto 2015! If I download this will they be sorted into my Standard gamemaps folder? I'm trying to keep my official gamemaps separate from any custom maps I download.
  2. What would I gain from any of this?? I only mentioned the nickname Johnson which is super generic and could've been anybody, yet here you are outing yourself like a dumbass. Also these issues were not just affecting me. Whoever was cheating was disabling auto attack and selling structures for other players aswell. @Grant Is there anything that can be done about this?
  3. Was doing 3v3 and 4v4 ffg games on some custom maps that i'd made. They were mostly just modified official game maps with extra oil derricks , more ore, or air units disabled. I never added any trainers or anything crazy to these maps. In a 3v3 sedona with crates disabled I noticed that one of my allies who was America made a Boris from an allied barracks. Even crazier was that he was targeting not just enemy structures but enemy tank units using migs with a distance way across from his own spawn. I then questioned him about it and he just blamed the map that I made and that he was only using the mods built into the map. This was a lie. He was going by the name Johnson. I said I was gonna report him. He said it didn't matter since he could just use a different ip and a different nickname. We continued to try to play on various other custom maps that I made, but he continued rejoining on other nicknames. Almost every match he would freeze my miners to where I couldn't get them to mine or deposit ore. My units would also lose the ability to auto attack enemy units. There was also a ton of reconnection errors. Sometimes within the first 5 seconds of the game start. I imagine something to do with whatever mods the guy was using. Finally I gave up playing for the day when he started freezing me and other players miners, disabled auto attack, but then also began selling other players structures for them. All day I had other players in my gameroom complaining about this guy hacking our games. I even had some people accusing me of being the cheater. I know very well that I never added the ability to do these kind of cheats on any of my custom maps. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test if this guy could also use his cheats on an official game map, but lets sure as hell hope not.
  4. Link seems broken on my end. Invalid Dynamic Link Requested URL must be a parseable URI, but possibly incomplete to be a DynamicLink. If you are the developer of this app, ensure that your Dynamic Links domain is correctly configured and that the path component of this URL is valid.
  5. Someone page Mr Marijuana and ask if he can make another Rhino War Arena map with each side having an allied player with Grizzly tanks. Would be a good way to test rhinos and Grizzly together. Usually these maps of his don't have much fodder though, so there's that.
  6. If that's the only route up that hill then it does seem like a dead end here in this mission. Is there other buildings you can capture on that map? Maybe it'll bring reinforcements. Also, since this engineer is an elite, maybe he has special attributes. Trying selecting unit and ctrl fire on a tree to see if it attacks somehow.
  7. It's like listening to music on vinyl. On CD the units just respond better and the game feels more....alive!
  8. To think Ra2 is almost 25 years old today is crazy! And still no other RTS can touch it. EA needs to open source these games. Maybe we can get an influx of more players this way. Not sure if this would mean the ability to better mod the game. Perhaps we could get an HD texture pack mod but also perhaps more cheats for online games, so probably a double edged sword. Sorry I don't know of a fix for CD installs on Windows 11. I've got the game downloaded through Origin. Also I just checked and the C&C Ultimate collection is on sale for only $8.00usd on Steam! Could be a good option.
  9. I always wanted to have YR or Ra2 logos similar to the ones used in the Windows desktop shortcuts as car bumper stickers. I wonder if i'd catch the attention of fellow CnC gamers out in traffic where I live.
  10. Ability to delete custom maps right from the client edit: Nvm, I see we can already do this.
  11. Some decent suggestions in here. I'll add a few more. 1.) Bring back option to play Ra2 music in YR gamemode. 2.) Clan tags. Doesn't need to be anything official but maybe just a slot next to nicknames to show what clan you want to claim to be in, or more than 12 character nicknames so we can add a longer clan name with our nickname. Something like this: [Sed0na]aWarNoob1 3.) Being able to private message a friend while he's in another game. This was possible on Xwis with certain lobby commands like /page0 or /page JohnDoe. I hear because it had a dedicated server as opposed to CnCNet's p2p servers. This functionality might not be possible on CnCNet which is unfortunate. 4.) Popup that shows what gameroom someone is in when you hover over their name in lobby. I think we used to have this feature. 5.) Client renders a Hi-resolution map preview for all custom maps. I think we used to have this on cnc, but was removed because it caused some bugs.
  12. Command BuildLimit=0 finally worked for me.
  13. Feras! it works. Thank you. Your Arizona survival map is amazing. Will try to beat it soon.
  14. Also this 8p version of the map. Thank you! [8] sedona pass [noair].yrm
  15. I swear i've tried every which way. I've even been able to do it before, but with my new computer i can't get XCC to work right. Can you please insert a hi-reso image for this map. sedonapassnoair4.map
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