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Everything posted by Omituinen

  1. Your mom and I are not related. But you make a good point, better to keep the skill in the family. TY.
  2. Honestly, it would affect my games a lot if you will execute this suggestion. I would be very thankful if you did not. Just imagine someone tabbing to see who they're playing against, and they find out its me. They will immediately have a panic attack, and go into a state of shock, or at best just get demoralized. I will not be able to have any real games if this passes. Think of the children, for gods sake.
  3. I see no reason to know who i am playing against, because i'm going to win regardless.
  4. Honestly i don't agree ic being a problem in a longer game. SVA in long game can be pretty impossible for sovs without supers in certain maps. And theres not really an answer for battlefortress other than ic. The problem is that sov can make the ic so fast into the game. Even trash builds with 3 miners to tech are viable, because of supers. Idk if it's possible, but best solution would be make it so you can't make ic so early into the game SVA
  5. What the fuck, did you get that from random insult generator ?
  6. Idk last time i read matts post where he didn't talk about raping someone. Starting to get little weird.
  7. idk when this was but i look like i was high, how else could i lose to mustacheX cmon
  8. Dunno, after I rolled and verbally abused latof on stream, he fell into a deep depression for like 6 months. Idk if I want to do that to anyone else.
  9. frank who you trying to bluff with your money match challenges, you are as washed up as i am
  10. Ooo i saw your books at a store, not a single copy had sold bought one out of pity and ended up using it as toilet paper.
  11. how much? ill play until you are homeless.
  12. well, it is a counter vs buffed paradrops, not surprised they buffed it somewhat. btw get good
  13. Then don't play yuris revenge lol, why would you play a game if third of it is unplayable to you ? I'm surprised you didn't stop replying before, after all you are just a bitch who gives up before even trying. Also, cancer like you spreads. First its you bailing all yuri players, then its several ppl bailing all yuri players, then you start bailing every player you lose to, and theres no end to it. When losers like you start abusing the system, it always goes to shit. Basically you are shitting on the peoples hard work who made the qm system. Thats my opinion anyways
  14. Emotional? How hard it is to understand that I, and maybe a lot of other players would rather play the game instead of getting bailed by some shitkid?
  15. Yes it is quite strange, i posted a pic of you bailing someone, and commented that you bailed me too. Hard to understand? Learn to play instead of bailing, the learning happens when you dont bail btw.
  16. ? Why are you trying to lie about something like winning in a videogame, lol. I have not played you a single game today, because you bailed 3/3. I'm guessing you have bailed too many people today and are confusing me for someone else. I'm not anyone in that picture i posted.
  17. You played and won? You consider winning 1 out of 10 games as you "winning" ? L O L, as expected from a bitch who bails. win 1 lose 9. i won btw - heldro
  18. I matched vs heldro 3 times today too. Was a waste of time since he decided to quit at start of every single game. I do understand that no matter what you do, kids like this end up abusing the system, but still this is kind of silly.
  19. Time to bust out the good ol' rule book boys Flaks in yuri are definitely stronger in yuris revenge. I'd say about 40-60% stronger.
  20. What a guy, tries to make sure to "answer" to everything, while actually answering to nothing. At least be little more creative with your non-answers kid.
  21. Yea, game crashes sometimes. These games right after i destroyed all of your tanks, you trash talked for 20 seconds and then disconnected. Little bit too hard to believe that you crashed right after flaming and crying. (2 times) Watch my language? Do the words "weird" or "sore loser" offend you ? No worries just pm grant and i'm sure he would be more than happy to make a safe space for you.
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