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Everything posted by Omituinen

  1. You are lucky he's keeping it civil
  2. hm people who like to insult people in games (like sunny) apparently also complain the most when they get insulted themselves. C'mon sunny you used to call me nigger and everything else and now you complain when its done to you. It's only OK when you do it, but when other ppl do it its wrong ? "its either all okay or none of it is okay"
  3. Well i guess in your mind it does, otherwise you wouldn't come up with stuff like that. Didn't cross my mind that I would have any power over random people who play the same game as me, no matter what their skill level is.
  4. Don't do me like that "The village idiot was long considered an acceptable social role, a unique individual who was dependent yet contributed to the social fabric of his community." It's not that much of an insult!
  5. Nvm Jsds, didn't realize you are the village idiot around here.
  6. what. yea i said don't sell mcv for rush thats for noobs. that has nothing to do with selling mcv as a defensive move, where you are 1 miner ahead. (assuming he went 0 miner from warf and u made 1) So selling mcv as response to ur opponent selling mcv is in many situations best move and u will get more ahead as game goes on. Personally i had that happen in my games very often, because i would never rush like that, so im always the defender. Still that has nothing to do with my statement that selling mcv to RUSH is for noobs... Do you not understand the difference or whats the deal?
  7. It's mostly about position in mid to late game. unfortunately at least in cncnet you mostly see ppl wanna play simple maps like dune patrol where you can't rly learn shit. If you wan't to pressure, attack only the parts of your opponent that are weakest in defense and keep looking for good positions. If you kill most of his army this still applies. So many times i see ppl getting the upper hand and become so greedy that they lose the lead and even fall behind. Imo best game is if you don't have to have a straight tank battle at any point. Just chip away your opponents economy without engaging in battle. Also don't sell your mcv to rush. That's for noobs.
  8. could stream someones games now.
  9. I'd like to play, and also i can stream other players games.
  10. Nice videos! Video suggestion: Perhaps make a video about importance of scouting ? I think it would help newer players to understand how much scouting can help you improve. They will learn how to build while controlling units in the map, which is good to learn. And most importantly: INFORMATION IS POWER.
  11. then everyone would be right. whats the point of arguing with a mentally ill person anyway?
  12. cant wait to see stormy weather yuri against iraq in bvb or tvt. must be fun to lose to 1 mag and 1 bunker inside 2minutes
  13. i see. well ive given up getting games through this site since the posts dont show up until 2 days later anyways. but if i am ever in cncnet server, feel free to ask for games. Kinda hard to know who is asking though since it seems so easy to just fake anyones nickname :-D Also i suggest you tell your friend ico0 to not speak for you, because the guy is so toxic that all of his friends that he has mentioned, including you, fall under that toxic cloud that ico0 created.
  14. alright can play when u are on And fireworks, i mean this: "Note: This message is awaiting approval by a moderator."
  15. haha, if anyone wants to play me in cncnet u can ask here :-D Ohoh your post doesnt show before checked? has there been problems or is this site just going full gestapo ?
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