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Everything posted by 9LivesCatFood
there were a lot more changes than just to the artillery that broke the game.
C&C mod with Renegade like gameplay?
9LivesCatFood replied to Noyjitat's topic in Modding Discussion
I already made a mod map that did something similar to this. I made a limitation for structures. This was before the game Halo Wars came out where you build up bases all connected to itself on limited spaced platforms. All you have to do is put a limit on everything on a mod map. It's not as fun as you think it would be. This would be better on Starcraft 2 where you have a unit cap. Either way it's not fun. -
Altho i don't play video games much anymore this mod is what i wanted tiberian sun to always be like. i doubt people will ever appreciate it since tiberian sun is on life support and that will never change. Thanks for having the motivation to make this insane mod.
This client performs better and has more options for players. I think it would be a good upgrade for Tiberian Sun like it has been for Red Alert 2: https://ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=40462
Really cool mod. Should play it online!: https://www.moddb.com/mods/tiberian-sun-warzone
theyre unwilling to fix unit behavior bugs but are perfectly fine with bastardizing all of the official maps. im glad the game is already dead regardless of the 50 players still on it. all they did was make giant tiberium blobs all over the maps or add train tracks surrounding unkillable weed fields. they are really dumb.
You Recently Reverted Changes To Unit Behavior
9LivesCatFood replied to 9LivesCatFood's topic in Tiberian Sun
Is there anyway I can have the mod files for the improved unit behavior that was removed? I want to add it to a mod. -
play a few more. once you get to a certain level you play up against people that are all higher level than you aka challenge matches and lose the majority of matches unless you pay money your progress slows to a halt since you cant win the majority of matches. also, once you realize how imbalanced the game is and that youve just been stomping newbs the first 100 matches youlll realize its a joke and stop playing if you have any self respect.
I dont know I think Tiberian Sun was held back when they reverted FIXED GLOBAL unit behavior to make mammy carryall droppers happy. And no adding giant blobs of tiberium on official maps and unlimited weed surrounded by a halfassed train track so nod can spam nonstop chemicals is not a improvement.
a gambling addict vs a alcoholic arguing over who is better at life and a bastardized video game where the people in charge dont even like the official maps. yall dumb.
is the vet mod map of forest fires the one with the unlimited unkillable weed at every spawn point? lol. honestly part of what made tiberian sun was the fact that the maps werent balanced. they are supposed to look organic and natural not symmetrical. kinda stupid to have giant tiberium field blobs all equally spaced around the map. yall killing tibsun.
should just get rid of the quickmatch system and make it so you can host tourney matches.
i lol'd when i saw pentagram on that list. im the only person who has played that map since the game came out. and its a badass map. most of the firestorm maps are symmetrical unlike the original tibsun maps that are more organic and not the most fair and balanced but that doesnt matter. all maps should be in the pool except maybe the biggest maps made for 8 people. that can probably lead to hour long matches. you know what? put all the maps in and quit fucking around.
theres 50 people online the ladder is pointless lol.
Ive said a few times that Tiberian Sun runs very poorly for me. Red Alert 1 and Red Alert 2 perform very well on my computer. Funky said the renderers should perform the same since some of them are interchangeable with RA1 etc. But when I play Tiberian Sun it has notiable performance problems in comparison to RA1 and RA2. When I scroll around the map there's noticeable screen tearing and stutter. Doesn't happen with RA1 and RA2. some renderers work slightly better than others but its still noticeably worse on Tiberian Sun. With that said tho Tiberian Sun has slipped too far these days. Too much effort to get a good game going so I'm not going to play anymore. You let it die too much. when cncnet first got tiberian sun it brought it back to life. it was dead on xwis. but now it has sank too far down yet again and is too much work and effort to enjoy. i play other games now. lol.
Not crying. Just pointing out why I don't play so they know. Now go back to your tank spam game since you don't even like Tiberian Sun I don't know why you're in this section besides trying to stir up drama towards other users like a few of your past posts. No wonder you go around calling people trolls.
I think Red Alert 1 is morbidly outdated and tedious to play and i think red alert 2 has garbage unit spam strategies but you know what? they have a lot of players. I think Tiberian Sun is the only game that is fun and tactical but it is much deader than those two other games. What I personally think should happen is everyone should be forced to register an account and all matches should be recorded as a tourney match. This would make matches have value to people since it would matter. People would then be able to reference a match brag about winning, etc. but cncnet is dedicated to making the games as easy to play as possible and that means not needing to register an account and as nice as that is i think its the primary reason Tiberian Sun players don't play tournies. It takes too much effort to register an account just to sit there in a dead game room. quite frankly theres 50 people playing at most only 1 or 2 dummies are gonna use the account feature at that point in a feeble attempt to have a tourney match that no one in their right mind would care about. Some people care about tournaments, some people care about mod maps, some people care about just having fun. at this point the tourney people are screwed and should have moved on to other games a long time ago. tiberian sun these days is for nostalgia more than anything else not a serious community. cncnet turned out to be just as stubborn as xwis when it comes to having a deadset way about handling these games and its sad that the best you can hope for is yet another server to pop up that fixes Tiberian Sun's bugs, updates it, and provides a accessible tournament feature. cncnet refuses to do all of this. Sad but true. Just move on if you dont like the way cncnet currently is. thats what i did. havent played in at least a few months. besides once or twice cause someone told me to play them.
the majority of the graphics for the menu and loading screens are just images positioned on top of each other. the game doesnt stretch those images. it has a few different resolution sizes for some of the loading screens but obviously they didnt plan for modern resolutions. it may be possible to replace those images with custom made graphics that are higher resolution. but yes its possible. open the menu files with xcc mixer. extract the images. stretch them or replace them with higher resolution images. theyre basically just centered wallpaper images told not to stretch to screen because that would screw up the rest of the graphics on the screen that also do not scale. heres some higher res loading screens for you lol
They have more armor and firepower so yes they are the best...
Not enough people to have a meaningful tourney, their ladder system is flawed and based on how many matches you play rather than just winning and losing. They refuse to update the game in any meaningful way, and it runs like crap on my computer. All these things combined = lol why even play.
Firestorm has way more bugs. hit "s" for stop over and over with juggernaut and it will rapid fire for example. Tell a bunch of limpet drones to deploy and then move a few times and youll notice them all vanishing. rapid fire can be done with reapers too i think. has something to do with burst fire. why youre saying there are fewer bugs is hilarious. the maps in firestorm are all symmetrical not organic like tiberian sun so yes they were more balanced. simply having more units i guess you could say it was mroe tactically diverse however many tactics from tiberian sun were ruined like i said before selling structures gave you pretty much no units and you were easily killed by infantry rushes if you didnt build infantry yourself. orca bombers in firestorm bomb differently making them weaker. they even added weird things like aircraft damaging themselves if they attack a bridge. firestorm wasnt like generals zero hour where all the new content made it better. firestorm made tiberian sun worse which is why no on plays it. like i said nod artillery miss moving targets in firestorm. making them useless. the jumpetjet and disruptor move at 1000mph uncatchable by titans because they go 2x faster. they ruined so many units making them perform poorly and became useless. so if you play firestorm remember not to build artillery, and that nothing can catch a moving disruptor. also reapers instantly heal in tiberium and theres a bug where any unit attacking it during its dying animation becomes a veteran. firestorm feels like it was balanced by a different person than tiberian sun and didnt know wtf they were doing. So to restate. Firestorm is a buggy imbalanced mess of a game.
Actually Firestorm died pretty quickly after release. i remember checking firestorm and it was always empty and having to go to tiberian sun WOL server to see players. Firestorm was morbidly imbalanced and still is which is why its dead. Had nothing to do with terrace players. firestorm removed getting infantry from sellnig structures making infantry rushes too powerful against players who didnt also spam infantry. you couldnt just sell structures for infantry. nod artillery also missed moving targets making them useless in firestorm. disruptors moved way too fast in firestorm. reapers were overpowered. it was a real mess of a game which is why firestorm was never popular.