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About ReaperAA

  • Birthday 01/10/1995

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  1. Hello folks. I am a relatively new member here who is mainly an RA2/YR player. However, I also like playing TS and after reading about Veterancy Patch, I have 2 questions. I have read that this patch is meant to rebalance the game (making Nod more competitive and making less used units more useful) and also has more RA2 style unit promotion buffs. So is this like the YR Rebalance Patch where there are only changes to existing units, or are there new units as well? Where can I get the latest version of the patch and keep up with the updates to the patch. I found maps of version 1.6 dated around 2017 but no standalone .ini file or even a changelog list anywhere. Where can I get the changelog and the standalone .ini file of the latest version of this.
  2. Is there any better place where I can put more bug reports. Because I have more bugs/issues to report and this time for the Ant Aftermath missions (i have played only 3 missions so far of this campaign and I and really disappointed with it) The first mission is unwinnable since after I recover the base and repair the power plants, nothing happens. There are no enemies in the entire map and I can't win the map In the second map, I got zerg rushed by ants, my base was completely destroyed before the soviet informant got out. The only reason I beat that mission is because I had some stealth units (stealth artilleries) that survived and when I got control of the informant, I just took him to the transport. Basically, I never even needed to build anything and just let my stealth units sit in place. In the 3rd map, I get zerg rushed by Soviets. Apart from the fact that they just keep sending absurd amount of enemies before I even build my WF, their Tesla Tanks and shock troopers are also wayyy too durable here (much more than vanilla) and our gun turrets are also bugged (gun turrets don't fire at all) I will try 4th and 5th missions as well, but this has been the worst campaign so far. EDIT: I also forgot to mention about the "Training missions" campaign. In most of the missions of this campaign, my miner would not automatically collect ore when I place refinery and they would also sometimes get stuck ore ore fields
  3. Hello guys. Sorry for the bump, but I had just started going through this compilation a few days ago. I have completed Bask185 missions and Personal War missions. I have noticed some bugs (especially in Bask missions) where if you have to transport/evacuate the critical unit inside a chinook. If you messed with the chinook by moving it, then you can't win the mission. And also in Bask's Allied campaign 2nd mission (the commando mission with tanya), after the radar is infiltrated, the fleet comes but it gets stuck at a certain point and I can't win the mission. Also another bug I noticed is what AMD mentioned two comments above mine. The scroll speed is too fast when using the ra95_SP.exe I will play more missions and see if there are more bugs I can find.
  4. @FunkyFr3sh Hi Funky. Can you port the 2nd part (set 2) of the flame dancers campaign
  5. Here is the thing though: 1. Almost all pro games and QM games are played with SWs ON. 2. Picking non-Iraq Soviet is like picking Germany as Allied. Granted, this means that other Soviet country units need buffs. But the fact is, no one picks them because Iraq is just much better, just like how no one picks Germany because America is much better. 3. Allied as stronger than Soviets on pure naval maps. But 90% maps are non-naval maps.
  6. Finally someone who actually knows what he is talking about. Although there is one area where I slightly disagree about France not being taken seriously. France actually is used by pro players for map control. France is "arguably" the best Allied faction against Yuri (arguable because it depends on maps. Its either America or France against Yuri).
  7. Well you got me here. I just checked it again now and there is a 45 fps option. I just keep it at the default 60 fps, but I could have sworn the last time I ever checked it there wasn't a 45 fps option. Cool to see that extra option added.
  8. You guys say that, yet I bet those guys would easily beat you if you play against them, irrespective of which factions are chosen. Those guys are pros, not rekool noobs. (unless you guys prove it to me by coming up with a better strategy and applying it against Yuri pros)
  9. Also that tourney also shows why this suggestion is terrible. Robot tanks are "actually" very useful for Allied when facing Yuri. Allied needs robot tanks to defend against early Magnetrons+Lashers before an Allied player get a battle lab. Their only main problem is that the entire robot army become useless when discs or SWs get involved because a single power outage means that they become defenseless. Thus, not going offline is a very good buff for them. In SW off, they become more useful precisely because there is no SW and thus less fear of power outage. Seriously, robot tanks are actually much more useful than BFs or even prism tanks against Yuri.
  10. I know I said before (in the other thread) that I am done with the convo. But I feel like I have to just answer one last time for this comment. No I have not. Firstly, there is no 45 fps option in the game (I am not sure if something like this existed in XWIS, but both original WW and CNCNET versions don't have it). It is either 60 fps (Faster speed) or 30 fps (Fast speed) being the next lower option. The only reason those 40-45 fps games can exist now is if there is shit ton of lag and/or computers having shit specs (and really, why should we go back to those dark times of lag??) Now, I don't doubt that it would make things easier for Allied, but so does Yuri benefit from it. For Yuri, it becomes much more easier to juggle enemy tanks with magnetrons or micro discs to avoid damage. Not to mention that dodging planes also becomes easier. Soviets get least benefit from lower fps because they are the least micro intensive faction. So I doubt AvY would suddenly become balanced. Ask pretty much any number of pro players (here, discord, youtube etc.) and most will tell you why and how AvY is imbalanced. If you think discord is full of noobs (which it really isn't, there are plenty of pro players there, both modern era and from xwis era), then you can at least spare some time and watch the matches (even though I am sure that you are so stubborn that you aren't going to watch it) These are matches from Allied vs Yuri tourny that took place recently where all matches were played in a way where 1 player plays as Allied and the other as Yuri and after each round, they switch sides. Since pretty much all pros agree that Allied vs Yuri is imbalanced with SWs on, this tourney was organized to see how Allied fares against Yuri when SWs are off. Even with SWs off and with Allied favored map pool of QM (big open maps hurt Yuri), Yuri still came out as the stronger faction Yuri had 29 wins vs Allied having 21 wins.
  11. And.... this is where I am gonna end this conversation. Have a good day sir.
  12. BFs are useless against Yuri. If you want to deal with floating discs, GGI IFVs are better for that purpose. Also No, Yuri if managed well is the strongest. Watch a pro Yuri player like Gaoke (YG-GAOKE on QM) and you will see what is possible. Watch their mag control or who they abuse the grinding + masterminds against Soviet to gain both eco and map control. No pro player plays with Superweapons OFF. Every one plays with them ON. Soviet vs Yuri is especially terrible without IC. Soviets pretty much need IC against Yuri. Although with that being said, Burg and co have been considering to make SW OFF for AvY matchup because it makes that matchup more balanced. Because with SW ON, Yuri simply Ironically, the only area where Allies are truly OP are against AI (because AI can be spied and is too stupid to detect mirage tanks) or on noob maps with no SW + infinite cash, where they can spam Prism tanks and BFs to no end. Like those Rekool maps. That, or the Oils in Centre and Corner map (assuming France is used and the map version has no Grand Cannon limitation)
  13. Go the YR discord server (where most pros reside) and you guys will see how many pros agree with you. Yuri has far better lategame than Allied and Soviet.. by a good margin (especially if you know how to play Yuri). Discord server invite: https://discord.gg/MDePmm6ZP3
  14. I don't think so. Its true that there are noobs there as well. But the top 30-ish players are pretty much all pro players. And even there, you will find that most of them use Soviets. On RA2 month, you will manage to find some Allied players there on top 30 (although Soviets still dominate). But on YR month, the situation is much much worse for Allied. Because of how imbalanced AvY is, even many people who would otherwise play Allied in RA2 tend to play as Soviet or Yuri in YR month. In fact, the Chinese prodigy Wudi (on QM, he is StrategyMST or idealist), who had been beating every one on in RA2 month of June as both Soviet and Allied, stated that he won't play as Allied in YR QM because of how imbalanced AvY. He actually decided to stick to Soviets for YR month so he could secure Rank 1. And all of this is with the maps in QM being very non-Yuri favoured. QM maps have big open layouts which hurt Yuri the most because Yuri has the slowest units. On Westwood maps, things are worse because Allied/Soviet can't use their speed advantage against Yuri.
  15. I don't though. I only want to see the 3 factions being roughly equal in terms of how they perform at high level. Right now, in May's QM, I see that AvY is the worst balanced matchup according to stats (with Yuri getting 70% wins in AvY). In SvA, Soviets got 58% wins against Allied. And in SvY, Yuri got 58% wins against Soviets. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dq9DutM38EeYh1ABDBQgSfajF2FPL0g8CUi_mc77DeY/edit And this is with the QM maps that tend to have big open layouts to nerf Yuri and also Allies get some buffs in QM like faster powerplant (0.75 build speed). Even though I am mainly a Soviet player, yet I absolutely hate the SvS mirrors. I like more people use the less player countries like Germany, GB, Russia, Cuba etc. And less mirror matchups You should definitely give it a watch. It really show what is used and what isn't used in the meta. Also, nope I don't use rocketeers even against bots (and I don't even play against AI much nowadays). I just use IFVs for AA and Prism+BFs against them.
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