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FreeBSD and C&C, step by step guide

Dušan Xmetov

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Ok people. So i decided to test out if C&C works on FreeBSD, it did, so i'm making a S-B-S guide on it. This topic may be useful for fellow FreeBSD users that would like to play C&C.


So, the first thing to do is to make sure you have Sound enabled, if you want sound in C&C. To test if your sound is enabled, run this command:

$ cat /dev/urandom>/dev/dsp

If you hear static, this means your sound is configured correctly. If not, the handbook explains how to get sound working.


Second, you want to install wine. I recommend installing it from Ports, like this:

# cd /usr/ports/emulators/wine;make install clean

Compiling wine might take a long time, so get yourself a coffee or something to keep you occupied.


Once Wine is compiled and installed, rehash your shell:

In sh:

$ hash -r

in csh:

% rehash

NOTE: If you are using GNU's BASH, you don't need to rehash

and run Wine's config utility:

$ winecfg


A window will pop up about not finding gecko, press the download button and wait for it to do it's thing.

Once it finishes, you will be greeted by the configuration utility of Wine. Why are we here? We need to override a certain .dll, so it uses the one supplied by the game, and not by Wine.

Click the Libraries tab, and in the "New override for Library:" textbox, type: "ddraw" if it gives you a warning, just press "YES".

Press the "OK" button on the bottom.


Now, we need to download Mono for Windows. Just go to this website: http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html , and download the Windows Stable version.

Install it by running it with wine:

$ wine mono-X.X.X-gtksharp-X.X.X-win32-X.exe
(Where X are version numbers)

Just keep pressing next, accept the license, and it should install.


Now that we have both Wine and Mono, we can finally get CNC. A nice person called Nyerguds, who also makes patches for the game, has made a nicely packaged version of CNC with CNCNet, DDRAW, and the latest patch of his. Go to his website, and download it: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/ (The one you are looking for is "Complete No-CD game installation pack (v1.06X rX, no videos, all music included)", where the Xes are version numbers)


Run it with wine the same way we did with Mono:

$ wine cc95v106c_r3_full_.exe

NOTE: The filename may differ, this is how the file was named when i created this guide.

The installation process is pretty simple, and once you finish, it will open up a configuration utility (This requires Mono to work, that's why we installed it)


If you want to be able to play Multiplayer, you have to forward this port: "UDP port 8054". Here is a website to hopefully help you do that: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/CnCNet/default.htm


An icon should be created in your menu to launch CNC.


If the game has way too low FPS, and the mouse acts weird, edit this file: "~/.wine/drive_c/Westwood/C&C95/ddraw.ini"

NOTE: This file was created in WINDOWS/DOS, and using editors like vi on it, you will see ^M on the end of each line. Just ignore the ^M, and don't delete them.

And in it, change render from opengl to gdi, and mhack from true to false.

NOTE: vhack doesn't work with GDI as the render, but you will have to live with that.


That's all, have a nice day.

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Nice guide :)


  On 5/1/2012 at 9:08 AM, MAREK_BENC said:

NOTE: The filename may differ, this is how the file was named when i created this guide.

The installation process is pretty simple, and once you finish, it will open up a configuration utility (This requires Mono to work, that's why we installed it)

Yeah... stupid ModDB renames the file every time I update it, for some retarded reason.

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Don't forget to get the sound in emulation mode under Wine if you still get no-sound ingame!


Wine took 8 hours to compile here (Debian "Squeeze", Pentium 4 3ghz). While compiling, go watch TV, study, or anything userfull like that. :P

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