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New Campaign : Yuri Resurgence (Yuri 12 Missions, Yuri's Revenge)


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Has there been any update on the Tesla Trouble mission trigger issue? I've tried everything posted here and still no luck. Half the time it doesn't even recognize that I've captured Einstein let alone that he's in the pick up zone.

No save run. 

Triggering objectives at different times

No superweapons

Nothing is working.

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In short yes. I have an alternative solution to this particular issue whereby the player no longer needs to get to the LZ. 
One person suggested it was caused by their installed extra hard Ai mod. They removed this and the mission played out fine. 
I think there could well be other causes though. 
So there is a fix but it means playing the first Home Invasion mission again In order to reach Tesla Terror. 
I plan to ship it with Yuri’s Revenge - Re- engagements. In a few weeks.

In the meantime if you want to try it out I could DM you the adjusted part2 campaign.

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Ok I’ll get that out to you.

There is no fix for that save bug, for whatever reason I’ve encountered it myself. My best solution was to save often, others worked, so I’m at a loss why saving at a particular point on this game causes a crash on reloading. 
Superweapons, ? No superweapons, I can build the Iron Curtain and Nuke no problem they work fine. It’s something I’ve not heard of before. I’d check that you have a clean RA2 folder with no leftovers from other mods. This could be your problem.

Objectives triggered at wrong time? The mission can be played in any order. So it’s perfectly possible to complete objective three before two. 
Anyway give me a day and I’ll send you the new version that I hope will be compatible.

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Im not sure if i did something wrong, but is anyone else getting the missions in a random order? my first mission was the mission 7, where you have to exterminate the civilians.

my objectives are also different to the one being shown in the loading screen and objective tab.

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Yes you did something wrong.

You need to install the contents from Part1 folder only. That contains missions 1 - 6.

Once you have completed those missions remove the files. Then install the files from part2 folder. That gives you missions 7 - 13.

The reason it’s in two parts is because YR only has 7 missions for the allies and Soviets.

The campaign uses the soviet mission run of order. So In order to extend it I had to do it in two parts.

Maybe I should of used both. Hindsight Is a wonderful thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all, I'm probably late to the train but I've been loving this campaign. I'm currently facing an issue where after mission 10, when I hit the loading screen of mission 11 I get an internal error message with no code. I've deleted the mod files and replaced them with the same issues. Any ideas? 

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  • 10 months later...

Do you have a zip of the saves? I just finished Woodpecker, but it always crashes when I start the next mission (I think this may be my save was corrupted as I had both your campaigns installed, so I was playing Woodpecker but had the mission briefing for Soviet campaign... destroy the 5 bridges etc)

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On 12/17/2022 at 11:05 AM, whoisjayt said:

Hey all, I'm probably late to the train but I've been loving this campaign. I'm currently facing an issue where after mission 10, when I hit the loading screen of mission 11 I get an internal error message with no code. I've deleted the mod files and replaced them with the same issues. Any ideas? 

Yes! This is the exact same issue I'm getting.

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  • 4 months later...

I did everything on Mission 3 - Broken Bridges, and I've destroyed everything I can find on the map and have taken the airport but it won't trigger victory.

When I reload an earlier save and finish the mission, the cheering SFX triggers but the mission doesn't end :\

Can someone help me? :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reinstalled RA2 when I saw it was on Steam. Went through the whole process of getting it setup on Windows 11 w/ CNCNet.

Imagine my surprise when I realized the community is still alive & kicking! Even with intricate mod campaigns!

I finished both Reengagements & Resurgence in a 2 day marathon. Created this account to say thanks for your contribution. Very well done - especially for making it harder than the vanilla campaigns.

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  • 3 months later...

Ignore post, found the solution, Install part one, complete, then remove to move onto part 2.

Loving the campaign but it's started me on mission 7 when creating a new campaign and is continuing in order from M7 while naming the saves as if they were Missions 1, 2, 3

Edited by Krieggs
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  • 1 month later...

I adore this mod but I keep failing mission 5 in part one, been failing about 2-3 times a week for the past month. I tried to edit the starting team to give me a couple more units to make it a little easier in the beginning but I must be doing something wrong. I'm really bad at timed missions and end up with about 30 minutes left, and then my mastermind gets destroyed by a group of infantry, my tanks get blown by a tank destroyer, the sniper kills the engineer I need, etc. A novel way to fail each week. I really want to get past this mission and move onto the rest, I've loved the others so far. I don't mind failing a few times at the start to figure out what's going on but being 30 minutes in and failing each time has been disheartening. Saves aren't helping me much since each time I got back a save or back a few saves I'm still down on time and fail in a different way.

How do I edit the starting units? I extracted the sov05umd.map and edited starting time, deleted the sov05umd from the mix, inserted my edited map, then when I start the mission it gives me the same starting units. I should have an extra tank and extra gatling, 3 of each, but I just have the mission standard 2 of each. What am I doing wrong?

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