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Suggestion for superweapons in TBD


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Is it possible to make Ion cannon and Nuclear bomb a lot stronger than currently is? I think they are kind of useless..


and they look pathetic lol.. i want to see visual improvement as well  i.e.) thicker explsion cloud followed by white screen after nuclear explosion, thicker ion cannon and shakes screen afteward.. something like that

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For reference, it was a 3 player (tunneled) game on CnCNet 5, the tunnel server didn't spit out any errors, but the OOS caused a CRC31.txt dump.


On the other players (me and djohe), the CRC31.txt was identical as seen in the attached zip. It seems Riseofbane's system or game is at fault but can't be sure without more testing.


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I am pretty sure it could kill an APP before the patch too, only you had to have very careful aim. Just like you have to very accurately target the base of the weapons factory to kill that. I might have false memories about that, but even if I'm wrong, I somehow always knew that this was the main distinction between the bomb and the ion cannon - bomb can't kill an APP, ion cannon can.

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Ion cannon can take out almost anything out in 1 hit, Weapons Factory, Air port, half of the tanks and it brings the CY to below half health which is lower than a nuke.


Nukes on the other hand are great for killing large number of units, even tough against some vehicles like Mammoth or Medium Tanks they don't work so well, also you could use them on Power plants to disable Obelisks or Adv. Guard Towers or just mess with other players buildings overall

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Actually, the cannon is pretty limited and can only destroy some buildings in one hit, most notably the weapons factory, power plants and obelisks. But it certainly cannot destroy an airfield. The nuke actually does less damage than the ion cannon, but sometimes it damages larger structures more, because it has a wider damage spread. The two weapons are fundamentally different, though. The ion cannon is a tactical weapon, the nuke is a strategic one.

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Actually, ion cannon can take out an advanced power plant in one hit now, with my patch. That should be something.


great, thanks.

is it possible to change animation as well? or apply some animation that already exist in campaign, such as white light that blinds everyone for a sec when nuke explodes.

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I am pretty sure it could kill an APP before the patch too, only you had to have very careful aim.

Could, yes, but let me explain what I fixed...


The power plant has 600 hit points, and the ion cannon does exactly 600 damage. However, before the patch, the game had a bug where the damage percentage for warheads was saved as "255/256" for 100%. Since this was rounded up, it usually made no difference, but on large values like the damage dealt by the Obelisk laser and the superweapons, this caused them to do a few less points of damage than they should.


The building usually caught on fire and would then burn down anyway, but even in that case, a fast player could still repair it right away and save it. With the fix, it actually instantly destroys it.


is it possible to change animation as well? or apply some animation that already exist in campaign, such as white light that blinds everyone for a sec when nuke explodes.

The white light actually pauses the game while it flashes. I think adding that to multiplay would be a sure-fire way to get out of sync errors.

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Actually, ion cannon can take out an advanced power plant in one hit now, with my patch. That should be something.


hey Nyerguds,

would it be possible to increase damage area of ion cannon? if not, can we apply super ion cannon that Mattattack invented? :)

perhaps with higher advanced techcenter cost, or some special building for that (using one of strange neutral building)


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That's modding. I'll never do anything like that in official patches.


Not sure on the ion cannon... it's a weird thing, being an animation that does damage. I think spread rate is linked to the warhead, and I think the actual area it spreads out over is related to the base damage, since (IIRC) it fades out as it spreads out.

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Actually, ion cannon can take out an advanced power plant in one hit now, with my patch. That should be something.


hey Nyerguds,

would it be possible to increase damage area of ion cannon? if not, can we apply super ion cannon that Mattattack invented? :)

perhaps with higher advanced techcenter cost, or some special building for that (using one of strange neutral building)


what MattAttack did was just repeat the Ion Cannon trigger every second, since AI will never attack units, only structures, if you edited the INI file and added a MCV at start of the mission and then deploy it the Ion Cannon would instanly be used twice to destroy it

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The 'super ion cannon' is really nothing more than a trick and really could only be implemented in singleplayer missions.  The Ion cannon is not timed, rather there are a bunch of units and structures that have triggers attatched so every time they're attacked an ion strikes.


aaaa=attacked,ion cannon,0,badguy,none,2 (note the 2 at the end)


so in the first seconds of the mission, units start shooting each other and triggering a bunch of ion strikes.


I just love this picture  XD


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