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Just asking opinion on something simple


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Hi guys!


In my C&C mod the APC has been changed to fire a single bazooka rocket instead of a humvee weapon.


Should I bother changing the graphic to put a turret on top or something (yes I know it would be locked to the orientation of the tank, I just mean graphically)


Just asking what you guys think. :)

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  On 2/11/2014 at 2:17 AM, Kilkakon said:

In my C&C mod the APC has been changed to fire a single bazooka rocket instead of a humvee weapon.


Should I bother changing the graphic to put a turret on top or something (yes I know it would be locked to the orientation of the tank, I just mean graphically)

If you change it to no longer be an APC, you can probably perfectly give it a rotating turret. I don't think the combination of turret and unload frames works without some further tweaking of frame usage, though.

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Haha thanks White. :D


To be honest, this is actually the gun from the Soviet Phase Tank from RA, recoloured, on top of the C&C APC. I also turned the turret shadow into real shading on the vehicle. I'm not 100% happy, but 95% happy. :) So good enough I say!


When I make a edit to the cameo I'll make a thread in the graphics section.

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The brown version isn't bad! I'm leaning towards a grey icon though because the main faction that can build APCs is Tomorrow. The Company of Answers and Chris Brutal don't get a Weapons Factory and Russia/USA are more bonus factions than anything else.


One alternative is using this as a base.




Personally I'd change the colour and add a rocket pod on top.


And thanks White! I do all my graphic work in PhotoImpact 6. It's a really old version of the program that I got off of a computer magazine CD. But I use it for everything from sprites to artwork to website design. :O


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Haha alright--so which would you vote for? :O The icon as is or using a FMV one as a base?


Good point though. Might recolour the flame tank icon. Might change the price on the flame tank too. Does anybody think it should be worth 600? XD Good on you Kilk. Trying to derail your own thread. Ignore the totodile people :P

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APC and Rocket Launcher are double-owned though, in multiplayer.


  On 2/13/2014 at 10:43 AM, Kilkakon said:

Might recolour the flame tank icon. Might change the price on the flame tank too. Does anybody think it should be worth 600? XD

I do think so. It's very good to wipe out GDI base defenses, especially normal Guard Towers.


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Not in this mod! The Rocket Launcher has extra range, only requires Communications Centre and is Tomorrow exclusive. Russia gets the APC though in the bonus mission.


I admit that, if this was going to be multiplayer compatible it's probably going to have to be an OpenRA thing. But that's a long way off at this stage. :D


I think I have an evil idea for the cameo though. :D A different background! That way the tank can stay the right colour and be at the right angle and yet still look different.


As far as Flame Tank goes, I mean, it's currently 800. Is that fair? :D I only say that because almost everything is 800 haha.


Tomorrow's weapons factory:

Overseer $400

Rocket APC $800

Medium Tank $800

Rocket Launcher $800

Flame Tank $800


EDIT: Here's the flamer cameo that I was inspired to make :)


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Prices, I think, are pretty hard to balance. If you can balance it for multiplayer, then it might give you an idea, but because you're doing the mod for single player mostly, you might just have to wing it.

It all depends on how good troops are, flame tanks mostly kill men, so if troops are quite good in your mod, then the flame tank will need a high price as it's gonna kill lots. If men are crap, then a lower price might be the way to go etc.


Also, I like your flame tank cameo :D

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That cameo for flame tank looks epic


White has it perfect though, you might have it work for single player but there could be some crazy balancing issue on multiplayer that makes it either super cheap or useless

(reminds me of ferret and his super shock troopers :D - you would have to ask him if he ever fixed that)

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The only new infantry in my mod, outside of heroes, are Navy SEALs. That being said, they are kinda amazing, haha. :P But there's only two missions in the campaign where Flame Tanks are buildable anyways. If I'm honest, in those two levels they just aren't that useful :P Tomorrow doesn't really fight the Company of Answers in their own campaign.


In summary Flame Tank = Great against Company, okay against USA, poor against Russia & Tomorrow.


Could probably just go with $700 just to keep things interesting. :)


Glad you like the darker icon. :D Eviiiil tank haha

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