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Attempted to make new TD rax failed


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Okay, so I've done the sprites for the communications centre so far.


Was going to start on the remaps, but there's a few things I'm not sure about. How do I define the string that would be used for it? I don't see any entries in conquer.eng so I assume it's elsewhere, but I am not sure what I am looking at when I go to 1A9F6C.


So the addresses you gave are a lookup table for the arrays which are located elsewhere?


The format for them is the 16 bit thing you gave me earlier, right?


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The Name references are an array of addresses of strings that are elsewhere in the exe. Since these aren't UI strings but internal codes, they don't go into the strings file but in the exe itself. As I said, you have space available at 1A9E00-1A9E80 to add your new colour codes, and then just calculate from the offset what the address is that you need to add to that array.


You can use the difference between the given offsets and addresses there to calculate everything you need to add new ones. Do note that not all the remaps and strings in the arrays there refer to that same segment (the original remaps and their strings are in the original C&C segment, while this stuff is all in the extended one), so the calculation works for adding new stuff, but not necessarily for looking at the locations of the old stuff.



Anyway. Let's assume we're adding a new remap table, RedGray, for the double remap of Nod.


At 1A9E00, type the string "RedGray" (without quotes that is). If you ever add more strings there (you got space until you reach 1A9E80), make sure to leave 00 bytes behind all strings. Not just between, mind you. Behind.


As I said, the remap tables list is at 00660880, or offset 1A9E80. From that (or any other address-offset pairs I gave), you can see the difference is 4B6A00. So 4B6A00+1A9E00 gets you 660800 as address for the string you added.


So, the string address is 00660800. The table of name references starts at 1A9F6C, and has 4-byte entries. You'll see the data seemingly ends at 1A9FA7, but remember it's in blocks of 4, so it actually ends at 1A9FA8. Put the string address there, as reversed bytes, so as 00 08 66 00

(you might notice the strings array has one more entry than all the rest; this is because it starts with the string "None", used for indicating no secondary remap. If this "None" is used in an ini for the primary scheme, it'll revert to a list of default schemes per House which is also around these parts in the exe.)


Now, the actual remap table. Remap tables are exactly 0x100 bytes long. So go to 1A9A00, and fill the whole range with 0,1,2,3,4,5 etc until you get to FF, and you got a basic non-remapping table. After that you can tweak its B0-BF range as you have probably done a few times already.


The array for remaps is at 1A9E80, once again with entries of 4 bytes each, making the first empty entry at 1A9EB8. There, put the address of the start of the remap table, calculated the same way as you did for the string.


Then the only remaining things are peripherals.


1A9F00 has the secondary schemes. These entries are single bytes. Add a new byte FF to the end to specify you don't want a secondary scheme by default. Or, if you do want a secondary scheme... well, the list is: 00=GDI, 01=Nod, 02=Red, 03=Teal, 04=Orange, 05=Green, 06=Gray, 07=Yellow, 08=Neutral, 09=Jurassic, 0A=DarkGray, 0B=Brown, 0C=Fire, 0D=WarmSilver (with 0E=whatever you add. But don't give a scheme itself as secondary scheme; that's silly and unnecessary)


Then at 1A9F20 and 1A9F40 are the arrays for the radar colours, for respectively buildings and units. Again, single bytes, so add one to the end of each.

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Success! :D Dual tone silver/red :3


Thanks a bunch for your guide Nyer :laugh:


I'll add a Red/Brown one for Chris Brutal's forces, unsure if I'll bother with police as I'd rather not have to dual-tone all the buildings in the game haha.


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For my project, yeah, Red/Grey isn't really required (Brown/Red for Brutal and Burgundy/Gold for private security), so I was just starting off with doing a scheme for myself as a test (if I had a faction, haha, although I don't in the project as they don't exist at that point in the story line), which would be White/Red. I can easily recreate the Beta shot though if there's interest. :)


Nyer must feel this way all the time, bending the EXE to his will. :laugh:

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He did. It's on the previous page. Only, he reversed the colours, and his grey isn't dark enough to match the colours on the beta pics. I don't think he was really aiming at exactly recreating the colours in the beta pic.

Yeah...I was wondering for the proper version, I saw his switched colours one.

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Doesn't matter, iran... if the shp is divided into 2 separate remap colour areas, then editing the remap table can do all additional tweaking, including switching them :P


(though it wasn't quite accurate with the beta remap areas; the door on the left is more visible on the beta pic due to switching remap again)

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That was a door? I never realised.


I always planned to make a beta mod eventually... but preferably after all of this remap stuff was made ini-editable -_-

I don't mind doing the sprites if you want to figure out the logo on the conyard thing. Only if you're keen of course :laugh:

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That was a door? I never realised.

Yeah. It's pretty visible in this image:


Though the design suggests it slides open to the sides (like the one in the Commando infiltration cutscene), while the building's sides there are far too thin to hold the sliding doors :P



Oh, wow. I never realized this cutscene has the Nod radar in exactly the colours of that beta pic :O



I always planned to make a beta mod eventually... but preferably after all of this remap stuff was made ini-editable -_-

I don't mind doing the sprites if you want to figure out the logo on the conyard thing. Only if you're keen of course :laugh:

lol... that'd be some more work than this remap stuff. This code was already in place; all you needed to do was add more to the array. The split SHP loading would actually require new logics.

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