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Official Download for C&C95?


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There seems to be 2 main downloads.

A 'full download' here at cnc-comm.com, and a pocket 'multiplayer' version, available from cncnet.org

Thing is, the multiplayer version (while obviously not including campaign etc) has different stuff IN it.

Not only does it come with a newer ccconfig file which allows customised hotkeys, but it seems to have a different c&c95.exe (one of the 2 is in caps, not sure if it's edited, or what).


Thought I'd just point this out. I'd like to know if there are any differences, and also which .exe cncnet5 launches.



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Basically... due to me currently not working on my patch, the cncnet team kind of evolved a bit beyond it. However, integrating their changes in the 1.06 project requires me to first clean up my own mess, which will take a while. I'm somewhat working on it, occasionally, though.


Besides that, though, I kind of disagree on some of their changes on a principal level. As far as I know, they still use the expanded sidebar in which the power bar moving up/down animation is all wonky, moving the actual graphics rather than just the power bar. I won't put incomplete things like that in the patch.

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Well, so long as I can read the power bar and it doesn't look like crap (graphics glitches), I'm usually pretty happy, but I hear you.


Yeah, I figured it was something like that. I'd be good to have the same stuff packaged up, so that there's 1 official download and maybe a pocket version of the same thing.



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Yeah, and it's that sort of format that we also need to get for TD.

BTW, renaming 'multiplayer' to 'pocket multiplayer' might help to clear up some confusion for new people also. :)

(many of them think that the multiplayer one is the game + multiplayer and that the other one is single player only)



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