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You can't do that, unfortunately. The AI can receive the airstrike as a superweapon, and then it'll use it as one, meaning it'll target only structures, and in a particular order, usually your first-built AGT/Obelisk being first, IIRC. Nyer will maybe elaborate.


EDIT: If Matt actually found out a way to do what you're supposing, that'll be awesome!

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  On 6/5/2015 at 4:43 PM, cn2mc said:

Why did the last A-10s not attack the CY? Airstrike trigger?

All credit goes to Nyer for that one.  I think he told me he was messing around with the covert ops mission 'blackout' where the player (goodguy) enters a celltrigger to get an airstrike (the one in your sidebar) and he switched the owner of the trigger from 'goodguy' (player) to 'badguy' (the cpu.)  When Nod activated the celltrigger, they got they airstrike.  doesn't happen immediately-- my guess is that they have to wait for it to charge.  They way I did it was to have the airstriking house (multi5 here) reinforce some jeeps when I built a SAM.  It occurs at about 1:10 in the video.  When the jeeps enter the map, which I quickly switch the view to, they run over a celltrigger.  it's basically scripted as follows:




  ****10 signifies the SAM, I am BADGUY and UCOA are the 3 jeeps that reinforce****

then here's the trigger they run over:


where if I changed MULTI5 to BADGUY, the player would get the airstrike if I entered the trigger.


totally different from the regular airstrike (which in the video napalms the CY)







Without actually knowing I think they were added as a seperate teamtype scripted to attack something as opposed to a normal powerup airstrike.


Unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot give them a specific target that you own.  I think they  more or less follow the same targeting logic as an computer ion cannon/nuke strike.  I have to test with Vanilla TD to make sure.  I imagine they probably won't specifically target units, either... But I have to test tat as well.  AND as far as I know there's no way of stopping them repeating (unlike airstirkes in the regular campaign.)




You can't do that, unfortunately. The AI can receive the airstrike as a superweapon, and then it'll use it as one, meaning it'll target only structures, and in a particular order, usually your first-built AGT/Obelisk being first, IIRC. Nyer will maybe elaborate.

Yeah, I believe you're correct about that part.. although in the mod (not shown in THAT video), they weren't targeting what I thought they were going to first, but again, I have to test in regular TD.  Sorry to be vague, but I don't want to spoil Kilk's WIP


Hope  that makes sense.  And when Kilkakon's mod, "Dawn Of Tomorrow" comes out you should all try it because it's really cool!



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  On 6/6/2015 at 1:14 AM, Kilkakon said:


...when Kilkakon's mod, "Dawn Of Tomorrow" comes out you should all try it because it's really cool!

I'm Kilkakon and I approve of this message.


okay, buddy pony up.. where's my $50 (US) which if the internet isn't lying to me (and it never does, does it?) would be $65.59 jk




wow even better emoticons here! 

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  On 6/5/2015 at 6:15 PM, MattAttack said:

All credit goes to Nyer for that one.  I think he told me he was messing around with the covert ops mission 'blackout' where the player (goodguy) enters a celltrigger to get an airstrike (the one in your sidebar) and he switched the owner of the trigger from 'goodguy' (player) to 'badguy' (the cpu.)  When Nod activated the celltrigger, they got they airstrike.  doesn't happen immediately-- my guess is that they have to wait for it to charge.  They way I did it was to have the airstriking house (multi5 here) reinforce some jeeps when I built a SAM.  It occurs at about 1:10 in the video.  When the jeeps enter the map, which I quickly switch the view to, they run over a celltrigger.

You actually used that in a mission? You magnificent bastard :D

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  On 6/7/2015 at 11:29 PM, Nyerguds said:

You actually used that in a mission? You magnificent bastard :D

Bastard, yes... Magnificent, not quite but thanks!

here's the vid if you didn't see it Nyer: https://youtu.be/QJx6bM5Cv4c


but what I'm most proud of is getting helicopters to attack you and appear to fly off the screen!!  (watch 2:40-3:00)  Although, upon trying this in another map where you get bombarded by hordes of Orca's it appears there is a definite unit cap on air units.  I guess when they 'fly off the screen,' they're still there so eventually the air reinforcements stop coming and you can't even BUILD helicopters at that point.  'all destroyed' is kind of f'd then too... :(  Still, I'm determined to find a workaround as always! (and I don't want to use multiple houses-- I'm obsessive about the kill count being exact!)

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  On 6/8/2015 at 5:50 AM, Nyerguds said:


but what I'm most proud of is getting helicopters to attack you and appear to fly off the screen!!  (watch 2:40-3:00)

How the hell... O_o

Well Nyer you might be one of the few who has a chance of understanding my gibberish....


Ever notice when you see a computer's chinook coming and you know where it's going to land so you move your unit onto that spot and it keeps drifting past instead of looking for another spot to land? That is the basic principle working here.  It is just a little more complex, though...

For the example let's just say it is 1 attacking air unit.


please forgive the shitty diagram, I just restored and I can't find my photoshop disk.  And I tried to color code for any laymen out there, because some of this shit is hard to grasp.. (even for me)


[glow=red,2,300]step 1>[/glow]heli is reinforced by a trigger and it's first command is [glow=red,2,300]move:1[/glow]

  (I like to keep this in a spot that will be unrevealed shroud because the heli lands for a second)

[glow=blue,2,300]step 2>[/glow]the next command is [glow=blue,2,400][shadow=blue,left]attack base/units:X[/shadow][/glow]  (X depends on the distance, because I don't want an orca that's expended all it's missles to continue to hover like a derp)

[glow=red,2,300]step 3>[/glow]simple... [glow=red,2,300]move:2[/glow].

[glow=green,2,300]step 4>[/glow]where the magic happens... the next command is move:3 ----but since waypoint 3 is over impassable terrain, the unit doesn't even bother to head that direction and [glow=green,2,300]drifts away along the same trajectory[/glow] and "off the map."  Not really "off," so if your win trigger is "all destroyed," you're out of luck, pal.....

I make it a little more complex than it needs to be, but I like the effect to come off flawlessly.  You could really eliminate step 1, but with the randomness at which air units spawn along the map, I like to wrap it up with a neat little bow.... In fact, you can use waypoint 1 for both steps 1 & 3, I just figured this would be easier to illustrate.


please note, in the video there are 3 helicopters.  They are actually 3 teams of 1 heli each going to 3 different waypoints (at steps>1&3) because multiple helis won't follow a flight plan. (they won't share the waypoints) But the last waypoint can be common among them.


in case anybody gave a crap... and yes, apparently I'm crazy :)



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  On 6/8/2015 at 10:11 AM, Nyerguds said:

Do air units actually count for All Destroyed? I'm honestly not sure about that.

a-10's=no.... Chinooks=I don't think so but I can't exactly recall right now.... Orcas/apaches=definitely... either way they all count towards the cap limit of air units... I think even c-17s which is (I suspect) why airstrips will sometimes stop delivering units even though there's no other apparent reason for them to stop...

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Transports stuck on the border perhaps? Otherwise, it should be easy to test whether and which units count towards the 'all destroyed' trigger. And, on a slightly related note, do A-10s and transports blow up when an MHQ is destroyed, or do they fly off? Do choppers get destroyed?

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  On 6/8/2015 at 2:20 PM, cn2mc said:

So this indicates that they probably don't count towards air units on the map, but that might be a wrong supposition.

ooooh! I think I know how to prove/disprove this theory!! I shall report my findings later....

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well I'm still testing because I'm getting inconsistent results as to what the cap is (33 then 35) depending on the units involved... However whenever the enemy reinforcements stop, I build a unit and the c-17 crashes the game before it ever enters the screen. I do keep getting the same error message, though:


some RL stuff came up so i'm gonna test some more later with this SP test map I made (hell, I'll just attach them if anyone wants to look) and then do a 'skirmish' and just see how many helipads I can build

  On 6/8/2015 at 12:58 PM, cn2mc said:

..... it should be easy to test whether and which units count towards the 'all destroyed' trigger.

strangely a-10s obviously don't count towards the 'all destroyed' trigger, but I have successfully used them in the '# of units destroyed' trigger... which reminds me- There's a mission I made where you keep getting airstrikes every 2 seconds and I don't think I ever hit a cap on that.  The a-10s start being a lot less consistent in frequency and they start coming from more odd angles... well just watch this video, unfortunately it's RC1985 (ha ha) so he kills it before it gets outta hand...


air_cap.zipFetching info...

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EDIT:forgot I had 3 helipads with apaches on the map

okay, RL wasn't as much of a hassle as I thought, so I tested some more. Chinooks & orcas (apaches too, I assume) count towards the unit cap.  A-10s (and c-17s, I assume) do not, but will stop coming once the cap is reached.  So, the magic number of how many 'living' helis you can have on a SP map? (drumroll.............)

[move]IT AIN'T 27[/move]

quite a pertinent number to those in the know...... 1 heli for each waypoint (so there's no conflicts, I suppose) Again, for anybody who gives a crap...

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excellent question.  I didn't have a cy in the test map, but I'll try it later.  Also want to see if this applies to MP maps, too.  But if I do anything else today, I need to finish the map for Kilk's mod.  Funny though, because I tested it and it works, but now I have to do the hardest thing of all for me.... make it easier!  XD

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Well, as usual, just when I think I'm smart I realize I'm wrong.  I forgot I had 3 helipads w/ apaches on the test map (to see if I could build heli after cap reached) soooooo, it turns out it's 30.  (so much for all the illuminati/masonic conspiracy theories I was coming up with about #27)

  On 6/8/2015 at 10:07 PM, Nyerguds said:

Um. So what happens if you build 28 helipads? :o

if you go over you get helipads with nothing on them.  tested in MP (well, in a skirmish) and surprisingly enough, the cap is still 30!  Bummer if you were having a 6-way air war and could only have 5 orcas/apaches apiece!  Is it possible to raise limits on caps like this?  I guess it's not that important if nobody has noticed yet, though.


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especially if "Company of Answers' is 'air intensive'.... crap, my quotes button just broke!  Seriously also check out that air-war map from Chimas' collection. And of course, my BIOLAB map is a good template, too! It purposely allleviates all that whole rigamaroll of my compicated heli scheme....

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