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Community Clan System


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Hey all,


I noticed while playing many games that it is difficult to tell the competent players a part from the rookies.


We may need a system to make this smoother for us.


What do we think about introducing an unwritten rule of 'clan' tag in front or behind nickname such as




to kind of differentiate from rookie status?


Anyone else have any good ideas?

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Rookies on here don't even know how to ally in game, let alone join a clan.


As it goes, the more known clans would obviously be more well respected. OF course, nothing stops a newb from putting [Drake] in front of their name, other than disrespect, common courtesy, and so forth. It just may be a fun nice addition.


I pull this idea from games like Soldier of Fortune II and other FPS games that had this similar log in style.



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Umm... First of all we don't call people rookies. We call them newbs.


Aren't you hip?  :down:


You are a newb btw.


:puppydog: Is there a problem you have with me?


Secondly most of the good players dont join clans and know each other already.


If there was a clan ladder, almost every good player would be in a clan. However, it brings up a good point -- that we may all know each other anyway. Lonely world, I suppose.


Thirdly, you lower rookie all the way to not even knowing how to allie. Thats not even newbs thats someone who just installed the game and never played C&C in their life and will be gone within a day or two.


That...would be a rookie yes. We all start somewhere, and you portray a defeating attitude that they will all be gone within a day or two. Have some hope.





Nice ad hominem. Drake was a clan I joined in 2003 on westwood online (yuri's revenge), it's been with me since then and has been one of the better clans of the games history. Currently, it has the second most hall of fames in ra2/yr history in clans.




It doesn't change the fact that clanning on YR is one of the most enjoyable aspects that this game has to offer. Having a few teammates with great strategy competiting against 3 other teammates with great strategy is one of the most enticing aspects that this game offers. Clanning isn't for 'manchildren' it's an aspect of the game, perhaps the game at it's highest pinnacle.



P.S.: I just checked out the entirety of your 7 post here on CnCNet. It seems every single one of them represents flame. The only one here who needs to grow up and not be a 'manchild' seems to be you.




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  On 10/19/2015 at 12:39 AM, XXxPrePxX said:

P.S.: I just checked out the entirety of your 7 post here on CnCNet. It seems every single one of them represents flame. The only one here who needs to grow up and not be a 'manchild' seems to be you.

Hello, welcome to CnCNet and the C&C Communications Center forum. Please don't be discouraged by the obvious show of n00bness you have been welcomed with. It happens (unfortunately) :huh:

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  On 10/19/2015 at 12:24 PM, XXxPrePxX said:

Heldoro, I played Double Helix :). I was never very good at the game, but my brother was pretty good, his login was Ein0x or something of that nature.


i understand, sof2 = double helix  :P

by version i mean 1.00(silver), 1.03(gold) or demo. all versions had a very competitive scene. i played for many years on high level 1.00 and a bit of demo. even won 2 silver medals on infiltration cups with my clan. i dont remember the name einox, you know what version he played?


Sof2 was such a good game, its dead now, shame there is no other game like it. quake 3 and urban terror do have a bit of the same feel since they use the same engine (q3). if you enjoy sof2 fragmovies watch this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpZh8_Z4HNs


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