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red alert 2 won't install from CD (windows 7 32-bit)





I have an original red alert CD set (allied disk, soviet and yuris revenge) and have a windows 7 32-bin Samsung laptop.

When I click install from the auto-run or directly click on the setup.exe nothing happens, not even an error message. I have tried running as administrator and with xp sp3 or 98. No matter what I do nothing happens each time.


The weird thing is that I used to have both installed and yuri worked. I wanted to play the RA2 campaigns so I uninstalled the game and tried reinstalling RA2 but now nothing works and I can't even play yuris revenge anymore either! But even now if I insert the yuri disk I can get to the install menu, but obviously I can't install it without RA2.


Can anyone help me please?



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Worked for me and a whole lot of other people.

The installer has SafeDisc embedded in it, thus this "update" breaks running the installer. TS was the last game to have a installer that doesn't have it.


Not really my fault if M$ fucked up something in the update uninstalling

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I've not really messed about with this myself, but would it not be a better idea to update the registry to enable loading of the safedisc driver again rather than removing the security update? Especially since on Windows 10 the "fix" is part of the OS and can't be removed AFAIK.

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  On 9/6/2016 at 3:03 PM, Blade said:

I've not really messed about with this myself, but would it not be a better idea to update the registry to enable loading of the safedisc driver again rather than removing the security update?

Not really, removing and blocking the update is short and efficient. It also doesn't affect anything else on the system.


Especially since on Windows 10 the "fix" is part of the OS and can't be removed AFAIK.

On Windows 10, however, manual insertion and activation of the driver is the only option (well, other than using cracks).

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It's "KB3086255", and, uh, really, just google around. There are even video tutorials of that. It's basically just disabling automatic Windows updates, then uninstalling that specific update,  then waiting for it to pop up again as pending update, and when it does, disabling it and telling your system not to bother you with it again. After that's done you can enable automatic updates again.

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ive got the same problem as the guy who started this post but id dont even have KB3086255 installed so idk whats up.


i reset my computer so i have to reinstall ra2 and yuris and stuff.


when i run the autorun my computer makes a whirrring noise  and dosent do anything.




i have windows 7 64

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more specificaly it says "millitary software detected top secret clearance required"

then i click install and the screen goes black with the spinning circle cursor of death and my computer makes the whirring noise and freezes.



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  On 10/27/2016 at 4:38 PM, Nyerguds said:

That's a stripped multiplayer only version though. Hardly a solution.


Kinky is correct, its due to copy-write protection. There are security flaws with the SECDRV service, so Microsoft essentially disabled it in windows 7. There is a workaround for it though - which is to manually start the service, then install. To do this you would:


-Click start > type CMD right click it and select run as administrator

-When the black box pops up type: sc start secdrv

-Install the game, and test it to make sure its working.

-When you're done playing disable the service by typing in CMD: sc stop secdrv


You will need to have the secdrv service started if you aren't using a no-cd crack, cause its the only way windows 7 will properly recognize the disc and its contents.


This is kind of annoying to have to do though, and the XWIS multiplayer download (that kinky posted a link to) does include a no-cd crack, which would bypass the issue entirely. It also works with cncnet, and can be used to skirmish and other things, so it does have *somewhat* full functionality.


source: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3086255




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  On 3/30/2016 at 4:58 PM, manz said:



I have an original red alert CD set (allied disk, soviet and yuris revenge) and have a windows 7 32-bin Samsung laptop.

When I click install from the auto-run or directly click on the setup.exe nothing happens, not even an error message. I have tried running as administrator and with xp sp3 or 98. No matter what I do nothing happens each time.


The weird thing is that I used to have both installed and yuri worked. I wanted to play the RA2 campaigns so I uninstalled the game and tried reinstalling RA2 but now nothing works and I can't even play yuris revenge anymore either! But even now if I insert the yuri disk I can get to the install menu, but obviously I can't install it without RA2.


Can anyone help me please?




Hey guys

Here is the ultimate work around for c&c red alert 2


After three days of google trying all methods on many forums and all failing I have quite by 50% accident and 50% experience with old games work around etc


I have fixed the install issue I have been having


Here's the issue

Put cd in

First screen loads with warning military software detected etc etc click install


(Setup exe comes up in processes in task manager then stops with no crash notification)


Got the same with all standard and software changing technique I found


So here is what I did

Apparently the issue is with security on windows stopping the auto run setup exe ( so I read)


So going off past Exp of getting old games like settlers 3, populous the beginning, evil genius etc running on windows 7 ( these games were installed into a folder I named games in the file location c:games location may not be correct but that's the general place, no sub folders, just plonked there which stops the security issues program files x86 or x68 preventing old games to run)


Now what I did was go to my computer and copied the whole allied game disk into a folder on my desk top then executed the auto run from the folder and hey presto the install screen popped up and it installed the game "from the disk" (I assume as the disk drive was running through the installation)


So there we have it my issue could have been sorted just by simply copying the whole game disk into a folder and running from there


Hope this helps a lot of guys out having the issue I have had




Ps I'm no computer expert I'm just a google searcher and if that fails I'll try something so stupidly simple and it usually works

Maybe some genius in my acts of let's try something so stupid it would never work ideas

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