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Opinion: Pet Peeve on Laming in FFG on East vs. Best


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People these days cry everything is lame. A few weeks ago some guy drove his mcv past my drone and called me lame for droning him.  I've been called lame for using ivan, drones,v3 and boris lol, basically anything that isn't a complete rhino spam.


I kinda get what your saying Ronnie as in that case EvB is over and I wouldn't do it in a ffg with friends, however if it was 3v3 cm or something then dont see why not.

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It is still a legit move for doing that, but I understand why people would get pissed or even ban these tactics because it would narrow the game down to only a few tactics where everyone would be only using it where it spoils the fun to some people.

It just depends on the players opinion whether it is allowed or not. If I host a game and restrict certain tactics, other players have rights to say it shouldn't be forbidden and can choose to leave my game and make their own room. If the majority of the playerbase is a supporter to this "lame" tactic, then I'll know I'm gonna end up in games where the host allows it to happen.

I know you don't like it, but it is still an effective and legit move. Try doing it against them and hopefully one day they too would see how boring a game gets if everyone is doing the same cheesy move and narrows down to only a few tactics.

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No offense, but that’s just how maps are. Some people like winning no matter what.. especially in games with tension behind them. In 2006 a lot of maps had set/ certain tactics that were considered best and were done usually during 90% of games. With the exception of the odd creative player coming up with something else. I think we don’t see this type of stuff on newer maps because a lot of them are mirrored. Also some people just aren’t good at doing other things then they’re set bos that they know.. and I feel like people would argue that if they know how to win they will, especially the lower tier players! 

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