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Tiberian Dawn - The Shifting Sands (Single Player)


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Hello this is my 2nd C&C TD map  8)


After my first map ('Threatened') I learned some things about map making. I am still no pro but getting better  :P



Though I always test my maps as much as possible I'm liable to forget things.









Name: 'The Shifting Sands'

Map Size: 'Height=46 Width=62'

Side: 'Nod'

Tech Level: '12'


Installation: Simply extract the folder and copy+paste the contents to your C&C folder. If you are unsure of where your directory is, right-click you C&C95 shortcut and click 'Open File Folder'. That should take you to the directory. Alternatively this could be: 'Program Files>EA Games>C&C TFD>C&C95>' or something similar.


Important: This is the fifth version of this map, if you downloaded it before 8/2/2011 11:26 P.M. (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) and want the newer version then download it here. It is 'SCB93EA' instead of 'SCB92EA' so you know the difference.


Known Bugs: Please report any bugs you find here so I can correct them and make the map more playable.




Version 1 'SCB89EA':

First public version of the map.


Version 2 'SCB90EA':

Thanks to the testing of tasss the exploits of the AI have now been corrected. Rushing the base is now no longer easy.

AI now has extra starting units, defenses, and their 'Production' trigger starts faster.


Version 3 'SCB91EA':

Hardly any of my teamtypes were working because they weren't linked to the appropriate trigger. Solo found these and I corrected them, so I highly recommend you redownload this map.

A few details added (you won't notice)

The AI base was changed slightly. Their conyard is now in a more defendable spot.

Typo in the description was fixed.

More starting credits for the player and AI.


Version 4 'SCB92EA':

Thanks to MY testing (for once  :roll:) the AI now functions properly.

The biggest flaw was the 'patrols' I made to guard their base it kept re-training them after 10 seconds instead of waiting until they was destroyed

The map should now (at last!) play properly.


Version 5 'SCB93EA':

The Chinook 'raid' for the AI was bugged so it was removed and replaced with an APC and it works. (I have tested it)

The AI's 'Production' trigger now activates via going south to your base and/or crossing the river this way you cannot go south FIRST and build up a sizable Infantry army and attempt to rush the AI before their production starts.


Leave a comment/question/complaint if you like. Feedback is important :)






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I just played..



1. Mission is way too easy, before they even start to build i can take our their entire base with 2 stealth tanks. ( Their yard is exposed pretty hard. I took it over before they could do anything)


2. The triggers for them to start building and stuff comes way too late. They are messed up pretty hard if you attack early.


3. Try giving them another small base somewhere and adding more money bottom... Give them more units in the start to defend their base..


But was fun!

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Hi TrailHog250,


I Don't have impressions yet, I'll play in the weekend.


Corrections needed in your game program (INI):

- Triggers GD1A, GD1B, GDI2, GDI3, GDI4A, GDI4B, GDI4C, GDI5 are ALL connected to the same teamtype = GDI1A, meanwhile the respective teamtypes of most of these triggers are disconnected. These corrections will make a tremendous effect in your game;  O_o

- CIVD Trigger is absent so teamtype CIVDR won't work ;  :(

- Your Autocreate trigger will happen once every 135 time units. No critics here, I just want to be sure if that is your intention. :huh:


If you spend 5 minutes with this file - link - you will have a great aid whenever you'd be tired with mapmaking or without time to check the commands.

Check it out.  ;)



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The most likely reason I made the blunder on the teamtypes was probably this:


1. When I'm talking to someone and doing something else I get very 'absent-minded' and will forget things or not do them at all.

2. I should start doing my coding by hand in the .txt file instead of using CCmap as I would have seen it when I was being forced to actually type it. (yes I know Nyerguds will be at my front porch later with a pitchfork and torch with a mob behind him demanding my head  :laugh:)


The map 'appears' to be bug free now. I know my 'civd' trigger is not supposed to work, that is intentional. Please continue to post more feedback as it REALLY helps when I don't have all the time I want/need for playtesting/bug solving. It's not from being lazy, I don't always have time. I tested this map for a few days off and on so I'm shocked such a huge bug got past me  :(


I would really like some actual feedback on the map itself. (ie gameplay, teamtype coordination, difficulty, etc)


So far the only thing I know is that it was full of bugs  :roll: (but it's a good thing people reported those, thanks again to those that helped)



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  • 2 weeks later...

3. That is intentional.

Um, Autocreate is one global status that simply gets activated once. Repeating it has no effect whatsoever.


Well, I said that:

"- Your Autocreate trigger will happen once every 135 time units..."


I thought this autocreate trigger were projected to create random events from time to time. If it doesn't repeat it's a complete loss of opportunity (IMO).

I hope that could be changed. Random events could make almost always any mission a new game.

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3. That is intentional.

Um, Autocreate is one global status that simply gets activated once. Repeating it has no effect whatsoever.


Are you sure? I tested it via removing all of my 'Create Team' triggers to see if the 'Autocreate' was functioning and every 135 time units they would send one of the appropriate teamtypes  :huh:


I can give pictures if you want  :P

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I based my autocreate off the ones from the campaign missions. *in a way*


I make the teamtypes and list 'Autocreate' on them and connect them with the global 'Autocreate' trigger and every some many time units (135 for example) it builds a random teamype that I specified. (ie auto1, auto2, auto3, auto4, etc.)



I use it because it adds a little more 'random flavor' to the mission. It also helps diversify maps.



After re-reading your post and my post I think we both misunderstood each other actually :P

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I don't think I've misunderstood anything here. As far as I remember, none of the original C&C missions have looping Autocreate triggers, which wouldn't make sense if it needed the looping. It's just like Production; you just need to enable it once.

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I don't think I've misunderstood anything here. As far as I remember, none of the original C&C missions have looping Autocreate triggers, which wouldn't make sense if it needed the looping. It's just like Production; you just need to enable it once.


From what I understood (now) is:

- AUTOCREATE will repeat but you don't have to SET IT TO REPEAT.

The first time you've explained I understood the opposite.

I think Trailhog is the same case.


Also, I haven't payed attention to the AUTOCREATE trigger in the original C&C missions.

I'll take a look later.

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As I said, it enables one status internally, which then gets checked by the Autocreate routine every once in a while. Setting the status to True multiple times won't make the Autocreate routine check it more often. It'll just set the Autocreate status to something it already had.


It's like pressing 'S' when you got a unit selected that's already standing still. Sure you can give it the Stop command again, but it won't make any difference :P

(for the sake of argument, the unit is unarmed, so don't go nitpick about the effects of S when enemies come near :P)



I just think it's a matter of efficiency... if something doesn't have to loop to work, don't make it loop.

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I tried playing this a few days ago, and I like it. Only problem is that the A-10 Airstrikes are too brutal. They almost always destroy your harvesters if you try getting the northern tiberium and are virtually impossible to truly counter. Because of this, I haven't been able to complete the mission. >.<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes great feedback  :laugh:


Well the mission is VERY hard I suppose... But It's finished as far as I can tell. All bugfixes are in, a little extra content here and there. The mission forces you to make a decision on what to concentrate on. Resources are put around the map to force you to take and control them. Airstrikes make it harder yes, but you can beat it. There are... Ways... This is my 2nd map too. I probably won't make a 3rd one for a while. Probably not for another few weeks. It takes time to make a working map, I feel the terrain is essentially the most important part. You want to allow as many ways as possible to beat the mission. I hope to make my next map as diverse as possible. Maybe featuring 2 or 3 mini outposts all somewhat depending on each other. Or maybe 2 supplying the main one. Either for the player or AI. Just some brainstorming I did.



Well.. If it's to hard it's not a crime to change it and remove the Airstrike they get. Not everyone likes really hard missions, it comes down to personal taste. Not necessarily skill  :) You can always remove a few defense here and there to if that's to hard as well. But the 'BASE' section of the ini file may give problems. Be sure and remove it from the 'BASE' section first then remove the structure. And Nyerguds is right, go up there and defend your 'puppet'. While your harvesters are up there take a small force and position them SW of the Minigunner who should be as far NE as he can go :D

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