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  1. Yesterday
  2. I have been hosting a Tunnel server for quit some time. Running on Linux. Name Fatserver. I was working fine up to about 2 weeks ago. Now it is no longer seen in the list.
  3. It is pending an update. You could try the "dev" update channel in the client options.
  4. Last week
  5. As we know YR added voice lines for preexisting units in RA2. I figured out how to get the voice lines to work in vanilla RA2. Now you can play the RA2 campaigns with almost all of the voice lines that were added in the YR expansion because I figured out how to extract the audio files so that we can use them with vanilla RA2. The files you need are in the attachment linked below. Follow the instructions inside. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TgZPD12mCEq42DllXcL0J42ht881_iO1/view
  6. Hi, I deployed the latest update and after that I'm not able to launch a campaign. ClientCrashLog_2025_01_19_12_18.txt
  7. v5.7 Yuri is a modifed sov-faction. Removed some experimental yuri-units. [6] eurasia ffa 4.map
  8. The tunnel badge likely disappeared due to the server migration and new IP. Check configurations and test ping times for both nodes; no issues detected from our end at this time.
  9. The tunnel badge likely disappeared due to the server migration and new IP. Check configurations and test ping times for both nodes; no issues detected from our end at this time.
  10. You would need to register an account with them and then request it. Bit of an outdated web page but think it works once signed up Anyway glad its sorted for now šŸ‘
  11. Thanks Grant, I couldn't log in to gamesurge but the gline has been lifted. Thankyou for your help
  12. you were banned for 8 hours for toxicity. you have been unbanned.
  13. https://gamesurge.net/utils/requesttrust/ Can request a connection limit increase here. The ban usually goes away after a short time.
  14. Download this file and change the images, music, etc. Don't forget to add the name of your theme to the index.
  15. Earlier
  16. I encountered this issue and was able to fix it, kind of. My CnCNet YR was several versions behind (before 8.65.0) when I upgraded in place to 8.66.0; when upgrade was complete, was prompted to install .NET 4.8.1. I have Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 installed; it has .NET 4.7.2 built in, can install .NET 4.8 but not 4.8.1. I uninstalled CnCNet YR and started downloading standalone installers, from 8.64.1 to 8.66.0. Appears 8.64.1 and below don't prompt for any new .NET Frameworks. At end of 8.65.0 install, was prompted to install .NET 4.8 as needed in that version's release notes. After installing .NET 4.8, was able to apply 8.65.1, then 8.65.2, then finally 8.66.0, which DID NOT prompt for .NET 4.8.1 this time. I hope this will work for your Windows 7 machine as well.
  17. I've run into this same issue. I'm running through a W7 Wine virtual machine on my Mac. Is there a way to just re-install/downgrade to CNCnet 8.64.2? Have tried re-installing and don't see any sort of option for that... Steam is currently broken when I try to set up a new W10 Wine bottle, so haven't been able to get an install there to work yet which seems like it should get around this issue whenever I can get steam to start successfully.
  18. Hi, We tried to play 3 player red alert today (have played before) and unfortunately the young fella somehow logged in more than once into the same game (there were then 4 people from the same server) and got us Glined. Is there a way to lift this? I have checked DrGoogle and read this forum, the suggestion of looking up gamesurgenet/utils/gline said that we didn't have a gline on our host. I'm now confused and am keen to play again as a family. Any suggestions?
  19. Hello, My nickname on RA2 was AK105 I just don't even remember what email I have used to create my account 2-3 years ago on Cncnet, so I registered with a new email here to send this message! I believe This happened because I fought with a member, but he insulted me and I insulted him back maybe I used more harsh words I do apologize for that, but he started, but if you check the words he told me in the game itself you would ban him either, I'm not sure if you have access to it as well. May I know how long I will be banned for and is there a chance to unban me? thank you
  20. I am trying to join a LAN game but am getting this error message [8:28 PM] Connecting to the game failed! Message: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond I have 2 computers on the same network but they can't connect. I have tried creating the game on both machines, and neither can connect. Both machines have the firewall disabled. In the lan menu screen I can see both players and see the game but connection fails. I am playing Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge. Can anyone help. Note: We can play by playing online but it would have been nice to connect locally via lan.
  21. Hi Tore, thanks for helping me. I installed only one file (Multiplayer & Skirmish). Do I need to install something else?
  22. Sure. when the update on Jan 1st dropped (v 8.65.0) i updated my client like normal. When i tried to load it it said i needed framework 4.8. I already have that installed because cncnet v 8.64.2 worked just fine. there is only one more update for framework v4.8 and that's v4.8.1. So i click the button to download the framework from microsoft. i run the installer. it then says framework 4.8.1 is not supported by my OS windows 7 ultimate sp1. so i then redownloaded v 4.8. installed it and cncnet client still says it requires 4.8. SO the only conclusion i can draw is they must have moved to framework v4.8.1 or later. SO it is either intentional, or someone messed up when the cncnet client was compiled. Now if it is supposed to work on windows 7, then id like to know what updates they have installed. I'm willing to bet none of the devs even have windows 7 pcs because, no one know the meaning of "keeping your old pc" anymore I have tried 2 other windows 7 machines with fresh install of the game and the cncnet client. the result is the same. Im trying to let those players that use windows 7 know that there is an issue. i have spoken with other windows 7 users and they have the same issue. The point is, this is a 24 year old game. the devs are not rewiting the games base code. they are writing a launcher. You do not need modern framework to have those features. its not cool to suddenly say FU to players that live live in poor countries and cant just go get a new PC to play a 24 year old game. Thats my take on it anyways.
  23. You can change it in game . Its a known issue https://github.com/CnCNet/cncnet-yr-client-package/issues/416
  24. My speed selector now won't work after the last yuge update, anyone else have this issue? Or thoughts on how to resolve?
  25. Can you describe how the client "really" wants v4.8.1 or how it "does not work"?
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