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  1. Today
  2. hey Dave, you can check the operating system requirements on The Ultimate Collection's steam page, that will tell you if you're able to run it on your laptop.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Varenais


    An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions game UDP port is lagging. What to do?
  5. Last week
  6. When i go to start a mission i am hit with an error message and the game doesn't launch, not sure what it means and i am taken back to the main menu. I have tried to reinstall the game. anyone any ideas? Thanks! Message reads: "The program cant start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
  7. https://cncnet.org/discord took me a second to find the discord link. That being said, I don't see a Sole Survivor category.
  8. So I'm currently trying to have some fun creating some custom rules in a map by editing the rules within the .mpr file what I'm trying to get to work is making a SAM site a ground defense weapon instead. this works well with the AA gun changing it to a 155mm works as expected, but even after trying to tell the SAM to attempt several different weapons it just wont target enemies. is this just a hard limit with the base code or am I missing something? If it was, I would assume the AA gun would follow the same logic and it "kind of" seems that way because you can't manually target things, but it will still auto target incoming enemies...the SAM will not. any potential insight would be appreciated! Path Beyond Mod.mpr
  9. Earlier
  10. Rename the file from *.yrm to *.map and put it in the "/Custom" folder.
  11. Can you make a version of F[AI]r AI we can copy-paste into maps for use with CnCNet for online multi-play. CnCNet maps don't allow use of Ares or Phobos etc, so everything has to be done purely via ini editing within the map file. Thanks.
  12. I'm trying to set up a LAN game to play with my brother, and I don't know which number for speed means what. I want to play at normal speed. Edit: nevermind, I found out. Edit 2: the base speed setting is 5, aka, fast.
  13. RICEYR


    hi guys, i apologize for my behaviour in the past, i have been toxic aggressive and too insultive to people and threatened people ? not sure if i did that last thing i was going through a tough time during covid and i lost my mind because off several mental health issues, anyway it has been amazing the games ive played for around 8 years. sorry & ty
  14. Oh if you want even more challenge try this Very Hard X2 No one's been able to beat it. 4_survival_of_the_fittest_veryhardx2_v2_dctanxman.map
  15. Try my 2 new maps. I've been told they are the hardest maps ever made for cnc.net. If it lags it someone's potato computer and not the map. I have played both over 100 times with next to zero lag from map. They both can be played solo (even in shirmish) or with other players. No need to even put AI computers in empty spots. Here is 2 versions of Survival of the Fittest (I have a easy version but it seems like you don't want easy XD) and The Challenger. Let me know if you want me to host. Join the survival Discord. Many good players playing daily Survival based discord server Note: The challenger is not the Final Version and some changes might be made. I'm open to feedback. Fittest map is Final. 4_survival_of_the_fittest_hardx1_v2_dctanxman.map 4_survival_of_the_fittest_veryhardx1_v2_dctanxman.map 2_the_challenger_dctanxman.map
  16. Hey concolor! Thanks for making this. Im on Soviet Mission Suppression. Ive watched a youtube video showing a crate spawn that ends up being an mcv. Ive ended up trying several times. Got a chrono miner, got a yuri miner. Got a battle fortress. Is the crate random and the youtuber just got lucky, or is there more to it to get the mcv?
  17. Adding to this question I am asking about the Command & Conquer series only at the moment
  18. THanks. Has there been any meddling with crates? I've noticed after the last patch, the crates on my small map games have dried up somewhat.
  19. Hi there i have a simple couple of questions for anybody that can help. i love all the cnc games and would love to play them again. i am running my laptop on windows 10 pro Am I right in believing that I could run the old games on this laptop if I download C&C ultimate collection from CNC on Steam? is this an easy operation? Thanks. In Advance
  20. Believe its just enter key
  21. Boa noite a todos, alguém poderia me dizer como mandar mensagens durante o jogo, no red alert?
  22. https://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun The downloads here are complete since its freeware and includes the renderers like ddraw automatically. Maybe just give this a go first
  23. Im on a roll, back to winter wonderland of the Desolation Redux. This time, I did update the map to give ground force access to the water, allowing anyone who wants to build a naval yard landing craft access, in the case of the Soviets, and Yuri, a necessary use to allow engineers to get to the islands in the middle where two bonus tech oil derricks are. Ore is a bit light on this map, making protecting your oil derricks and obtaining bonus ones a priority objective for long game win. Like always, hope you all enjoy! desolationredux.yrm
  24. Just finished Porting Pit and Plateau to Yuri's revenge, central area has a ton of tech buildings and is the area to fight over. Hope you all like. pitorplat.yrm
  25. Found my original zipped game, it is the oldest cracked version of about 100MB. (On an old thumbdrive/mp3) I want to be able to play it at 1440 or 1080. And I don't like the updated free version. Surely there must be a workaround somehow? I'm not a super geek, so please go step by step (if I need ddraw and similar..)
  26. im around. More than 20 years ago now... we have a FB messenger chat with a few of us. There is so much irony in the message and closure of champsite. We brought out the best in each other and it was unfortunate on the ddos attacks. They happened to both sites, my email was hacked, i had to move cncgamer several times to try and deal with the attacks. Keyloggers installed on my machine. The post really I belive is someone not wanting to be involved in all of that and calling it a day. Their dev kane was involved in a much larger site and didnt have the time to work on all the features we were building for the community as well as manage incoming hacks and attacks. Good every so often to search, read and connect with people I spent so many hours and years with.
  27. So after a bit of fighting with the map editor, as i didnt know TS snow map didnt like blue tiberium growth crystals, I eventually decided to port the map to YR. Might have to do a slight balance tweek later, as the oil derrick on one side allows them to build a refinery on the gem island, but will update this later, since this right now is more a gun map. Dueling Frost is the snow biome version, and Dueling Islands 2024, is the port I did a while ago. Hope you all enjoy duelfrost.yrmduel2024.yrm
  28. Update : Blue Tiberium Growth Crystal apparently is bugged on snow? or in General? Removed it and it worked fine.
  29. This has been fixed by the way.
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