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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Here it is for those who have been waiting to test it. The first release (but certainly not the last), of C&C: Cold War. (V1 beta) (UPDATES: If you've already downloaded the mod, and an update has been posted since, you can download JUST the rules update at the VERY bottom of this post (below the pictures) as a zip "ColdWarRulesUpdate.zip". This file is updated each time I re-release the mod with updated rules along with the main download.) If you want to test, you'll need... Mad Skills: -Be able to set up your own CnCnet (to play against other opponents) -Be able to play CnC online to a reasonable degree. Insane Downloads: -The mod itself (duh) http://www.mediafire.com/file/0ataaa9acxjg401/ColdWarV1.10.rar -Red Alert + The Aftermath. You should know that the mod REPLACES files in your Red Alert folder, so either make a copy, or download a copy right here at CnC-Comm. http://www.cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?action=downloads;cat=35 -To play against other people (which you'll have to do if you want to be a tester because the AI is not programed to know how to play Cold War), you will need CnCnet V2, made by the fantastic CnCNet team: Myg - programmer and founder Irony - programmer hifi - programmer and founder of CnCNet v2 psde - former programmer Tore - Website manager, tester and tech support guy Nyerguds - Advice, testing and and adding CnCNet support into C&C95. N3tRunn3r - Tester http://cncnet.cnc-comm.com/?page=downloads -I would also recommend the High Resolution patch (Alpha, discontinued), made by hifi with the assistance of Hyper's database. Many units now have scarey long ranges. http://hifi.iki.fi/ra95-hires/ I'd advise looking over the tech tree I've posted here and maybe playing a game against the computer on tech 3 where you'll get access to... Rifle inf. Anti-Tank Missile inf. Jeeps/Hummers Artillery Transport Trucks Guard Towers Pillboxes I say this because it'll help you to get used to doing 3 things -Building and defending your base. -Fighting in the Field. -Besieging enemy bases. You should always set your games up with shroud regrows ON and 0 units. I'd say put speed 3 from the top. NOT top speed, and I'd advise not second to top (it might start the game slow... but it'll pick up). You'll quickly find this is not CnC95/RA, your usual CnC game. Have fun and post your feedback. -White And remember kiddies, it's not finished yet. For example, NONE of the Icons for the buildings are done, but they all have makeshift stuff there for now (the names for them will still appear when you hover the mouse though). Technicians are still big, no engineers are yet trainable, no ships are in the game. UPDATES: If you've already downloaded the mod, and an update has been posted since, you can download JUST the rules update at the VERY bottom of this post (below the pictures) as a zip "ColdWarRulesUpdate.zip". This file is updated each time I re-release the mod with updated rules along with the main download. 4/Sept Had Issues with the files. If you tried that game before the 4th, download it again. I've actually done heaps of work that wasn't showing in the last download. Cheers guys, and post your feedback... if you don't speak, I don't know. Another update today, AA missiles fixed, prices on tanks changed. Make sure you get the new Rules.ini and Aftermath.ini at the bottom "ColdWarRulesUpdate.zip" I'll continue to say when new rules files are released. Graphics fix on Anti Armour machine guns on planes, spy plane removed. 5/Sept Gun on Humvee/Jeep fixed, (Hummer was killing Jeeps in 2 shots) No more auto firing into the shroud. Special Guard ranges have been given to units to stop long range auto fire. Guard range=Sight range Except for Artillery weapons that are all 1. So short for vehicles longer for inf, but all weapons still have the same range 6/Sept Machine gun added to T-80 7/Sept Massive redo on how the units were dealing damage, helping to stop spread damage where it shouldn't be and giving the engine a bit of a rest while not changing the feel of game play too much. The big damage that so many weapons did causing over the top spread damage has been mostly fixed now, but I'd still like feedback on it, and about the issues with specific units that you feel are getting over damaged when not being directly shot at. Weapons against inf work much to how I was wanting them to now. Helicopter small range increase. Stinger range decreased a little, but fixed damage Vs planes. Turrets now "heavy" armour, so have to be attacked with AP weapons. Harvesters are now a little more stronger. AP shots don't waste men in groups anymore. Don't ALWAYS destroy their target, but can with a good shot. ColdWarRulesUpdate.rar
  2. Yeah, it's just an edited version of RA, no hex. Well, I'll maybe just pack up the files that I edited in a zip then, and wait for more balancing before making a proper hex edit etc. Thanks, that's all I wanted to know.
  3. Ok, super close to a public release. Just two questions... Can you change the order in which units/buildings appear in the sidebar. (for example, put grenadier before minigunner) What is the best way to "pack" the mod for download?
  4. Yeah, I have a bio lab icon... but I'm using the hospital from Dos, lol. It'll do for a beta.
  5. Oh, I'm doing alright now, I just tested making a new Arty icon, looks swell. Hopefully I'll have them done before this weekend... and then I can release the first beta for balance testing!
  6. Hey, what (free) picture editor program did you use put together the cameos?
  7. this last one reminds me of myself. Love c&c, hate engineers, lol... that and Dude always beats me -.-
  8. So not true http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://www.staynehoff.net/ssbn-ohio-launch.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.staynehoff.net/sub_stuff.htm&usg=__uJa_xCJNxicG_5JT_3ANNXzaFnY=&h=600&w=645&sz=54&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=iLBE6ZbNTuYVcM:&tbnh=127&tbnw=137&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsub%2Blaunches%2Bmissiles%2Bunderwater%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D605%26tbm%3Disch&ei=SeJUTtPIDYyNmQWJkZUF
  9. Nice work What a pitty we can't move those turrets where we want them aye?
  10. These look really cool. And I like that the hull is now the team color. I never liked the colored towers. Nice work. Maybe you could do your own version of what the missile sub would have been like too...
  11. Ahhh, of course. I forgot how different torpedoes worked. You did manage to make them turn though, didn't you? Kinda strange that they made them move strait, in the end. Oh well, that's easy enough to change
  12. Ahh, you're right, sucks. I suppose it COULD be done, but you'd have to make it AS a mod and have a certain missile used directly for the torp. And yeah, I knew it wouldn't turn. As long as the wake wasn't too long though, it might look quite cool (allot of work to really make it though).
  13. Come on, couldn't it be drawn in using the water "colors" on the pallet, and just recolor the torpedo to be underwater...
  14. Well, it's still awesome I might just consider using these in my mod, so they're immortalized as the awesomeness they are. ...that, and an underwater torpedo with a wake... now that would be cool.
  15. Yup, that looks pretty good. Did you try using shadow to create the effect at all? I would be interested to see what that looks like, might have a go myself. It certainly looks allot better than the "sitting on top of the water" sub... I'm just thinking maybe there's a way to keep some of those ripple effects that sit above the water on top of the body of it.
  16. are they above or below the water there? (stealth or not?) Did you use shadow to make the effect of it below the water. (Sorry, I didn't realized you'd actually made it, I was looking in the other post, lol)
  17. Those explosions look better too... I want to rip the old apocalypse spell from Diablo 1 and put it instead of the mushroom cloud for ICBM shots. Hopefully I find a way to do that in the end.
  18. OK, after trying 3 times last night and having the same result, I tried again and it's now working -.- must have been packing it wrong or something.
  19. Yeah, I saw, I like their sub too, we should try and make subs like that too. That's awesome. Hey, could you try and put 3 guns on the cruiser turrets? I think they look silly with 2.
  20. Yeah, I found that, I am editing the words. I even saved a copy of the file, so when I open it back up it's still what I changed it to. But the file that I put into the MIX files gets changed back O.O I'll try once more, it is damn strange, balance is coming along well though Just up to tanks and IFVs now... however, I suspect the comp wont build the bio, so I may have to find an online tester. Any takers?
  21. God, if only real RA looked that good, wowza. Did you put the awesome firing animation onto it?
  22. Remeber, the Bradley has a chaingun, so it's an advanced inf fighting weapon. Anyway, I'm going to balance it so you can deal with things like this. I've already made blockade infantry, so if you drive any vehicles up close they die pretty fast... no more rushing over infantry,you have to shoot them first. Point is, while you stop to do that, you're susceptible to dragon infantry. The only things men wont REALLY be able to do it take on base defenses, but the regular men are packed with C4, so they're pretty scarey if you have NOTHING to defend with. More importantly than balance right now, is that when I put all my conquer.eng into the 3 mix files, local, expand, expand2... the game is changing everything back on startup. This is weird, becuase I actually changed everything once, now I just needed to touch up what I had edited, but it wont let me. Do you know why it's doing this? where it's still saving the old info and putting that into the game instead of my edited stuff?
  23. Yeah, I know... Every time I find something useful for C&C, it's made by Nyerguds, lol.
  24. I felt like the BMP-1 was a better idea, as it was using tracks. I'm using both the M2 and the BMP, but they're IFVs. I'm also using trucks... so that's all the transports used up. Currently, all the units are in the game, they just need to be activated and get the cameos in. (and balanced, which is what I'm working on now). Balance is actually coming along really well.
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