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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Not sure about that. RAED will crash or give an error and tell you to find the main.mix if the main/raed.mix is not in encrypted and may do the same if the theater mix files are not in encrypted too. Been to long for me to know for sure.
  2. I have no idea what CNCNET dose or dosen't try to replace other than it will leave the spawn.dpxs alone once you add the CustomGame kesy to the cncnet5.ini It has yet to try to mess with the Red Dawn mix files or add any new ones. My RAED for Red Dawn will look for the Theater mix files (Grass, Snow, Desert, etc) in the main.mix (like the original RAED did). Some version of RAED will look for them in the RAED.mix. RAED will NOT load Theater mix files from the folder. RAED isn't that smart so it will look for the Theater mix files in the main.mix or RAED.mix.
  3. Yup. CnCNet lacks the new units code.
  4. You could change Jungle to use the Barren files. Extract all of the Barren files from the mix. Change .bar to .jun Re-pack into a mix and name it Jungle.mix Or Take the R84 you have and Hex Edit it. Find all JUNGLE in the .exe and change it to BARREN. Change all JUN to BAR. this data should be all in the same area with all of the other theaters. Below is a copy of my R82 I did the change to. You should be able to play Barren maps fine. RA95_R82_jug_to_bar.zip
  5. Don' think Beta1v1 has any of the new Theaters. I'm using V3.03P R82 that is newer but it lacks Cave and Barren. Tschokky should have an exe that works. Also try the link in Reply #115. https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=3016.105
  6. I don't do the book of faces to don't forget to post here once in a while!
  7. Me too. On my wish list is to have just a clone of every Unit, Building "super weapon" .ect .
  8. Don't thing CnCNet RA1 has the manual as well... Well my very old copy of CnCNet RA1 has a Intenet Shortcut in the readme folder that should take you to the manual but it takes me to do freelifetimefuckbook*DOT*com.
  9. Add [Aftermath] NewUnitsEnabled=1 ; "1" will enable AfterMath units "0" disenable AfterMath units or remove this tag. To the rules and NewUnitsEnabled=1 ; "1" will enable AfterMath units "0" disenable AfterMath units or remove this tag. Below [General] in the rules.
  10. ROB The CnCnet ra95.exes seem to have removed most of the cool things Iran added. Messiah Every thing below BuildingsGetInstantlyCaptured= to 61. in the code box you made was ideas I pitched to Iran. The do NOT work.
  11. Try http://ra.afraid.org/. They have a bunch of old pre-CnCNet maps. It may be there.
  12. Allied Spies look like Rifle Soldier to the Enemy. You must be playing moded map that lets the Spy have C4. AndrewFord The CnC Net version dosen't come with the campaign. You have to go and find it.
  13. Below is every key I know of added to the Iran patch. [General] EvacInMP=no [AI] FixAIParanoid=yes FixAISendingTanksTopLeft=yes ; ******* New Unit Statistics keys ******* ; Crusher = Is this vehicle able to crush infantry (yes/no)? ; ******* New Unit Type List ******* ; This lists all of the vehicles types in the game. Each vehicle ; type should have a matching section that specifies the data it ; requires. ; ; New vehicles use 64 frames. 32 for the body and 32 for the turret. : [unitTypes] 0=UNI1 ; template ; New unit master template ; Use this a template to make your new vehicle. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; vehicle work. [uNI1] Primary=105mm Secondary=105mm ;If your unit dosn't have a Secondary weapon use Secondary=none Strength=400 Armor=heavy TechLevel=-1 Sight=5 Speed=7 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=1000 Points=50 ROT=5 Tracked=yes Crewed=yes DoubleOwned=no Ammo=-1 ;-1 means unlimited ammo Cloakable=no Explodes=no Invisible=no Reload=0 SelfHealing=no Sensors=no Crushable=no NoMovingFire=no Passengers=0 ;APC unload logic dosn't work yet ; ******* New Infantry Type List ******* ; This is the list of infantry types. Each infantry type listed ; here should also have a matching data section that specifies ; its data values. ; ; New Infantry uses the rifle soldier logic that use 438 frames. : [infantryTypes] 0=INF1 ; template ; New infantry master template ; Use this a template to make your new infantry. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; infantry work. You can not delete any keys or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [iNF1] Primary=M1Carbine Strength=50 Armor=none TechLevel=-1 Sight=4 Speed=4 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=100 Points=5 DoubleOwned=no Ammo=-1 ;-1 means unlimited ammo Cloakable=no Explodes=no Invisible=no Secondary=none ;If your unit dosn't have a Secondary weapon use Secondary=none ROT=0 Reload=0 SelfHealing=no Sensors=no C4=no Fraidycat=no Infiltrate=no IsCanine=no ; ******* New Aircraft Type List ******* ; This lists new aircraft types in the game. Each aircraft ; type should have a matching section that specifies the data it ; requires. ; ; New Aircraft are currently limited to helicopters that use 32 frames. : [AircraftTypes] 0=AIR1 ; template ; New aircraft master template ; Use this a template to make your new aircraft. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; aircraft work. You can not delete any keys or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [AIR1] Primary=Hellfire Secondary=Hellfire ;If your unit dosn't have a Secondary weapon use Secondary=none Strength=225 Armor=heavy TechLevel=-1 Sight=0 Speed=16 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=1200 Points=50 ROT=4 Ammo=6 ;-1 means unlimited ammo Crewed=yes GuardRange=30 DoubleOwned=no Cloakable=no Explodes=no Invisible=no Reload=0 SelfHealing=no Sensors=no Passengers=0 ;APC unload logic dosn't work yet ; ******* New Building Type List ******* ; This lists all new buildings types in the game. Each of these ; types will have a specific section in this file that gives the ; particulars about that building type. ; ; New Building are currently limited to 2x3 and can have no weapons. ; Also new building can't be used as Prerequisite for any unit or building : [buildingTypes] 0=BUI1 ; template ; New building master template ; Use this a template to make your new building. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; building work. You can not delete any keys or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [bUI1] Strength=400 Armor=wood TechLevel=-1 Sight=10 Owner=allies,soviet Cost=1500 Points=85 Power=-200 Bib=yes Capturable=true Crewed=yes DoubleOwned=no Cloakable=no Explodes=no Invisible=no Primary=none Secondary=none SelfHealing=no BaseNormal=yes Adjacent=1 Repairable=yes Storage=0 WaterBound=no Powered=no Unsellable=no ; *** New SoundEffects ** ; This is a list of the various types of new Sound Effects available in the game ; The sound must be .aud format and pack into a .mix file. One the sound is packed ; into a .mix file and listed below you can use the sound in a Report= for a weapon. [soundEffects] 0=SON1 ; template ; *** New Weapons List ** ; This is a list of the various types of new Weapons available in the game [Weapons] 0=Weapon1 ; template ; New weapon master template ; Use this a template to make your new weapon. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; weapon work. You can not delete any keys or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [Weapon1] Damage=1 ROF=1 Range=1 Projectile=none Speed=1 Warhead=none Report=none Burst=1 Camera=no Charges=no Supress=no TurboBoost=no Anim=none ; *** New Animation List *** ; This is a list of the various types of new new animation available in the game. ; Animation must be .shp format and pack into a .mix file. One the Animation is packed ; into a .mix file and listed below you can use the animation in a Image= for a projectile. [AnimTypes] 0=Ani1 ; *** New Projectile List ** ; This is a list of the various types of new Projectiles available in the game [bulletTypes] (Projectiles) 0=Proj1 ; template 1=32Frame ; template 2=CannonT ; template ; New projectile master template ; Use this a template to make your new projectile. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; projectile work. You can not delete any keys or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [Proj1] Inviso=yes Image=none AA=no AG=yes ASW=no Animates=no Arcing=no Arm=0 Degenerates=no Dropping=no Frames=1 Gigundo=no High=no Inaccurate=no Parachuted=no Proximity=no ROT=0 Ranged=no Rotates=no Shadow=yes Translucent=no UnderWater=no ; 32 frame rocket and missile projectile template [32Frame] Inviso=no Image=none ; Remove none and your 32 frame projectile name here. Name must be in AnimTypes list. AA=no AG=yes ASW=no Animates=yes Arcing=no Arm=3 ; HeatSeeker Arm=2, LaserGuided and AAMissile Arm=3 , FROG or V2 Arm=10 Degenerates=no Dropping=no Frames=1 Gigundo=no High=yes Inaccurate=no ; HeatSeeker, FROG Inaccurate=yes Parachuted=no Proximity=yes ROT=20 ; HeatSeeker ROT=5 LaserGuided and AAMissile ROT=20 FROG or V2 ROT=0 Ranged=yes Rotates=yes Shadow=yes Translucent=no UnderWater=no ; Cannon projectile template [CannonT] Image=120MM AA=no AG=yes ASW=no Animates=no Arcing=no Arm=0 Degenerates=no Dropping=no Frames=1 Gigundo=no High=no ; artillery cannons High=yes Inaccurate=no ; artillery cannons Inaccurate=yes Inviso=no Parachuted=no Proximity=no ROT=0 Ranged=no Rotates=no Shadow=yes Translucent=no UnderWater=no ; *** New Warhead List ** ; This is a list of the various types of new warheads available in the game [Warheads] 0=Warhead1 ; New Warhead master template ; Use this a template to make your new Warhead. ; You can edit any of the keys to make your new ; Warhead work. You can not delete any key or ; online games will go Out of Sync. [Warhead1] Spread=1 Verses=1%,1%,1%,1%,1% Explosion=1 InfDeath=1 Wall=no Wood=no Ore=no
  14. In what way would XCC not open the conquer.mix?
  15. I did CnC Net sound or Red Dawn using the TS Eva sounds with some RA1 sounds as well. I'll attach them below. CnC_Net_Sounds.zip
  16. I think the triger that tells the Sub APC to come onto map is at the pinch point just West of your starting area. Right where the Cliff comes down and makes choke point along the road.
  17. Jake him self has to enter the beacon area for the Sub APC to spawn.
  18. People here seem split. To me its fine. ALso with Blade in the "replacements" or "improvements" department. Also with fir3w0rx. I think they should be putting most of there time into TS/RA2/YR as they seem to more troublesome to get and keep running on newer systems.
  19. Thats IF the mission even works right. It seems that you have a 50-50 shot of the Civs not following Tanya.
  20. AM mission Negotiations is like CS mission Personal War too.
  21. That too. The last ant mission is nothing but a move 10 square forward than save, die, reload saved game and repeat.
  22. The last ant mission. If you don't know to use the Manmmy with all of the crates the last ant mission is pain in the rear end.
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