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Everything posted by Allen262

  1. Allen262

    C&c red alert

    If you are talking about RA1 I don't think they can be installed from the disc as I think the installer is 16bit program that isn't supported on Win 10. The good news is that RA1 is free and you can go to the top of the page where it says Download and get RA1 with all of the community patches to play RA1 on Win 10.
  2. RA1 will read .ini files if they are in the same folder as the ra95.exe so all you need to do is pull out the rules.ini/aftermath.ini and missison .inis and dump them into the ra1 folder and it will override the files in the .mix.
  3. Guessing "Remaster" as I never saw this with the OG RA1 unless this was added to the CnCNet version.
  4. Just as an old RA1 modder I can say RA1 was more than just different graphics and larger maps.
  5. Feels like the internal map editor needs a update if possible. It looks darn painfully slow to use. Sounds promising. I would have been happy years ago when you first experimented with adding new units/building if there was a way to define what the AI should do with the new units/building. A BehaveLike= key that would hook the new units/building to the hard coded logic so the AI could use it. Is the another forum or discord where things are being worked on. I would like to lurk there if possible.
  6. Been keeping an eye on things from PPM. Last I saw RA1 related besides ImGui today was that an early test build had been found and had the internal map editor mostly working and while cool the internal editor looked more clunky to use than RAED. Had no idea source code was now around. The thought of having TD's units buildings .ect added to RA1 without having to remove RA units buildings .ect would be super cool. Besides porting in TD logics is any other things going to be done?
  7. Thanks! With no updates on getting the OG RA1 engine decoded to be more modable I'll just be lurking. No interest in CnCNet side of things or the new game from EA.
  8. Comm Center/CnCnet finally let me do a password reset after years of being unable to get a email from them to do a reset and I updated the links May 29 of this year.
  9. Well now that Comm Center/CnCnet will let me do a password reset after years of being unable to get a email from them.... I updated the links to have OneDrive links as it looks like the dropbox links don't work for anyone but me now. Other than that nothing is changed. No plans to come back to this unless there is a major breakthrough with the ra1 engine being opened up more.
  10. I would force all new theaters to use the Temperate pal and have the new ones load the Temperate icons and call it good.
  11. As wild guess. Try loading the terrain via New or how you make a new map than try load the map.
  12. It dose. Need to shut off you add block and thing like that for the download page to load. Not sure if the other off side links are good.
  13. Think all you need to do is delete the folder. As for getting a version with missions go here https://iran.cnc-comm.com/ra/
  14. I'm not sure about the load order now. I think the patches changed how and what SC-xxxx and Expand##.mix can load. With the Expand##.mix going up to 99 now I think the SC-xxxx is pretty useless and the Expand##.mix should be able to load more types of files than the SC-xxx could. I do know that with the stock game using a SC-xxxx has probs with changing Ore. It will work fine to start a mission but if you reload the mission it will load scrambled Ore graphics and may crash.
  15. If your using a custom .exe you should be able to hex edit the .exe. You can edit all antdie and change them to antdiz. This will tell the game to play antdiz but with no antdiz .shp and .aud in any mix files nothing should be played. This may also cause random crashes. I think the game would be just fine but I'm not really sure.
  16. Fake buildings have probs loading icons during single missions. Think it has something to do with the TechLevel but it has been years since I have seen it. If the game is loading the old RA1 icon. Your facticon.shp need to be in a EXPAND#.MIX
  17. For pre placed structures you can double click on them and in the structure property box check Rebuild. The Sellable box also tells the AI to fix the building.
  18. My guess is that the .shp was packed with a tool older than XCC. The old tools seem to convert all names to a set of numbers. I never got use to those old tools as XCC was better. This was back 2000-ish. It seems any weapon with Charges=yes will use litning.shp. The TeslaZap uses a projectile and warhead that are used with other weapons. Projectile=Inivisble is used for many weapons and Warhead=Super for the Camera and AM Carrier weapon. I have Super on other weapons as well and the litning.shp isn't used. litning.shp is hardcoded to the Charges=yes key. I made the TTankZap and PortaTesla weapons into Chem Spray weapons so the litning.shp is not coded to the Tesla weapons. I don't think there is away to change the litning.shp by any rule key.
  19. FunkyFr3sh The game will most setting found in the map. Not every key in the rules can be put into a map but may can. Any valid keys put into that map will override the rules.ini All [Recharge] keys should be valid if placed into the map. I'm sure you know this but may Lightning Hunter is hitting some oddies with RA1. The unknown .shp is likely litning.shp. It looks like litning.shp was converted to be a laser. Lightning Hunter I don't think 0 is valid. Try 0.1
  20. FunkyFr3sh In post #25 he is talking about [Recharge] not working in the rules.
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