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Everything posted by trunkskgb

  1. A new version of Tiberian Technologies was made available recently, did you update to the latest version? Once you have that installed, it will detect new updates automatically for you, keeping you in the game.
  2. I use OBS to stream, but no matter what I try, it never records at full screen. The 2 videos below are at the 640x800 resolution and the 1024 resolution. I adjusted them in game, neither took to full screens. Any advice? https://youtu.be/cZzpBSWw0Ig https://youtu.be/cZzpBSWw0Ig
  3. Do you have the Tiberian Technologies patches installed as well?
  4. This game still gets a lot of action. visit the MPF forums https://multiplayerforums.com/ visit my YouTube channel. I’ve played the past 2 nights in a row. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMh8_wvlruY-D3WFgoFP_6w
  5. Visit https://multiplayerforums.com/ for Renegade tutorials.
  6. trunkskgb

    New Maps!

    Look for my playlists on my channel. My maps are Iron City, Halloween, Backstab, and Ridgeline.
  7. Just played a few nights ago. I played last night as well, but haven’t uploaded that clip yet. Come join the fight!
  8. I totally came here to post this, I was beaten! I love this concert! I hope Frank and Sons do more!
  9. My setup/config window is different from the pictures you guys are uploading, and some options are not available for me. Take a look below.
  10. I can’t wait to add streams from Dawn, Red Alert, RA2, TS and even Generals to go with my Renegade streams!
  11. I will try that and I will try again with TD! Ill let you know what happens, thanks!!
  12. trunkskgb

    New Maps!

    Call me crazy, but I am still making maps for Renegade! If you want to check them out, visit my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMh8_wvlruY-D3WFgoFP_6w/videos and go to playlists... my maps are Iron City, Backstab, and Halloween 2014. You will find a ton of other videos there as well!
  13. Let me know if this works because I have the same issue with this and Red Alert. It records a blank screen, but with only sounds. I use window capture and it works just fine with Renegade, but I’d love to stream this as well! My YouTube channel... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMh8_wvlruY-D3WFgoFP_6w/videos
  14. I'm sorry I didn't see this topic earlier, but I'm stopping by to say hello and to thank everyone for helping keep C&C alive! PS: On your main page it shows current and past developers. Although I haven't made an older C&C map for some time (Red Alert, Dawn, Sun, TW) I might have the ones that I have created. Would you like me to find them and upload? I also have made, and I am STILL making C&C Renegade maps. I'd be more than happy to share them if you'd like.
  15. You remember me from back then? The early days of Renalert was funny, my friend Mika and I used to play that a lot. Good to see you too! Hopefully my brother and I will be gaming here soon, and uploading some videos on YouTube!
  16. Haha, hi Wolf. Good to see familiar faces all around the C&C community!
  17. Hi everyone, I've been registered here for a while, but I have been busy with RL stuff, but I just want to come back and say hi. I've been playing C&C games for a long time. My first game was Retaliation on the PSX in the late 90's, and it took off from there. I spend most of my time now in Renegade, yes...it's still alive haha. I am actually making 2 maps for Renegade at the moment. I like making maps, I have for all the C&C games, minus RA3 and C&C 4. It didn't occur to me until recently, this is or was the old Communications Center? That site design was great. Classic C&C feel. Let's keep C&C alive!
  18. Might be off subject, but is the AI in skirmish beefed up at all in this compatibility fix for CnCNet/TS?
  19. I didn't know N3t was registered here haha. Nice to see a strong community for C&C games.
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