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Everything posted by cn2mc

  1. Yeah, this has been discussed a few times around here. Tracked movement in TD appears to be about 1/3 slower, compared to wheeled units with the same stats.
  2. But it was also a hint for the mod developers.
  3. No. APCs in TD are slower than hummers, even though stats would make it seem otherwise. Feel free to try it out ingame.
  4. Kinda right, kinda wrong. For starters, Greece and parts of Turkey are on the Balkans, so the correct term you're looking for is 'Slavic/Slavonic' language. Original old meaning of 'groz/groza' is 'storm', preserved in Russian and probably in some other Slavic languages. It also means 'impending', but only when it is used in conjunction with 'doom', 'danger', etc. Pretty clear why - a storm in the sky is basically something bad waiting to happen, hence the evolution of the term to mean 'shit's gonna go bad'.
  5. No. 3 minutes is and always was bullshit. Even if it made some sense connection-wise in the 90's, the limit should be much lower now. You can't simply eliminate a bunch of strategies from the game on the grounds that they are 'cheap attacks', whatever that means. And I don't even care about the ladder, mind you.
  6. Umm, no. I meant that occupied chinooks can be captured. I've had this happen on several occasions, when I'd capture one with the engineer inside, and when I'd later unload, the engi would be alive and well, and would still belong to the enemy. Maybe it has to do with the engi being unarmed, or maybe it just happens as a glitch, IDK. About the repair bay, I don't think the AI can move on that at all, aside from it's orca repair logic. Human players can use the alt+move function to cross enemy repair pads, but they can't 'dock'/do actual repairs, unless allied, IIRC.
  7. It's also cool that chinooks can be captured with men inside. So you're like 'hey! Free chopper', and then you unload a bunch of enemy troops inside your base.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz3QKsb8TL4#t=3m028s
  9. Fixed. Just removed the entire [units] section. Anybody who tried this (so, the one guy besides Matt), just replace the .ini.
  10. Ah, possible. Anyway, yeah, that's my take on a swastika-shaped map with slightly off-centre spots. I know about multi alliances, but wouldn't sleep/sticky work at least? If not, I'd have to change the map and remove the hummers/APC and only leave the roadblocks.
  11. Oh, shit, here's another one! Called Quarantine. 4P. Looks like Moebius has been caught in the middle of a battle, while he's trying to treat the civilians. cn2Quarantine.bin cn2Quarantine.ini
  12. Well, you can set controls to move the screen with the arrow keys even in TD, but that sucks more than a Delonghi.
  13. Go with Oxanna, then. That's so Slavic she can't hold anything against it. (actually the original name is probably from Greek, a variant of Xenia or something, but still...)
  14. Sure, just give credit and don't take the dick out of it.
  15. Time to be lazy, cheeky and irresponsible at the same time, by releasing an old, completely untested, AND dick-shaped map. Behold, The Dreaming! 1v1. No blossom trees at the base of the rock, so if you can't defeat eachother, you'll have to eventually climb it by capturing the locals' silos. You can surround, you can go through the church-bridge but you will probably mostly go over the rock. Or at least I hope so. Matt, record this shit if you try it! cn2The_Dreaming.bin cn2The_Dreaming.ini
  16. If 'a new one' means I can't be a lazy bastard and submit old ones, then probably no, heh. EDIT: though I do have a few unreleased ones, but they're unreleased for a reason. Not really up to par.
  17. Nyer, you're kinda missing it... I and White are talking about the same thing - the DOS mod, which you, in the first place, misread as 'DOS mode' a few posts back...
  18. Oh, that reminds me, that kind of airdrop technique Nod uses was perfected specifically for the siege of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam war - planes couldn't risk landing, because the strip was in rage of NVA heavy mortar, so they just buzzed the strip and either parachuted or hooked the cargo to a cable through the open hatch. EDIT: On topic, yeah, IDK why they used the Bradley, but IIRC one of the cutscenes does indeed portray it as an APC.
  19. But there is a DOS mod buried somewhere around here. It's basically just a DOS skin for C&C95 that runs in 640x400, but has the old DOS cameos, menu buttons, etc.
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