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Everything posted by cn2mc

  1. I usually operate on a 'hear no evil, see no evil' basis with security, but since I end up mostly using a company property laptop, I had to try out a few programs. So far Avira seems to be the least intrusive, it does almost everything by itself in the background without slowing you down and will quickly isolate and eliminate whatever click-scam you might click. I also haven't had it give me any conflicts whatsoever. I'm sure others will give you better insight though, so try it out, but have in mind it's probably not the be all, end all of protection.
  2. I mean on CnCNet, I know it's possible otherwise, but it's a) quite a hassle (AFAIK) and b) where would you find the players and support? Anyway, I'm not pushing an agenda here, that's why I said it was just a thought that sprang to mind in my previous post.
  3. This immediately puts thoughts in my head, about online DOS C&C multiplayer, with screen shakes et al., like Kali.
  4. cn2mc


    fixed WOW really? Man the cnc crew are a talented bunch!!! Heh, no. Funky was just exposing me being cheeky.
  5. cn2mc


    Now only if someone finds out how to fix the firing offsets so there's no South advantage...
  6. 'Subterranean unit detected'?
  7. I use the background image from the old CnCNet site and some green fonts. Works nice:
  8. The actual logical conclusion I was implying is that your suggestions are either impossible or close to impossible to implement within the game engine of TD. The people who enhance the game (by hacking and disassembly) go through painstaking work to bring us even the little new features we now have, like high resolution and remappable hotkeys. The simple truth is that even if one of your suggestions can somehow theoretically be hacked into the game, it'll require so much work, that it probably wouldn't be worth it ultimately. There are just more pressing issues for the (volunteer) developers to work on. If you don't believe me and you think I'm raging, then you'll just have to wait for Nyer or someone else to confirm.
  9. Nice and logical conclusion, but scrolling the sidebar with the mouse-wheel works for me in CnCNet5 too, so no, I'm not wrong. About that other, unspecified scrolling you mentioned, that works on your old machine - what do you mean by that, sidebar scroll, or fast screen scroll? Because right-click fast scrolling was only introduced to C&C in TS. All of them getting in was implemented in RA, as well as numbers visible on teams. No, you can deploy it, but it will bug and not deploy properly (or not at all) if it is under attack as it will try to fight back. So you should move away from enemy units when you want to deploy, or you can briefly ally your enemy so the APC won't return fire. EDIT: I'm sure someone will pop up with a solution for your mouse issue. But the other stuff that made it in the later C&Cs is just impossible in TD, as others will confirm.
  10. On point 4 - scroll-wheel already works on the sidebar. The issue is on your side here. On all other points, the game is from 1995. That's why not. Mind you, I can already hear the flak coming your way for making these suggestions. The impossibility of these features being added to TD has been argued and proven countless of times on these forums by the main developers of CnCNet and by Nyer, who is chiefly responsible for the game being able to run on new systems, hi-res, etc.
  11. We don't bite. I don't remember a vandal either, though, so it must've either been later, or outside of 'rants', or whatever the off-topic board was called there. glhf in cncnet.
  12. Oh man. Those were the days. Did you have the same nick there? Probably not, I remember no ore trucks from PCNC. I'm curious too...
  13. My only comment is: I like it how grown men behave like 8-year-olds over a game.
  14. Thanks. It's actually inspired by a real place, a lake here called 'Okoto', meaning 'the eye':
  15. I'm pretty sure you can use the RA .ini's to nerf the advantage, but it will be nerfed for all wheeled vehicles. As far as I remember, the movement speed over different terrain types in RA is determined by percentages. So roads will be 100% speed for all, clear will be like 90% for tracks and 80% for wheels, etc. I think you can even make cliffs passable for infantry, f. ex., at a slow speed, so they'll look as if they're climbing.
  16. It just occurred to me that I haven't done a snow map, so I whipped up a quick one: It's a small-ish 1v1 map with somewhat limited tiberium. If you can't make out where the starts are because of the background - they're North and South of the lake, where the little road detours end. EDIT: of course I need to attach the map, not just the pic... cn2The_Eye.bin cn2The_Eye.ini
  17. Watch cash, and babysit harvs too! A new ref will pay for itself and make a profit only after the third trip of it's harv is complete.
  18. I did play some LAN RA games, and the campaign of course, back in the day. It was nice and all, with it being readily moddable and having a built-in map editor and everything, but I still thought it sucked compared to TD. Even then (I was 10-11 when it came out) I realized that RA, as fun as its new features were, was way too skewed in favour of tanks for my liking. I very much preferred the way the slower speed of tanks worked in TD. It meant that you could do heli rushes, or kill tanks with orcas, bikes, infantry. Sides were more different. Maybe not more different than RA in terms of unit diversity, but certainly more different when it comes to how you play them. C&C is just more demanding of the player, take for example combined arms - in RA this is a nonissue, you have tanks, your enemy has tanks, someone wins... Maybe if nobody wins for some time one of you will build MiGs or cruisers, possibly some V2s; whereas just a couple of casual games against a decent opponent will convince just about anybody that there are almost no 'stupid tactics' or 'wrong builds' in TD, and there certainly aren't any 'useless units'. And here we come to my main point, The Game in this case for me is TD, either a really close second to, or an even closer tie with, Sid Meier's Civ 1 (DOS) for the best game of all time. Third will possibly be Quake 2, but I'm getting off track. I first played C&C about when it came out, either '95 or early '96. I was fascinated. The only strategies I'd played until then were Civ, Jagged Alliance (also cool games, 1 & 2), and Cryo's Dune, which had strategy, but was more of an RPG. All of those were turn based, and yes, I hadn't played Dune II before C&C. I'd never seen anything play in real time like that. Well, I did have Sim City, but that generally didn't involve flamethrowers, lasers and screams of agony. Neither did it have actual videos, oh, man! On the computer! Those were times when we DREAMED that our measly PCs would sometimes maybe be able to show videos as good as our TVs, can you imagine that? And our TVs weren't the shit either. Needless to say, I was fascinated with this strange new game and I played it for hours on end, and months on end, with a friend of mine, at his place where I first saw it. I remember how stuck we were on the GDI mission with the gunboats. We were like 9-10 years old, new to the new genre of RTS and didn't yet have the capacity to exploit the AI or think on a broader strategic scale. We managed to kill the turrets and eagerly awayted the promised fireworks, the gunboat seemed awesome in the first mission, so this should've been a breeze. Reinforcements have arrived, there's two! And then we just heard hmmmMMMMMZAP, and the first one went down, struck by a laser from outside the fucking screen (remember, 320x200 res). OK, this is bad. We spent weeks trying and failing to go past that obelisk. Hell, we spent a few days setting up a base - those artys would crush us before we even saw them coming. If we only knew about the back entrance... So there you go, just one of my most vivid memories from the time when C&C was new to me.
  19. Unless you're saving up for something in particular like a quick surprize tech switch to helis, you should pretty much build all the time, yes. If you have the cash, that is. And you can get the cash by being very quick with building refineries and expanding towards tiberium. In other words, by building all the time. Scale doesn't really matter. On some new maps this can mean a huge-ass RA-like battle, on some money-scarce WW maps it can mean like 2 powerplants, 2 refs, 3 barracks and then towers in your back yard until you die.
  20. I don't really think the cncnet staff, let alone the cnc-comm staff hold any obligation to actually moderate this sort of thing. What with it being free and all. Plus the fact that a big chunk of the chat traffic is not logged, so nothing is really provable. Whoever moderates the channel and the forums does so only by virtue of the fact that they feel obliged to do so, as a contributing member of this community. You've made your contribuion by denouncing bad behaviour and pointing out the culprit for all to see and judge, now make the next step and ignore it. That's how it's best dealt with.
  21. It really depends on resolution, I think. I play TD in 640x480 on fastest -1 (genarally as quick as fastest, but with no lag) and I do reasonably well even against players that see 4x the battelfield with maxed out resolutions. On the other hand, DOS C&C was virtually unplayable on that speed with its 320x240 res. I usually don't mind playing on lower speeds, but that doesn't really give the slower player an advantage, maybe it gives him a fighting chance in some micro intensive situations, but otherwise the faster player will always have that much more time to issue his orders. The advantage a fast and good player gets from the drop in speed is exponential.
  22. It being 'Tesla's weapon' is not reason enough to put the tech on the Svoiet side. Tesla did most of his work before the USSR even existed, and in the USA at that. Also, tesla coil-to-obelisk evolution is nonsense, the principles of a tesla coil (wireless transfer of electricity) and a laser (augmented and focused light) are fundamentally different. The reality is that yes, indeed, WW were lazy and they focused on bigger maps and AI and not 'real' storyline connections. Work on TD started basically as soon as Dune II was out. They had like 4 years to think through the entire game and solidify all its concepts. RA development on the other hand took only about a year. Look at how advanced C&C is compared to Dune, and then how advanced RA is compared to C&C and do the math. It turns out quite right.
  23. Guard mode won't help, it'll even make it worse as some of the launchers will try to move and thus break formation. The "they don't work against air" bit had to do with the fact that the MLRS's rockets deal little damage to heavy armour, which is what orcas and apaches have. Against chinooks it's ok.
  24. Yes, Nod doesn't have much incentive to use the MLRS, having a wide range of readily available HE weapons, infantry- and building-busters like the SSM, arty, flame tank, even the apache. But for GDI, if you have the option, you might as well just build the rocket launchers. Having several of them between/behind your tanks is a great way to keep infantry and bikes at bay, even if all of your own men die. And your tanks will take very little collateral damage in the process. Just don't expect them to work against air.
  25. Well, it most certainly appears to be in TD, most evident with mammoths, but also seems to work with MLRS sometimes.
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