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Everything posted by cn2mc

  1. cn2mc

    2 Things

    If you decide to replace Norton, I strongly recommend Avira, it runs in the background, does all by itself and hasn't caused me a problem or conflict in 3+ years.
  2. I've been musing over this for a few days, since ads, shows, etc. are what I actually do for money. If we really think a new ad is needed, we need to know how to target it properly in order for it to be objectively better than the old one, i.e. to bring in more people. Server statistics are readily available so we know where players are from, how much they play, which games they play. There is some basic player profiling in chat and here in the forums, and the next step would be to launch a series of polls, here, in chat, and in facebook, with questions like: 'how did you find out about cncnet', 'when/which game did you start playing first', etc. Maybe launch a series of regular streamed events. Like 1 hour of TD or RA every Sunday, with a dedicated observer joining the best availabe 1v1 or 2v2 games to stream them in a peak hour... There are many ways to go about advertising cncnet, but a new ad should be specifically targeted at newbies and/or hardcore RTS players of other classic games, like BW, TA, AoE. Maybe put a slightly bigger accent on the historical significance of the games, perhaps add support for one of the Dune 2 clones. The thing is, to get any actual result, this has to be first researched, and then discussed, not on the forums but in a dedicated chatroom between a smaller circle of people. The current message is basically "download them and play, it's fucking easy!", that is also the entire point of the revamped site and cncnet in general. Until now, this line has been successful, what would be the new one?
  3. Many sucks and fucks in that post, but still skirting the point. Good or bad, there already is an ad that is almost exactly what you describe. The narrator is obviously artificial on purpose, probably a text-to-voice program too. I agree, it would be cool if it sounded better, like the original EVA perhaps. But I also like it how people here always misinterpret the term 'professional' as in someone being good. Newsflash! There are a lot of bad ads out there made by professionals. What makes those people professionals is that ad-making is what they do for money. Just as good players here aren't really 'pro', because none of them makes a buck out of it. So now, the general point of this post should be: make a new and better ad, BUT ONLY IF you think this one isn't working well enough. I think it actually is because it drives the point home quite effectively, but if someone wants to make a new one, I'd gladly contribute ideas for the narration. But finding a good narrator and a proficient video editor that can really make it flashy like you want will be much harder. PS - the status secion of the 'professional' site has been dead for a few days. PPS - 'educated video'? In Soviet Russia you educate video.
  4. You mean like this one, made over a year ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qse4t_jDxY&ebc=ANyPxKp8a4TSUt3l6S95uGl4n08bDjoa5DgvgXklRE15-rKYmxtgCuczNmiHWDgfWuc5yx_rCLgKUQ2Sk7OwcLsYpMXD3ZqQ2Q
  5. You just put the mission files in the main C&C95 folder and they should appear in the 'new missions' menu if they are properly named. You do need to download the full game though, the stripped cncnet version does not have single player, AFAIK.
  6. All of the tools you found on the net (I assume you mean the various editors for unit stats, etc. that have been around forever) are essentially hacks with a user interface. None of them though, as far as I know, supports the variables you want to change. So raw assembly is what you're looking at. As for the income system - mappers have found a nifty way to circumvent harvesters by reinforcing cash to the players via cargo planes, but that is somewhat limiting since it doesn't work if there is an airstrip on the map.
  7. I'm not sure it's the same, well maybe it's the same, but then that means there's another exception. Because the commando doesn't just refuse to guard, he also won't shoot at enemies within range, and the only units that don't do that are stealth tanks and helis (again, AI helis do guard, human helis don't).
  8. Attack, no - retaliate against - yes. The commando for humans doesn't appear to have the 'guard' ability, although AI uses it just fine.
  9. Umm, the real Tesla was never in the USSR... He kind of left Europe for the USA about 40 years before the October Revolution...
  10. Not really, just one of the weirder ones, I believe.
  11. One of the numbers in the teamtype, I forget which one, possibly the 4th, is a 'create this team no matter what' toggle. So setting it to 1 will mean there will always be 1 team acting like that, and being produced if production is on. 2 means the AI will have 2 teams, etc.
  12. XCC has a 'power status' tool somewhere in the menus, which shows the exact power production and consumption values for all houses.
  13. So, in short, what I refrained from posting before: it was you who gave the witchdoctor the power to ion people...
  14. One of the civilian houses (the witchdoctor's hut, the one with the skulls in the desert theatre) acts as an advanced comm. centre for the neutral side and will ion structures as soon as the cannon charges.
  15. Now that you say this, I have hazy memories of testing it too, with similar results. I assume it would still work if it unloads close enough to the intended target/s, at least with armed units, engis might just sit around. A cool workaround would be to have a second team of grenadiers or whatever's in the APC be recruited after it unloads. But that seems too hard to do, although I think there are a couple of ways about it.
  16. I like it how you sound even higher than I am while I watch these. I actually set youtube to 1.25 or 1.5 speed, but cool vids. And nice tricks with those numbers again. I've always had a thought about 'prepping' some teams in a similar manner but I never did it quite right. I think WW mapmakers also tried it in either that one dreaded 'recapture the stealth tech' mission or in one of the covert ops ones. I remember seeing official triggers of GDI getting reinforced with APCs + engi without unloading, and then another trigger that recruits the same APC + engi team to attack base. EDIT: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/mappics/campaign-nod/maps/scb11eb.ini Mission I'm talking about. I don't remember if it worked right though. Maybe I just always pick the other variant, no APCs there. Note the pretty low '2' value for the reinforced team and that the autocreated attack team only recruits the APC.
  17. Hmm. Now, two things. Too much trees might not show up or lag/crash the game, since 'terrain' items are stored in the .ini. So better use 'template' tiles the impassable rocks/etc, as those are in the .bin and don't take up additional space. There are also free spaces around the AI buildings where somebody can land and capture, if they get a reveal all crate or an AI rocket soldier fires at one of their helis = vision + kill men + capture.
  18. The AI is hard-coded to build two harvesters per refinery if production is on and it has a ref. It's actualy a main priority for it. If you remove the ref, it won't build them. As for SAM's, etc., you can always just make the AI base completely unreachable/unscoutable and fill in any squares on which a chopper might land with rocks/terrain. Hell, you can even put impassable terrain under the buildings. This will allow you to do with less SAM sites there. Also, if the CYs are in the 'base' section, the AI will rebuild those too, unless it loses all of them at once, so it's pretty invincible against air attacks even without so much AA. Your main problem is capture, which land defences can easily stop without limiting player airspace. So, instead of the SAM sites you can have impassable rocks/water, and instead of the bikes you can have regular guard towers.
  19. cn2mc

    Map Size

    And let's not forget that TA was actually a bore-fest, and huge maps played a big part of that.
  20. I think I used those because I wanted to make parts of the terrain destructible by modding the concrete wall's .shp (with darkness on top so it blends with the template 'walls', etc.). I never got to that though.
  21. Nod need A LOT of harvs to feed even 2 strips, let alone 3. GDI's best bet for a push is at the time they're building the second strip. Possibly then they can take that down or force a cancel, as Nod would be short on cash (extra ref/s for 2nd strip, 2nd strip itself). But this is already diverging quite a bit from the base-trade scenario. In the long run, building a couple of refs instead of a radar and AGTs is, of course, better for GDI economically, but those will drain huge cash instantly and it will take a while before they turn a profit. All in all, it depends mostly on map and base layout, and on the amount of resources. Lower econ games mean Nod will have less units for effective map control, and less actual resources/places on the map to control or to raid enemy harvs on, so fighting would be more localized and that favours GDI. High econ games, especially on Manu-maps et al., mean that Nod can strike anywhere with much more units, while GDI, for a very long time, will only be able to defend effectively near their base.
  22. Yeah, it's definately hard for GDI, any defender has the advantage if he has the cash flow. But GDI tanks have much more staying power than Nod stuff, so they have more time to demolish the really valuable targets, airstrip and CY (better in that order, I think, although it all depends on how Nod built their base). Going for AGTs doesn't mess your economy up all that much (build/sell radar, etc) but building one in the wrong spot certainly does. You know, when you have them, but still get your harvs and WF killed. Interesting point about the 'splitting' of forces thing. Essentially, you've 'split' 2-3 tanks from your force if you build 2 AGTs, that's less than 2 tanks moey-wise + some men if you sell the comm. centre, but I add one tank to the equation for time lost in building tech and towers instead of refs/WF. That's really not that much of a loss, considering how much Nod would have to commit if they settle for a base trade, and that you can build tanks and harvs while setting up the towers. So AGTs are basically the alternative to a second WF (which you should build vs. GDI at that point), and unless the map really calls for them early on, they should be timed as one. EDIT: Nyer, I know, the original comparison was between tank and turret so I was listing all the factors. BTW, there are more ecxeptions - the SAM site gives you more men than it should.
  23. Throwing around numbers like 90% without any actual statistic or even a count being made will not sway my argument. If we factor in everything, and assume the game is played on a regular map (as opposed to a freakishly overgrown or open one), I'd say Nod's chances are much slimmer than that. Also, AGT's are your friends when you push out. Or just spam power and barracks so he can't possibly shut your grens down even if he succeeds in the trade.
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