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Everything posted by Rampastring

  1. [8] Grid Gardens. Click on the preview to view a bigger version of the image.
  2. I've heard that maximum is 4096x4096. Haven't verified it myself, though.
  3. Based on "fileRepMalware" sounds like Avast is flagging the file just because it's not popular / common.
  4. Nice to hear that Oh and looks like I had accidentally duplicated some screenshots of the post (the duplicates were in place of screenshots that were meant to be unique). Fixed.
  5. If you're interested in screenshots from the new client and information about the technical changes compared to the current client, you can read the following: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/news/revealing-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age-version-115
  6. We haven't posted any news for 5 months. That has lead to some fans lately asking us whether we're dead or alive. But if you're a long-time follower of DTA, you probably know that our radio silence usually means that we're working on something large - something awesome that we haven't wanted to reveal yet. This is it. This is the official announcement for our upcoming version 1.15 of Dawn of the Tiberium Age. Like in our previous major releases, a star of this release is going to be the client. In fact, I've entirely re-written the client. While the previous client worked, it wasn't as smooth to use as it could've been, and especially in online play it had this tendency to crash occasionally. I also wasn't happy with the quality of the client's graphics. Along with the re-write, the new client has a more advanced technological base. While the previous clients used the Win95-era Windows Forms to display their graphics, the new client uses DirectX11 (OpenGL if you're on XP or Mac/Linux). This enables us to make better graphics and also special effects, like fade effects for opening and closing windows. These changes make the client very smooth and pleasant to use compared to the old client. All sub-windows now open in less than a millisecond without any of the flickering that the old client displayed. We've also improved the UI functionally. As examples of this, the statistics window now has an improved layout, and the map preview in the Skirmish and CnCNet/LAN game lobbies can now be interacted with. Another focus of the re-write has been stability. The goal is that the client should never crash in use. From internal testing I can say that we're pretty close to that goal. We've always focused heavily on the CnCNet online gaming experience, and with the new client it's also getting improvements: We've added an option that makes it possible to connect to CnCNet automatically when you launch DTA, and stay connected through your session Private messages don't open a separate window anymore, but are handled by a Steam-inspired overlay that informs you of new PMs and allows you to respond quickly Instead of opening separate windows for the Game Lobby and CnCNet Lobby, the client now runs in one window with a top bar that allows you to switch between the lobbies (and view private messages). This setup is much more convenient and closer to RTS gaming standards than the old one where you had to manage multiple different windows Support for a friend list as well as an ignore list have been added Now, the client is just an interface for accessing the game. The "game" part of DTA 1.15 will be bigger and better as well; there will be new maps (with new terrain!) for regular multiplayer, co-op, as well as singleplayer. We've only revealed two of these maps so far, but there are many more to come. Like always, we've also improved the balance between our 4 factions. More of these improvements and additions will be detailed in a later news post and other future updates. DTA 1.15 will be released at the end of the summer. Until then, stay tuned for more information!
  7. And the last screenshot for now: the game statistics view in DTA 1.15, with the Allied theme.
  8. The new CnCNet Game Lobby in DTA 1.15, with the Allied Theme.
  9. I'd love to have replays, but it's not possible with my skills Here's the private messaging UI of DTA 1.15 in the Tiberian Dawn / Classic theme. As a new feature, you now have a friend list.
  10. Late August is our current target. Here's the "Connect to CnCNet" dialog along with its new options in DTA 1.15, in the Classic Theme. Under the dialog you see the CnCNet Lobby.
  11. The Soviet Theme skirmish lobby in DTA 1.15. You might notice that the starting location selector drop-down is gone; instead the map preview's starting location indicators can be clicked on to open a menu where you can select the player that starts on the specific location.
  12. The new Soviet Theme main menu in DTA 1.15.
  13. Bittah's and tomsons26's new logo for DTA. http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-dawn-of-the-tiberium-age/images/new-logo
  14. You're banned from the Yuri's Revenge chat / players channel. I don't know if you're banned for a good reason or accidentally, so I'll tell someone else to check it out.
  15. The client has supported multiple themes for 3 years. Just compare the following: http://rampastring.cnc-comm.com/cncnet/newclient/cncnetgamelobby_topbar.png http://rampastring.cnc-comm.com/cncnet/newclient/classictheme.png (Those themes have just visual changes, but themes can have different layouts as well - for a YR theme it'd be possible to move the buttons to the sides and give them a texture similar to what they had in YR, and re-arrange the rest of the game lobby to compensate for that)
  16. Client.log doesn't contain the needed information. Maybe you could have a smaller session in the CnCNet lobby (start it, wait a few dozen seconds after it has connected, exit) and then upload cncnetclient.log?
  17. I said close to the original YR client UI, not original YR UI The client's UI is very customizable so Grant could make the client look a lot like YR's UI though, if he wants that is. However, I won't be making that UI since I personally don't play YR and want to focus my efforts on DTA. I'm happy as long the YR client runs and it can be used for playing games reliably and with a decent user experience.
  18. It is never a good idea to make too strong promises about an in-development project. The only thing I'm promising for certain is that it'll be better than DTA's old client, which is already better than YR's current client. By default the client runs at 1280x768 (although this will also be up to Grant; he can change it), but the client will scale its window smaller if your desktop resolution is lower. It'll obviously result in the textures and text getting down-sized so they lose some quality, but it's still usable even at 1024x600. And I write it in C# Better graphics are another goal of the UI re-write
  19. The biggest reason for many of these issues is that the old client was designed to be run on the CnCNet IRC network. However, we were forced to switch to GameSurge's IRC network around the new year, and the GS IRC network enforces a very strict network traffic limit compared to the CnCNet IRC network that I originally made the client for. The new client however has been made with the GS IRC network in mind. I can't promise that the delays and lag will be gone entirely, but it will be better. Other than that, the UI has been entirely re-made and re-written. The client should crash far less often (I'm aiming for never, but we'll see if I manage to achieve that ) and be a lot smoother to use. I currently have an UI that's fairly close to the original YR client UI in layout (and similar to the DTA / TI game lobby UIs if you've played them), but whether Grant keeps my default UI or changes it to be similar to the current 2.4X YR UI is up to him. One thing is clear: due to technical changes, re-sizable client windows are gone. In fact, the whole client will run in just a single window. You'll be able to change the size of that window in the settings, but you won't be able to re-size it while it's running.
  20. I'd guess yes. It's the most dangerous position, but it also has the best access to resources
  21. [7] Defunct Combat Platform, a new map to be included with DTA 1.15. Click on the preview to see the megamap.
  22. Upload cncnetclient.log from your game directory to this topic. The YR client has never had a /PING command.
  23. Which version of Tiberian Sun are you using? Where did you get the game from?
  24. Here's [6] Casey's Canyon, a re-imagination / re-make of the Tiberian Sun map. It will be included with DTA 1.15. Click on the preview to see the megamap.
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