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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Tiberian Sun, one of the most beloved C&C games. The again, which game isn't? Apart from Sole Survivor? Anyway, Tiberian Sun is the direct sequel to the original C&C and quite a step up from Red Alert. It also starts the resurrection cycle Nod is going to go through with every main game and expansion, and its tendency to have splinter factions. We start the Let's Play with the two Tiberian Sun demo missions. Why? Because Tiberian Sun does have unique missions for its demo instead of (modified) main campaign missions, and we don't want to miss those! Dem0 Mission 1: Initiation
  2. This is why I'm not overly keen on using Apocalypse Tanks in this mission. You really don't want to face a mind-controlled elite Apocalypse Tank.
  3. I focused on light tanks in a couple of mission I played recently, and they performed quite well. I didn't notice them being that much weaker than medium tanks, but it's not like I did any proper performance comparison. I always assumed that the light tank would be a worse deal because it's almost as expensive as the medium tank, but there doesn't seem to all that much of a difference. Thoughts, comments? What do the RA1 multiplayer folks say? Apart from "play Soviets instead"?
  4. After all that stress, we are rewarded with a comparably simple build-and-destroy mission. I like that. Allies Mission 3: Sarin Gas #3: Controlled Burn
  5. Thanks. The AI definitely know what it's doing. It'll never match good human players, obviously, but I think the game profits from the comparably small number of units types, and from the fact that it's less rock-paper-scissors like the original Generals (where everyone has a ground/air base defence, a basic tank, basic AA infantry...).
  6. Sounds plausible. There's more lorries in the Soviet base, but it seems that in the map's current version, they just sit there and never leave.
  7. Totally forgot about the sea units! I guess I played too much of the Tiberium series. XD
  8. Here we go: The very final mission. Until I play the expansion. Soviets Mission 12: Polar Storm
  9. The Sergeant plans to include all missions eventually, but it's a one-man project, so it's going to take a while.
  10. I'd say 1080p is the best, but yes, 1440p and above is overkill and makes selecting stuff rather fiddly. Same goes for RA1, which in my opinion is best played in 1366x768
  11. This expansion gives us what everyone wanted: More indoor missions! Allies Mission 2: Sarin Gas #2: Down Under
  12. Nobody can help civilians in this game. Here's a little skirmish match between the Steel Talon and Nod on one side, and the Black Hand and me on the other. Damn did they build a lot of Apaches! Skirmish #1
  13. I noticed that the unofficial TFD patch increases the unit building queue maximum for RA2 to 30. Is there a way to do the same in TS/FS?
  14. Of course - what would C&C be without FMVs? I didn't pay enough attention. I figured they were friendly because Carville mentioned that in the intro (even though that's from the PSX version). There is a mission where you have to evacuate civilians, but that's in the Greece campaign IIRC.
  15. Time to take on Yuri. I once did this mission without the nuke. That too ages. Soviets Mission 11: Red Revolution
  16. Welcome to Command & Conquer Red Alert: Counterstrike! This is the first expansion for C&C Red Alert. It's in the tradition of old-style mission CDs: No new campaign, no new units (mostly), but many new and challenging missions. The first mission of the Sarin gas campaign makes the start. It also sets the tone for the expansion: Knowledge of the mission helps a lot. Allies Mission 1: Sarin Gas #1: Crackdown
  17. This feels like half a mission; the second part where you actually have to destroy the Weather Control Device is surprisingly trivial. Soviets Mission 10: Weathered Alliance
  18. This missions is a lot of fun. You can play round with the psychic commandos and different Allied units, even though there's probably a single optimal strategy. The time limit is rather tight, though. Soviets Mission 9: The Fox and the Hound
  19. Come Carter, don't be so angry. YOUR equipment sucks and that's why we need to do this again! GDI Mission 7
  20. This is yet another mission set in Washington, but at least we get Apocalypse Tanks this time! Soviet Mission 8: Desacration
  21. A little update: My LP of Counterstrike will start next week!
  22. Apart from not making any sense from a plot point of view, this mission is another one of those where it helps immensely if you know the map and have played it before, even more so than in other missions. Oh, and wall in your radar! Soviets Mission 7: Chrono Defence
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