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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Good question. I think Nod gets less reinforcements - at least that's what the briefing says. I never noticed Nod being significantly stronger when you skip that mission though. EVA also says that Nod will be able to remove less technology from the crash site, but that's probably just flavour because the actual crash site mission doesn't have a time limit.
  2. Here is our first optional mission, in which we capture a train station (duh). I wish this game had a mix between the optional mission system and the C&C1 alternative mission system e.g. before you play the main mission, you get the option to, say, interrupt Nod's reinforcements or alternatively deny them access to certain units for the mission. I'm happy as it is nevertheless, though. Maybe I should do an LP where I deliberately skip all the optional missions. If I remember correctly, there are one or two optional mission which are de facto mandatory. GDI Mission 3: Capture Train Station
  3. It looks like RA2 made with the Minecraft engine. XD
  4. Did it. I turned down the game speed, utilised mines better (saved me more than once, and is great for sealing off the western entrance to your base) and managed to avoid detonating those crates. Interestingly, the Soviets never touch any crates and I ended up effectively creating roadblocks out of nuclear crates.
  5. I'm getting frustrated with this mission. I tried a bunch of strategies. What seems to work best is building three or more miners, mass produce light tanks, destroy all bridges and patrols, and then focus on taking out whatever new stuff the Soviets send. My main problem with this missions is that if I make one mistake - namely getting my light tanks column blown up by a nuke and letting a lorry slip through in the process - it's over and I have to start all over again. Stacks of nuke crates all over the map don't make that easier. Any advice? I think back in the day I managed to complete this mission with little more than mine layers, but I can't be bothered to try out more strategies right now because this mission has wasted too much of my time already.
  6. Are those among the official maps? Because the unofficial maps tab seems to be empty.
  7. I think in the final YR Soviet mission, the Allied and Soviet bases you can liberate have slightly different shades of pink/purple too.
  8. Those are some damn efficient SAM sites! Or Orcae Transport have no armour. GDI Mission 2: Secure the Region
  9. Here's another challenge set by X3M: The Liberty mission using only Rocketeers.
  10. Anyway, here's the more straightforward Evacuation mission. Allies Mission 5: Greece #2: Evacuation
  11. It's the other way around for me, even though Evacuation turned out to be a lot tougher than I remembered it to be. Imagine playing it on a PSX without a Playstation Mouse... *shiver* I had the same issue. Only one Mammoth moved, and I'm sure it used to be both.
  12. On to the actual game and its inspiring mission names! GDI Mission 1: Reinforce Phoenix Base
  13. No, worries, I'll play this all the way through (all mission as usual). I have Firestorm installed, but always thought that the Firestorm changes only apply to skirmish, multiplayer, and the actual FS campaigns?
  14. Don't we all love escort missions? Allies Mission 4: Greece #1: Personal War
  15. Here's the second demo mission. Enjoy the abundance of reinforcements; we will never get that many again. Demo Mission 2: Clean Sweep
  16. Removing the scan lines (which the CnCNet version does) is the best we can do unless EA releases the original footage (provided it still exists).
  17. Doesn't fix the crashes, but you can change the resolution via the INI file, which is recommend to play the game in HD resolutions.
  18. Upload the file on https://www.virustotal.com/ and post the result here.
  19. Ah, I forgot about the ROF. Thanks!
  20. Here's how I did it: When you fight the GDI troops between your starting position and the abandoned base, use the range of your rocket guys. You should be able to kill all GDI units without having them fight back. This way, you have a decent-sized force when you recover your base. Once you have your base back, heal all units and put a bunch of them into your chopper. Land in the northeastern corner of the GDI base and take out whatever GDI units come to you. Bring in two engineers and take over the construction yard and the Tiberium refinery. Defend yourself with GDI guard towers; they are cheap and good against infantry and light vehicles.
  21. I thought we could use some green after so much red.
  22. Odd. I use MSE (which uses the same malware definitions as WD) and had no issues with the download.
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