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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Prism Tanks, definitely. You can basically see the frame rate drop before they fire.
  2. Fear the power of the mutants! GDI Mission 16a: Destroy Prototype Facility
  3. Generals doesn't run well under Windows 10 due to the copy protection. Try a no-CD crack.
  4. Yeah, the Super Longbow is odd. I have the feeling that the lead developer announced "Okay, in this add-on, you are allowed to play around with the unit stats" and everyone went "Yay!".
  5. Finally we actually do the mission we were supposed to do three missions ago! I have to do this one without the auxiliary mission one day. GDI Mission 15: Destroy Chemical Missile Plant
  6. I have to now. Those tanks fry everything that doesn't fly. It's beautiful to see them melt buildings and units with one blast.
  7. Wait, what? I though only shells and rockets did that, and tesla weapons would only burn them like fire? :O
  8. A personal favourite of mine. Everything gets nurpled up, even though the modifications favour the Allies. Soviets Mission 7: Paradox Equation
  9. I plan to do that, but there's only so many upload slots! However, I'm currently doing a mod spotlight thing on Mondays and Tuesdays, and I can probably play some custom missions/campaigns in that time slot.
  10. I wish the game had more secret mission like this. GDI Mission 14: Mine Power Plant
  11. Well, it would have been a bit scary if you had just joined this community and already made 1,200+ posts. :laugh: Thanks. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I'm probably one of the few who did a full LP of C&C1 with all maps - something I expected to be more common before I started doing LPs. I think my LP of The Covert Operations is also the first time I beat all the TCO missions. For me, it's the toughest C&C game, counting expansions as separate games.
  12. Turns out it's pretty chilly at the top of the world. Also, how comes we don't have winter equipment? Soviets Mission 6: Top o' the World
  13. Nice to see more people join the community.
  14. More uninspired mission names. This mission is pretty annoying. The start is very swingy, and those Tiberium missiles are an absolute pain. Not that they deal that much damage, but having to move everybody out of the way and repair half your base over and over again is just tedious. GDI Mission 13: Destroy Chemical Supply
  15. Today we unveil the secret of the Highrise Hotel! GDI Mission 12: Rescue Prisoners
  16. Talk about a quick and easy mission! GDI Mission 11: Retrieve Disruptor Crystals
  17. Why can Hover Tanks just stand still for a moment? GDI Mission 10: Recapture Hammerfest Base
  18. I happen to do a retrospective on them right now, and yes, most of them (particularly the RA ones) only contain redundant MP maps, often from the Internet or stolen from one another.
  19. Is this mission actually worth it? I have the feeling that the blackout at the start of the next mission barely does anything for you. GDI Mission 8: Destroy Vega's Dam And this one here is just a massive pain. I wish I had Orca Bombers. GDI Mission 9: Destroy Vega's Base
  20. Introducing: The mutant task force! Of which Ghost Stalker is clearly the best member. Seriously, why does he have the C4? He already has the railgun. GDI Mission 7: Rescue Tratos
  21. Volkov is almost as overpowered as the Nuke MiG, with the distinct difference that he's on your side. Soviets Mission 5: Soviet Solider Volkov & Chitzkoi
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