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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. The new patch works well so far. No issues with stability, framerate or old saves. GDI mission 4 is now more bearable. I haven't noticed other differences yet.
  2. Here is the second Nod mission where we liberate Egypt. Considering that this Africa's second most populous country, that garrison seems to be rather small. Then again, so is our task force. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf8kPzO7l2Y Alternative link.
  3. Interesting. Can you land on that beach in the southwest?
  4. When I first played this, I didn't even know that he lorry could escape. I just attacked the blue base and suddenly I lost, leaving me puzzled. The fasted way to do this is probably with paratroopers, as you said. I don't know if you can land them net to the lorry (or whether this triggers the escape), but they are good for blocking the escape routes. I wanted to play it safe this time, though.
  5. I remember being stuck here the first time I played this on hard mode. Definitely a step up from previous missions. Also, how about we stop driving really important lorries through enemy territory? Or did the Allies command-raid it right from the USSR or something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-tSW5CEKT8 Alternative link.
  6. GDI mission 4 is now beatable with a tactically acceptable number of pulled-out hairs.
  7. Thanks, but the download link doesn't work for me. I just get a "This folder is empty" message.
  8. I have the feeling that this is the mission where the Allies have all the toys to make your life a pain (mines, gap generators, navy) but you don't quite have the toys to counter that (Mammoth Tanks, airforce).
  9. This version of the map felt easier. I had the feeling that the ore wasn't running out as fast and that I had waste less time hunting ships. Alternative link.
  10. It's hard to decide which weapon is cooler. The Obelisk is so shiny and edgy! Also, Kukuv was basically directing a porno, wasn't he?
  11. Anyway, here's the Elba Island mission. Telsa Coils, yay! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc7uQMZPMpg Alternative link
  12. While we are waiting for the patch, let's take on the first Nod mission: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhrHjven9ps Alternative link.
  13. I re-watched the footage. At 1:28, when the Allied soldiers move around the upper corner, there are thirteen floor tiles between them and my soldiers. Just before my guys turn around the lower corner, it's down to eleven floor tiles. Maybe there's some other reason for it, but it really seems that my guys are slower. I did a little test, and the Allied soldiers easily catch up with my guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5t9SeEXLW0&feature=youtu.be
  14. So the power plant workers were busy playing C&C. No wonder the thing almost blew up.
  15. I second that you should get the Ultimate Collection/First Decade version, but the standalone version of RA2 is also available on Amazon France: http://www.amazon.fr/gp/offer-listing/B00005A5SU/ref=sr_1_1_twi_cd__1_olp/276-7499069-4924718?ie=UTF8&qid=1453721827&sr=8-1&keywords=alert+rouge+2
  16. I managed to do it once a couple years ago, but it was basically just me restarting the mission 15+ times until it worked. Not much of a tactical achievement, to be honest. I wonder who decided to leave two dozen German Shepherds in a nuclear power plant in the first place... if they are Ukrainian, they should be 10% faster, but from what I remember, those bonuses were accidentally turned into penalties at one point and I'm not whether they were ever fixed.
  17. Here is the infamous nuclear power plant mission. When I first saw this, I was blown away by the fact that this is an indoor mission! Also, this plant explodes like a thermonuclear bomb because this is a video game. Alternative link.
  18. Some oddities: 1. Captured buildings don't count as lost on the victory screen. 2. An engineer doesn't take over a vehicle, but neutralises it (as if hit by a neutron shell or Jarmen Kell). 3. The built buildings aren't counted correctly on the victory screen. During Nod mission 2, I built a refinery, a power plant, a two Hands of Nod and two silos, but the victory screen only counted two buildings.
  19. Just out of curiosity, is there a number of units that makes the engine crash? I know that SC1 has that (reachable with Overlords).
  20. You can do it without building your base, but it's not that easy and probably not the way the devs intended.
  21. Aaaand let's do that again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP4_WsbJMQ0 Alternative link.
  22. When a harvester gets blown up? Yes. It seems to be independent from that, though (i.e. is happens for missions like the spy mission too).
  23. It's another one of those convoy missions, but this time, we can control the lorries. Thanks, I appreciate that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvyanskkWKQ Alternative link.
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