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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Sounds like a good challenge. I think I attacked too early in this playthrough, but I'll give it one more shot and try to eliminate the Soviets before the timer runs out.
  2. As I said, it could just be me being terrible at tactics. I'm more of a base management guy. :laugh: How many attempts did you need to beat this mission, just out of curiosity?
  3. Okay, I give up on this one for now. I just can't beat it. This is harder than the dreaded China Mission 3 from Zero Hour. I managed to destroy the Bradleys two or three times, but I can't reach the village after that. Nod has too many rocket soldiers left, and since they only need three of four rockets to destroy a Hummer, I can't make it to the village to get the reinforcements. Also, luring out the Bardleys never seems to work for me. They just go straight for the garrisoned barn and safely destroy it from a distance.
  4. For some reason, this map gave me much more trouble than the alternative maps back then. Then again, back then everything was harder. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP-cM4r2cZQ Alternative link.
  5. Let's play what is probably the trickiest of the PSX mission. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kla561ncZWI Alternative link.
  6. Yeah, I think I even complain about how the Soviets can target everything under the gap generator.
  7. I never quite got what was supposed to happen there. Did the Chronosphere freeze time? I recall this mission being harder when I played it back in the day. I didn't even think of attacking the Soviet base back then.
  8. Well, I sort of did that, but it was an accident. XD
  9. Make sure your terminal breath is a fresh one!
  10. Because I ahd nothing else to do... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P5YdvbdLLk& Alternative link.
  11. I intuitively went for the GDI structures too because I assumed that the village was hidden behind them, even though that didn't quite match the mission briefing.
  12. Time to protect the Chronosphere! When I played this mission for this playthrough, it was way easier than I remembered it to be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XmTNbZbeos Alternative link.
  13. Well, it could just be me begin terrible at mircomanagement. I due remember this mission and the dreaded Nod chopper missions being the most difficult missions for me.
  14. Maybe, but that doesn't really help me here.
  15. Not here. In C&C1, APC are faster than Hummers; here, Hummers are almost twice as fast as APCs.
  16. Yeah, I remember playing that maps and asking myself why I had never seen it before!
  17. I never made it to the village. APC are noticeably slower in this version and always get shot to bits before I can reach the village. The Hummers are fast enough to pull it off, but then I lack the forces to repel Nod.
  18. It did work, didn't it? Occasionally, I play a mission once or twice before I do the actual recorded playthrough, but I didn't bother here.
  19. In this hectic mission we have to take Bornholm back from the USSR, and boy do they have a lot of submarines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4YTd8iCZ1I
  20. I just can't seem to pull this off. I played this mission about eight or nine times, and did manage to get to the barn with most of my units alive a couple of times, but the light tanks never seem to go for the rest of my forces and always attack the barn from a distance. I tried to draw them after the rest of my forces from a distance, but they destroy my vehicles so quickly that I never manage to get them to drive past the barn. I'll try again later.
  21. I just can't seem to be able to beat the fourth GDI mission. Nod just has too many forces. Their rocket guys have incredible range and firepower and shoot by vehicles to bits in no time. And I'm not even sure how to destroy those two Bradleys! I tried to reach the village, but I just can't make it. And advice?
  22. Sure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLp3snhe6w Note that it says 1.002UMP/1.001 on the start screen.
  23. Just in case some stumbles across this thread: I installed the 1.002 patch, and it did restore the voice files and names. :heady: I had to restart the campaign, though. Just restarting the mission or loading the auto save file didn't do it.
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