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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Welcome to what is probably the most intense mission in The Covert Operations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olXks4WUlCE
  2. I don't think that Yuri's soldiers are mind-controlled. They are probably a small, loyal elite force - Sophia mentions that Yuri is training his own troops in vanilla RA2 (where they are Soviet soldiers). The Chronosphere can also teleport Einstein without frying him. XD
  3. Nod wants to sabotage a peace conference... by dropping a nuclear bomb on everyone. Talk about overkill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGEqOkcQQFo
  4. /Commercial. I do in fact plan to do a Let's Look At series for all of the three hundred Dune II clones/remakes/mods. I want to finish another project or two first, though.
  5. Ah, thanks. I could have sworn some of the maps were identical, but maybe that's just because they look so similar.
  6. While I have you here, Nyerguds: Is there a way to run Dune Dynasty in fullscreen mode.
  7. This is something I never really thought about: Dune II usually lets you choose between three areas while on the strategic map. Does this make any difference? I know that the objective and the enemy faction is always them same, but are there actually different maps for each choice? The maps look so similar that I can't really tell without replaying them.
  8. Eeeh... I'll just rush in with the Medium Tanks. :laugh:
  9. Wait, you are supposed to use the Chinook to evacuate the wife? I thought killing the Nod units on the way to her qualifies as "rescue".
  10. Nod has stolen important research data from us. Time to get it back! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwy3BZ0OjNw
  11. An we get to a mission that's actually halfway covert, even though the covert part takes place before the mission starts. Sort of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKcwiRYrJvs
  12. At that point you might as well just go with a PC.
  13. Oh, it does: It was the time when every console had a mouse, and none of them any games that actually supported said mouse. :laugh:
  14. I did that with the PSX version of Red Alert. It runs pretty smooth with the PSX Mouse. I'm not sure whether I ever came across a single game that supports the N64 Mouse. There have to be some, but none of the games that should be obviously supported seem to have support. You live an learn.
  15. There's no way I'm going to touch the N64 version unless I have to. The lack of mouse control drives me nuts.
  16. Nod is trying to rebuild its temple! Are we a bad enough GDI to stop Nod? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prjJIYxATHI
  17. Welcome to The Covert Operations. We kick this expansion with massive bombing runs... which isn't all that covert, really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyjTonyAjmI
  18. The mere thought of playing an RTS with a controller gives me the chills.
  19. I just took a couple of random dinosaurs that looked cool and scary. And are probably biologically inaccurate. I could have taken the aerial dinosaur from the first cut scene. It doesn't appear as a unit, but its appearance in the cut scene makes it semi-official, I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU6YcX09xsQ Custom thumbnails can be chosen in the upload menu or later in the video manager. I think you need to have your channel verified for that, though.
  20. We will finally stop an end to the flood of dinosaurs... with tanks. And attack helicopters. Lots of attack helicopters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNZXJQ9B2ck
  21. Can you provide a link to the VirusTotal report? It's important how many and which antivirus programs detected something.
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