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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. It would be nice to be able to centre the maps, but I guess that's no possible. IMO a good compromise is a 1366x768 resolution. That's large enough to give you a nice overview of the battlefield without black borders on all but the smallest maps. I tried slightly higher widescreen resolutions but RA doesn't work with many of them (e.g. 1600x900 didn't work for me).
  2. Thank you, sir! Just out of curiosity: On what difficulty setting are the RA1 saves?
  3. I accidentally overwrote my save file for the dinosaur campaign. Does anybody here happen to have a save for the fifth mission (or the end of the fourth)?
  4. I could never play an RTS with a controller. The PSX at least has a mouse, but the Saturn version doesn't even have Shuttle Mouse support IIRC. :O
  5. We have to clear out velociraptor-infested woods in what may be the hardest dinosaur mission. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joN17vmMZTg
  6. Talking about dinosaurs: I noticed that the unofficial patch added a fifth mission to the dinosaur campaign where you play as the dinosaurs. Has that always been there? I don't recall playing that back in the 90s.
  7. Looks like the dinosaurs have infested the desert too. We solve this issue with no less than four commandos! That's a lot of presents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAZyEFa1R8c
  8. How WERE you supposed to find that out, anyway? Did the game give you any hints? Back then, a friend of mine showed me how to access the dinosaur campaign, but I don't how he found out.
  9. You are probably all aware of this bonus campaign, so I can't really surprise you with it. :heady: Needless to say, C&C was developed shortly after Jurassic Park kicked off another dinosaur craze which I'm sure contributed to this bonus campaign. Back in the day, this blew my mind! Anyway, the first mission is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANodV-wAjUE
  10. The first time that happened to me I was wondered where the hell all those tanks I just built were.
  11. I can confirm that. In the Blackout mission, I destroyed a Nod Construction Yard with "one" of those planes (or maybe it was one of the Spec Ops missions).
  12. Do you have an approximate release date for v1.4?
  13. You are the guy behind TDR? Awesome. I installed it recently and already made my way through the first couple of GDI missions. It's also on my Let's Play list.
  14. Sorry, I mixed that up with Under Siege; C&C! In Nod Death Squad, knowing how the GDI units will behave and knowing what triggers their behaviour is key.
  15. Nod Death Squad isn't that bad once you figure out the map's mechanics. One important thing is that if you wipe one GDI out completely, the other two armies will attack you, so take the armies on one after another an always leave a couple of units alive.
  16. Thanks to you for making them available for the PC. I think the C&C games for the PSX have support for the Playstation Mouse, but prefer the PC.
  17. Yes, the dinosaur missions, Covert Ops, and N64/PSX special missions are next. Already uploaded and waiting to be published.
  18. And now for the truly definitely really positively final Nod mission. Promise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nNdzZCD91g
  19. I chose Legacy for the addition features. It also uses the original game files, so I consider it a mod. Uncanny coincidence! Anyway, if I run the game in 1152x648 on my 1920x1080 monitor, I have black borders. These are smaller than the area left by displaying 1152x64 pixels on a HD monitor, so it's not like that the game just fills the rest of the screen with black. Only if I run the game in 1920x1080 I get no borders.
  20. And here is the second map for the final Nod mission! That sounds a little less epic than last time, doesn't it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46_MosJQRok
  21. I tried the Dune Legacy mod (which makes Dune II playable under modern OSs without DOSbox and adds a bunch of features). It works flawlessly, but for some reason, the game adds black borders to the edge of the screen. It's not that much of an issue, but I would like to get rid of them. Any ideas how to do that?
  22. The last two Nod missions will be uploaded on Sunday and next Tuesday. And no, I didn't beat the chopper mission and to be perfectly honest, I don't care. :heady:
  23. And here it is: The final mission of the Nod campaign. Let's destroy GDI and build the Temple of Nod! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaxrsvlZtmM
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