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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. That is what I'm doing: The game fills my entire screen because I'm running it in 1920x1080. But what I would like to have is is the battlefield being displayed in 16:9 but the menus being displayed in 4:3. RA2 Vanilla does that, so I figured there could be a way to run YR like that too.
  2. And here's the grand finale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PGKLNzQ1V0 Alternative link.
  3. Currently, YR stretches all menus to whatever aspect ratio your monitor has (16:9 in my case). Is there a way to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio and display the menus with black bars at the sides instead?
  4. Are there hidden triggers too? I know that GDI makes an all-out attack when one of the besieging armies is destroyed completely, but are there more? Also, why this mission isn't easy, I had more trouble with Hell's Fury and Ground Zero. Thinking about it, the GDI mission seem to be harder overall.
  5. Ah, so many troops, but only one nuke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5eli1qtnVI
  6. Is there a reason why making maps with veins should have been impossible?
  7. This time, we get simple instructions: Destroy everything! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvHC2khpjUk Alternative link.
  8. Yeah, I recommend to grab a copy of The First Decade before it becomes too expensive.
  9. I noticed that minigunners outrange the GDI guard tower: Poor guard tower, will you ever be useful?
  10. Now this mission is actually covert for once! Kind of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXM1hp4F3j4 Alternative link.
  11. What do you mean by "hard" and "soft" encounters?
  12. I will use more rocket guys... next time. Anyway, here is The Tiberium Strain. Oddly enough, I didn't even recall having played this mission before, even though the Chem Warriors make it comparably memorable. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr6J3hbyr4k Alternative link.
  13. IMO the almost identical sides made balance worse for WCII, because it only highlighted the few differences WCII has (i.e. the Bloodlust spell).
  14. *Cough* I totally knew that of course but that would have been too easy. XD
  15. Time to evict some people. But which I mean "use flame tanks against them and let them die in agony". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLuoz_IPf5g Alternative link for those who don't use Flash.
  16. Don't worry about the SAGE engine issues - the mod is awesome and it's really just details. I don't really need the videos; I was just wondering whether that was a bug or WAD.
  17. Okay, forget everything I said. My previous install apparently wasn't a clean one. 1. The brightness is still there (image here). It's not a big issue; I was just wondering whether it was WAD. 2. The mission briefing FMVs won't play. I just get a brief loading screen and the missions starts. The Westwood intro FMVs does work, though. 3. In the first Nod mission, the music goes silent after the first song (Act On Instinct). 4. When the MCV is deployed and the vehicle is replaced with the Yard, EVA says "unit lost". I guess there is no way to turn that off? 5. Sold buildings don't leave infantry behind. Is it possible to turn that on? 6. The General Powers menu is still blinking at the start of the mission even if there are no abilities to spent points on. WAD?
  18. True. I'll never stop being amazed how fast the Construction Yard or Temple of Nod go down with even a single Flame Tank.
  19. Currently playing through the GID campaign. I noticed: 1. A lot of assets are visible through the black shroud. I guess that can't be fixed? 2. At times, the lighting is very bright. It doesn't affect gameplay, but it seems to be way brighter than in Vanilla Generals. 3. Hunting down all enemy units takes a lot of time because the units are slower/maps are larger. Maybe change victory conditions accordingly?
  20. I LOVE flame tanks! Flame tanks setting groups of infantry ablaze is so satisfying.
  21. That never seems to work for me. Ah, I didn't think of that and used Great War tactics instead. XD
  22. In which we take out no less than three Nod bases... with one commando. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY4G9JkEf9I
  23. What makes Tiberium special is that it makes the resources it extract so easy to harvest. A large chunk of Earth's crust consists of iron, but it's very even distributed so filtering it out costs too much energy. Thus, we have to rely on stuff like iron ore (and scrap metal). If we had a method of extracting iron from common dirt, that'd be awesome - and Tiberium does not only that, but also makes harvesting the resources as simple as cutting wood.
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