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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. I'm a bit torn here. C&C1 theoretically has 55 mission, but some recycle the same objective and map, some recycle only the objective, and some have different maps and different objectives.* RA1 has less missions (41), but those mission all use different maps. *It would be neat if there were mission with the same map but different objectives.
  2. Well, my "excellent micro" is debatable. XD Seriously, though, I thought the medium tank had a better firepower/price ratio? Not sure if it's still true, but I think you can forget about playing the Allies online on non-water maps...
  3. I had to delete the videos for technical reasons, but re-uploaded them straight away: Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Sorry about that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWw9K3Pn9SE Mission 4
  4. There was surprisingly little infantry squishing. I had the feeling that in C&C1, tanks go more for the squish, but the heavy tanks here just stood and fought. I didn't think it was worth it. I have to try that next time. I'm in for anything that's not too outrageous (e.g. beating the campaign only using technicians or so).
  5. Just why is there so much snow in Greece? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=272c-bLmBag Alternative link.
  6. Here we go: The Assault of the Riflemen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqQH2zMJNKw Alternative link.
  7. Time to get the navy out and rolling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roaLeV1Xpi4 Alternative link.
  8. Confirmed: The old saves work flawlessly with the DOS version. There doesn't happen to be a high-res mod for the DOS version?
  9. Alright. I'll give the DOS version a shot.
  10. So I bought a bunch of unofficial add-ons from back in the 90s for cheap. Most of them consist of some good and mostly bad multiplayer maps, but one of them (Command Companion) has new single player missions for C&C1. Being an unsanctioned add-on, the installation of these missions is clunky. You can either override campaign missions (don't want to do that) or use a save game to load the mission. However, since this add-on was apparently released before the CO expansion (or before a certain patch?), C&C doesn't allow me to load the saves because they are "old". Is there a way to force C&C to load them? Or do I have to re-install it without the expansion?
  11. I didn't even consider that. I always think flame turrets = death even though flame turrets aren't that effective. I prefer camo pillboxes. I'm finally back and will try to record it tomorrow.
  12. One last time, we have to save Tanya and destroy that Soviet base. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BqjgUg5bhQ Alternative link.
  13. He, when I played this mission, I wasn't even sure whether or not the base I attacked was even the right one!
  14. Once more, Tanya requires rescuing. This time, we don't have the benefit of bowing up half the Soviet base before the mission really starts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB84prJciiM Alternative link.
  15. So, can I just copy-paste all the files into my Generals folder?
  16. We have to establish a base in this area, but apparently GDI is so short on money that we have to steal Nod's stuff first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFxcQHy93nc Alternative link.
  17. That's true, but I'm not all that good at mircomanagement. The Soviets attack pretty early here, so I decided to take over the base quickly instead of eliminating the units more carefully.
  18. Does someone know a program that can extract the videos from the C&C3 DVD? I know that I could just record them or download them from Youtube, but I'm curious how this is done. I'm not expecting full instruction, but I'd appreciate if someone could give me a hint where and with what software to start.
  19. Here is the first of the Tanya rescue missions. Back in the day, this was the first difficult Allied mission for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d_g5W4iad8 Alternative link.
  20. Wow, I didn't even notice that. I'll check out the original files.
  21. And here is the fourth Allied mission a.k.a. Return To The Mountain Pass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20jk4Or68jw Alternative link.
  22. Nod and GDI seem to be reasonably balanced. I did a couple of free-for-alls and team matches and didn't noticed one side significantly outperforming the other.
  23. They do have "3a" and "3b" in the description. The number on the thumbnail only refers to the absolute number of the video in the series.
  24. I'm currently travelling and pre-recorded the entire campaign. However, I'll take up your challenge anyway. Once I'm back and have access to my recording equipment, I'll make a bonus video. Because I probably need this: How many barracks does one need to get the full construction speed boost? Eight?
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