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  1. Hiya, I think you should update the client.
  2. As T-90 mentioned, It depends on the map and the amount of resources available + your opponent's style of play and your own strategy, but generally: Power, barracks, refinery, power, war factory, battle lab, nuclear reactor, industrial plant, service depot. If you know that they play mostly defensive, and that they won't rush you; focus on making as much money as you can first; take oil rigs, make more miners (or build power plants, if they generate money, like on some mod maps) while they don't have the means to attack, then make sure you have enough defenses at base before you finally attack. Running low on power will slow you down significantly, so always keep some green in your power bar (build more power plants before it turns yellow). If you need to make several miners urgently, you can build refineries while making miners, and then you can sell the extra refineries. If you wanna rush and you have enough money, you should build several war factories to produce tanks more quickly, and if you don't have the money, you can sell some buildings (even MCV) to buy more tanks ASAP, but that's a risky strategy, and it's very unlikely to work unless it's a 1v1. If your opponent tends to rush, you need to make defenses ASAP, and not waste time making other things, like too many miners. It's very important to know what your opponent is doing all the time, so you need to unshroud their base ASAP (with a dog or whatever), and use a SpySat when available, to predict what they're up to and be ready for it. You need to be ready to counter anything your opponent could do at any time, so the more prepared to attack they are, the more prepared you should be to defend, and the less prepared to defend they are, the more prepared you should be to attack. I could write a very thick book on tips & strategies for both beginners and advanced players. But again, as T-90 mentioned, getting experience is the best way to learn. Watching experienced players can teach you a lot as well. Now, without checking; how many times have I said "If" & "ASAP"? GL HF.
  3. Seems like you haven't read the comments, which are more useful than the original post. They include an alternative link. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. Yeah, I found that funny too. haha. Happy to help. RA2/YR Hey, If he already has the CDs, he shouldn't need to buy it again. If so, I'd say: forcing you to rebuy what you already own is kind of piracy on EA's part, I think. I don't see any piracy here, but even if it seems like it; It's OK to break into your own house. XWIS requires the original game serials, so.. no piracy.
  5. There are several moving objects that appear identical in both images (plane and paratroopers, dog and miner, GIs being attacked by Destroyers, sinking Destroyer), which means that both images show the same frame, BUT, the 2nd image shows two torpedo wakes that don't appear in the 1st one, which is weird, especially that smoke and Destroyer wakes appear in it. Green's enemy can see green's torpedo wakes but green himself (or his ally) can't see their own?!
  6. If someone is lagging, it may not throw an error immediately for a slight lag, but when the difference adds up as the game goes on and the gap widens, it may crash later on, and that's what's happening, apparently. Even in other games; if there's too much lag/frame difference, there will be a disconnection. My theory is; if you place something on the map and it doesn't appear in time on everyone else's radar, or if you kill a unit and it still appears to be alive for a lagging player, that mismatch could cause an error.
  7. I think it's a lag/sync issue. It's the same frame but with a time difference of 18 seconds?! (According to the titles of the images). The plane and the two paratroopers are at the exact same spot in both images, but there are some differences, like, in the 1st one, there are wakes behind the Destroyers and some smoke above them, which you don't see in the 2nd one (as if they were sitting there for a few seconds), so not everyone is seeing the exact same thing at the same time. That doesn't seem right. Could it be the renderer? Or maybe the detail level? I suggest that all players pick the same renderer and detail level next time. GLHF
  8. It's very easy to know who's cheering, especially if it's happening frequently as you said; Just look around to see whose dogs/troops are reacting to it. You can turn it off any time you want from client options (Options => CnCNet => Play sound when a game is hosted). It's always off for me. Or you can mute/lower client volume (Options => Audio => Client Volume).
  9. Yeah. That option is still available in game (Tab => Taunts), but yeah, it doesn't work for cheering. It's possible to mute cheering/lower cheering volume from sound options (Esc => Game Controls => Sound => Sound Volume), but that would also affect all unit sounds.
  10. Hmmm. Interesting point. Naval or not, like you said; it doesn't usually happen until the game goes on for a long time, so, maybe it has to do with the amount of units that are present at the time, and not related to the type of map or the map itself at all. It usually happens when there are too many units on the map. That's the most common denominator, I think. Maybe there's a limit on the number of units that could exist on a map at the same time, and when that limit is reached, error happens. Sometimes it's reached in 2 hours or longer, sometimes in less than an hour. Just maybe.
  11. Haha. Not really. We only know that it happens more often on naval maps, but we don't know why. What if you prefer naval maps?
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