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Everything posted by Adam

  1. https://www.youtube.com/user/tonysskeleton/videos
  2. Afraid not. No more applications. :yo: far as i remember i asked zigzag not you Adam I thought you are busy if im correct??!! :ivan: I am busy, I don't play. You try play, still fail tho. :unsure:
  3. Think he's just taking the piss Dave! ha
  4. Afraid not. No more applications. :yo:
  5. Is this still going on? Jesus. XD
  6. nice to see you come across to the yuri server
  7. you can download RA2 from XWIS if you have a valid serial number / account on Xwis Forums. Then download / install yuris
  8. Adam

    Resolution Problem

    tried it with different render setting?
  9. who's your mate? and give me 2 times in your time zone and tell me your time zone...one time for today and one time for tommorrow that you can play your match. otherwise im going to have to move on with tourney....i been on last 2 days and havnt seen you...but i played all day yesterday with Nawb. most of these guys use skype as it is quick direct communication vs sending emails. you see why we had issues brah? :laugh:
  10. Add him on Facebook - it is the best way to contact him. https://www.facebook.com/messages/alfredo.villalobos.31 Alfredo is his name.
  11. Hey guys, as a bit of update we were set to play today or yesterday but I wasn't free yesterday so we setup for 29th. Unfortunately I knew tony would possibly be asleep but could maybe wake up for games but we couldn't setup. I have suggested moving on Insaiyan and his mate to next round to keep it going and apologies for the delays. Best of luck in the next round!! Win some money!!!$$$$$
  12. I could do later today / tomorrow. I will ask Tony. Please message me fb what time u wanna do
  13. Hi me and my teanmate are online almost everyday and AuFRuler knows it, i keep texting Adam and his mate on facebook and got no response since last friday... last message from him was kinda rude and disrespectful saying that he dont care .. soo what can we do XD
  14. just so you know............ i am online now - but not sure how long for, maybe a couple of hours or so. then tomorrow im busy all day, and then busy with mums bday on 22nd/23rd - xmas eve i go away until 26th evening. then i am at home 28th-30th december, then go away again until 2nd january. let me know if anytime is good for u guys within the small amount of time i have - but i cannot promise i will have time at this time of year as im mega busy.
  15. Hi me and my teanmate are online almost everyday and AuFRuler knows it, i keep texting Adam and his mate on facebook and got no response since last friday... last message from him was kinda rude and disrespectful saying that he dont care .. soo what can we do 1 - stop lying. 2 - yes you are online more recently, and more frequently than me and tony - but you had a while off / away finding a new mate which i understood, respected, and even asked Joe if he wanted to progress you as I was busy at the time, then do so - but he said you were finding a mate, so no rush. 3 - when arranging a time/date (we have done this twice) - we have both had a time where one/more people didn't turn up on time / schedule and therefore couldn't play.
  16. This is pretty low, let's be honest.... and amusing
  17. One last thing - picking "spots" on maps - as we know CNCNET can pick some random BS positions for bigger maps. lol
  18. me and my teanmate are online since 7:30pm guys where are you guys?!!! I was online at 7.30pm but Tony didn't confirm - i went to bed soon after as I was tired and couldn't get hold of Tony. It is a busy time at the moment for everyone, so this is proving difficult for all by the looks of it.
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