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  1. Seems u guys cant dl my maps via gdrive, even I shared to "everyone".. . weird gdrive bug... So, link changed try this: other links are dead. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Meah5O-zg_XUK_stsadepJgytCbW7HMv?usp=sharing Reminder: There are lots of versions of my maps. Some of these has cheat (some noob edited my maps...) I recommend you to delete your local "alpaca" maps and download it from here. ( I rarely play this game. But I check this forum time to time. If u have any questions u can ask it in here.)
  2. Hi guys. Ive been away like 1-2 years. My drive link was obsolotred so I updated for my maps. Warnıng: I saw ww5-14.001 or 14.002 these are not mine. These are might have chaet codes I didnt check these. I recommend play my map edits only download thru my link here: This is new link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU?resourcekey=0-GrHCgRsLDLEoNT-oLfDj5w&usp=sharing
  3. Hey. I was busy. Im doin it now thanks. (Ts ddraw)
  4. oh there is more. Im tryin the reinstall the ALL but I CANT uninstall the CNC client because there is no UNINSTALL FILE ON cncclients folder... There is no CNC on removeprogram tool. cnc is still able to working when clicked. no uninstall file. wow. great...
  5. I re installed the game (because of MOmega..) and after fresh install , these happenin: my radar was working but went black after a game and keeps black on games. (YR) Im changing renderer and game freezes half sec every minute. and there is a troll in my host room I cant BLOCK him because I CANT SEE THE ANNOYING TROLL on players list on right side bar my question is: WT actual F?
  6. hmm maybe this kind of addition works: client scans for map content and finds and shows all additions.
  7. the answer is might in the three message above.
  8. OK I spotted the fake map. And it has HUGE modded differencies. (chrono spys, chrono engineers etc...) Staff pls do something about it.
  9. A) Ok its a real thing now. Could you guys make "verified" custom maps based on md5 hash? I can provide legit versions of my maps. (They are in GDrive already) B) Is there any way to quick spot what is modified on map? (with using fa2 or else) -----found a website for it.
  10. Crossroads, Lake of Fire and Apocalypse MAPS are now has fastbuild versions like rekool map. (and ALL maps also has SELL for money versions like redzones) Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU SEE maps: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/4051-alpacas-survival-and-vs-maps-collection/
  11. Hey. New map added: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU -VS- CrossRoads -Alpaca v 1.3 -VS- CrossRoads -Alpaca v 1.3 sell for money
  12. New map added. Bridges too far my edit. hospitals removed. oils moved to inner. added spysat. added powerplants. v1.2 is similar to original v1.4 is little different https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-WN7YQ0EhV6MG5HaHAzQ0IxVEU
  13. Hi there. Wanna some skynet? -survival- skynet enhanced v3.93 alpaca easy_7p.map -survival- skynet enhanced v3.93 alpaca hard_4p.map Whoa there is a lot of my skynets on that modddb link there. it can all be deleted and keep recent these two.
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