seems i missed the fight
guys please tell me next time when it started you guys like drama, i'm bored when joe and kinky stop fighting
now we have mustach and buffalo ,marsh ,crazymark,matt (great tho )
alraight when part 2 startes ?
you guys are funny to watch dayly
can we get series of fighting of the gangs ?
tej group vs mustach group (fight talk only )
winner gets oscar of cncnet (the best actor)
probably papier award giving by korc
busted ? LMAO ..
and jsdsliar ? lol
seems some kinda is following my shadow ,good i'm famous
btw i've sent you message i dont want to post who you truely are in forums
and i'll save this link when i'm bored to laught at you . =)
Hey blazer.
To be honest your allied skills are good .
But as an advice try to add harries or jets with your attacks then you will be much better.
I'll be around if u want to try tactics
First : i'm not Pro player i'm just good
Sencond: My Nickname is not "JSCD" it is " JSDS" is it hard to write my Nick correctly ?
Third: What you are waiting to correct it ?
not before me .
i'll try to set my team ready but the time zone is my only problem i'm GMT +1 (like UK time zone )
but rest of my team diffrent time zone .
dude i love your map red line so much <3
i used to play it so much with my team mate ,i have good memories in that map =)
can you please make same type of maps ?
and make maybe maps for teams and 1 vs 1's
GL with you testes !
Yeah 3 games losing his side and blaming others .and didin't want to give me spot 6 idk why
I played yes gu lang twice before on toe 2vs2,didint have chance vs US (me and some new) he said lag
Idk even why he came to play far as i know yes gu lang asked me for 3vs3 and i didint have chance to pic my team (i dont mine korc he did good)
Btw how much was the score so far ?